The Center for Identity Management and Information Protection released a study of identity theft that all Americans should read. The take away facts you need to remember: Identity Thieves are still using good old fashioned mail fraud and dumpster diving to get the goods. Whether this is because the free market Internet community has taken steps to ensue safe commerce on the web or because thieve in general aren’t your cream of the crop is anyones guess, but I’d say it’s a little of both. From the Chron:
UTICA, N.Y. — Identity thieves are typically young, work solo and rely on the Internet for fewer than one-fifth of their crimes, according to a new study of Secret Service cases.
The Center for Identity Management and Information Protection also found that “insider” employees were the offenders in just one-third of the cases. Employees who stole identity information often worked in the retail industry, the report found.
“There are some common perceptions we have that identity theft involves a person sitting at a computer hacking into corporate or individual computers. … Certainly it is happening, but it is a crime that is happening in a multitude of ways, some of it as simple as stealing mail out of a mailbox,” said Gary Gordon, a professor of economic crime programs who founded and heads the center at Utica College.
The Department of Justice-funded study, which was to be released today at a news conference in Washington, differs from previous studies because it focused on identity thieves and their methods, rather than victims, said Michael Stenger, assistant director of investigations for the Secret Service, which agreed to open its case files to the center.
Researchers reviewed 517 cases closed by the Secret Service between 2000 and 2006. Two-thirds of the cases were concentrated in the Northeast and South and there were 933 defendants. The Federal Trade Commission has said about 3 million Americans have their identities stolen annually.
The study found that 42.5 percent of offenders were between the ages of 25 and 34. Another 18 percent were between the ages of 18 and 24. Two-thirds of the identity thieves were male.
Nearly a quarter of the offenders were born outside the United States.
Eighty percent of the cases involved an offender working solo or with a single partner, the report found.
While identity thieves used a wide combination of methods, fewer than 20 percent of the crimes involved the Internet. The most frequently used non-technological method was the rerouting of mail through change of address cards. Other prevalent non-technological methods were mail theft and dumpster diving.
Of the 933 offenders, 609 said they initiated their crime by stealing fragments of personal identifying information, as opposed to stealing entire documents, such as bank cards or driver’s licenses.
Most of the offenses were committed by non-employees who victimized strangers. Employee insiders were the offenders in just one-third of the 517 cases. When an employee did commit identity theft, the offenders were employed in a retail business in two out of every five instances, the report said. Stores, gas stations, car dealerships, casinos, restaurants, hotels, doctors and hospitals were all considered retail operations in the study.
In about a fifth of the cases, the employee worked in the financial services industry.
C.I.M.I.P. also has some useful publications for those interested to peruse especially of interest to Red Alerts readers is this white paper entitled Identity Fraud: A Critical National and Global Threat. They’re doing some good work their and hopefully the full version of their report will be released soon.
h/t Crime Scene KC