This from yet another depraved miscreant with a Jihadist blog on WordPress. This post argues that Muslims should fight the Jihad regardless of what the outcome will be. In other words bloodshed for it’s own sake dressed up as a religious duty:
We should do something not because it will make us win or because of the outcome, but we should do it because Allah tells us to do it. Then we should leave the results to Allah. We are soldiers of Allah; we should forget about the outcomes and do it because Allah orders us to do it. We leave everything in the hands of Allah. We don’t know the ghaib. In addition, we do not judge our actions based on the outcome to figure out whether or not we were right or wrong. Instead we judge our actions based on whether they conform to Allah’s command or not. For example, a Muslim who converts a non-Muslim to Islam; it shouldn’t be said about him, “That person is such a good da’ee because he brought someone into Islam.†We don’t judge him as a successful da’ee because of the number of people he brought into Islam. We judge him on if he’s giving da’wah according to the way of Rasoolullah (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) or not. If his da’wah is based on Rasoolullah’s way, he has succeeded even if no one accepts his da’wah. In addition, he is doing it wrong if it is not according to Rasoolullah’s (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) way even if loads of people are becoming Muslim. Look at Nuh (‘alayhis salaam); was he successful or a failure?
According to these standards, he’s a failure; and it is un-Islamic to say that. On the Day of Judgment, we know that some of the Ambiya will come with very few followers and some will come with no followers whatsoever. Can we say they failed? They are the nabi and lived for da’wah. He did what Allah told him to do and therefore he is correct. Therefore, we don’t judge on the outcome nor should we attempt to change the style of the Prophet (sallallahu ‘alayhe wassallam) because “We live in new timesâ€.
This is a significant flaw in the Ummah today; we judge everything according to the outcome. That is how Islamic Movements even function! It may have to do with Western influence. We are treating our Islam like a business; they judge their success based on the outcome. If they aren’t making much money at the end of the day, then something’s wrong and they have to look into it. We cannot treat our ‘Ibadah like this; we do things because Allah told us to do it whether it leads to a good outcome or a bad outcome; that is up to Allah. We cannot control the results.
Remember that when this vicious troglodyte is speaking of being commanded by Allah, he’s talking about Allah’s mouth pieces the Imams who turn Muslims loose on the unsuspecting public for fun and profit. What the author (this pearl of wisdom is taken from some jihadi pamphlet) is saying is that Muslims should be unthinking tools of the Imams, never questioning the edicts that are handed to them no matter how savage or merciless.
It is this sort of Nazi-esque acquiescence to authority that allows so much death and evil to be perpetrated by the Islamic community, and why “good” Muslims make bad neighbors. They are totally willing to abdicate moral responsibility for their actions, whether it is rape, murder or cannibalism, if they can find an Imam or scholar who will support them.
This is proof of the bloodthirsty nature of Islamists. They look for any excuse to act out their base impulses and delve into evil.