The Janet Napolitano led D.H.S. has struck again, releasing a handy glossary of terror related groups which omits Islam yet singles out … Neo-Paganism. Something tells me that generally left leaning Wiccans won’t be too upset since they single out Asatru and Odinism as “Conservative” and thus evil, yet it is extremely dishonest to claim either have been a factor in any terror attack.
Odinism is too often associated with racist groups even by other neo-Pagans, but there are people who worship Woden (myself included) who not only aren’t racist but could never be a part of a White Supremacist movement. The D.H.S report defines “Racial Nordic Mysticism” this way:
An ideology adopted by many white supremacist prison gangs who embrace a Norse mythological religion, such as Odinism or Asatru.
The problem is that A) There has never been a widespread movement among White prison gangs to move to paganism (and White prison gangs are allied with Mexican prison gangs anyway, making their racism suspect to say the least) and B) Asatru and Odinism are two different religions. Odinism can mean different things to different people (though most people now avoid the term because of the Wiccan-run smear campaign) but the one thing it doesn’t mean is a person who is involved with Asatru which almost always has a strong anti-racism message:
There is a very strong anti-racist, anti-Nazi stance among national Asatru groups in the Scandinavian countries. This is also found in almost all Asatru groups in English speaking countries. They typically have a clear rejection of racism written into their constitutions. Unfortunately, some anti-racism groups like the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (in its Megiddo report) have mistakenly accused the entire religion of racism.
I would theorize that this mistake is one part lazy research and two parts going to Wiccans (who are the polar opposites of asatruar, as followers of Asatru are sometimes known) for religious definitions. While there may be racist groups who refer to themselves as Odinists, most Asatru groups and people dedicated specifically to the Way of Woden are not involved in White power movements, as a little research would show. I defy anyone to find a terror attack on American soil, or anywhere in the world, committed by a Heathen.
There have been over 13,000 terrorist attacks by Muslims since 9/11. 13,000!
Yet no version of the Islamic Imperialism of Jihadism is mentioned in the memo, as Hot Air points out. Modern Paganism, which has never been linked to an atrocity is on the D.H.S. list of extremist groups, while modern Islam which is responsible for some of the worst atrocities of the last few decades, is absent.
Animal rights groups, “Jewish extremists” and Black Separatists all make appearances on the report. And while animal rights groups have been escalating, I fail to see how they get the inclusion while Jihadists don’t. America has little to fear from “Jewish extremists” and Black Separatists are hardly a national security threat.
This latest hack-job from Napolitano’s D.H.S. shows just how politicized, and incompetent, the new administration is. America is not safe with people like this guarding our country, who believe groups that have never attacked the homeland are more worth mentioning than Islamic terrorism. If we aren’t the victims of another 9/11 style attack in the next few years it will truly be a miracle.
Rob Taylor,
This type of politically correctness threatens the very survival of our freedom and the west.