The Citizens United Ad

A little too heavy handed for some people’s taste, but it is a good illustration of the fears many voters have about an increasingly radicalized Democratic party. It’s fair to say, however, that the Democrats are not against wiretaps per se, just warrantless ones. On the other hand, a phone call only lasts so long and most people conspiring to get up to no good make several phone calls, one after another.

Trust me on this point.

So the Democrats desire to be in the loop looks to me more like an attempt to add a layer of bureaucracy on a process that needs to be extremely quick and efficient. I can also understand the administration’s hesitancy to get warrants given that the various agencies in Washington seem to spring leaks like cheap garden hoses. But readers can judge for themselves how “dirty” this ad is.


As an aside, what’s with the crew at Deport all Leftists?