Satan’s Servant Saves Lives!


Or at least Church of Satan High Priest Peter Gilmore did when he passed along information to the F.B.I. that ended up saving the lives of an unsuspecting elderly couple whose grandson may have been plotting to murder them.


CORTLAND, Ohio — A northeastern Ohio high school senior who sent an e-mail to the Church of Satan threatening to kill his grandparents was taken out of school this week and remains in police custody, police said.

Andrew Culver, 18, told police the e-mail, detailing his intention to kill his grandparents and steal their money and car, was a joke, said Bazetta Township police Chief Charles Sayers.

According to police, Culver wrote he had access to an arsenal of weapons and wanted to “kill in the name of our unholy lord Satan.”

Culver sent the message on Wednesday to Peter Gilmore, the high priest of the New York City-based Church of Satan, Sayers said. Gilmore then alerted the FBI, which notified local police. Culver was taken out of class on Thursday and questioned by police, Sayers said.

“To send an e-mail making specific threats, to sign your name, that to me is not a joke,” Sayers said.

Gilmore said his church discards most of the hundreds of e-mails it receives a day. But Culver’s message stood out, he said.

“I thought it could be a joke, but with recent events in Colorado and Nebraska, I thought it was better to play it safe,” he said.

So the High Priest of the Church of Satan stepped up and did what every American should do but most don’t: get involved. He didn’t have to risk his life or put himself out, just shoot off an e-mail to the proper authorities.

Many Americans won’t even do that. Compare the Gilmore story to this atrocity in Minnesota where a woman was beaten and raped for an hour in an apartment complex hallway while security cameras filmed at least 10 of her neighbors witnessing what was happening and doing nothing.

Compare this to the horror of Dunbar Village, a crime ridden project in Florida where a gang of teens gang-raped and tortured a mother and her 12 year old son for three hours while neighbors ignored their cries for help. The area around Dunbar Village is a rape zone reminiscent of the French banlieues, and the people there and worse the citizens of Florida do nothing.

I wrote a post once called The High cost of Liberalism that ran down several disturbing crime stories, all of which were made possible by American tolerance for criminality and the inaction of the common man. I put forward that it is modern “Liberalism”, with it’s insistence on acquiescence to the state and extollation of passivity, that enables this sort of criminality. This story is the opposite of that phenomenon, where an iconoclastic “religious” leader did the opposite of what the prevailing societal wisdom would dictate, with remarkable results.

The High Priest of the Church of Satan saved the lives of two strangers by alerting the authorities to suspicious behavior, while the majority of Christians, and “social justice” activists and the hordes of people who claim to be doing a good deed when they slap a John Edwards bumper sticker on their car or sign a petition to stop a Wal-mart from being built continue to stand by and do nothing.

If that doesn’t shame us all into doing more to help our communities, nothing will. Peter Gilmore should be thanked, and congratulated, not just for saving that couples lives but for reminding us all of what it takes to be a good American.

h/t Dreamin’ Demon