The Nashville cabdriver on trial for the attempted murder of two Ohio men praised Hitler’s attempt to “cleanse the world of these people(Jews)” and became enraged when one of his passengers suggested that if he be tolerant of other faiths and religions. When what is being described as a “religious argument” became heated, the two Ohio men exited the cab only to have the driver run one of them down.
Ibrahim Shiekh Ahmed made several statements supporting the Holocaust before the attack. Police and the news media have been leery of identifying the religion of Ahmed though he is widely believed to be Muslim. He also had a lengthy rap sheet already. Debbie Schlussel has the lowdown on Ahmed and all the indignation the politically correct authorities can’t muster. But that’s why we love her.
Jihad Watch has links to local news video about the story here.
It’s funny, this situation reminded me about a time my wife and I heard screams outside our apartment in the Bronx and upon investigating saw the tail end of an attempted run down of some co-eds. We called the cops and waited with these very drunk kids who said that their driver went nuts when one of them lit a cigarette (or what they told us was a cigarette) and then tried to run them over. The driver was described to me as an Arab, though not in those words.
The fact that radical Muslims are becoming so much more comfortable committing violence both here and abroad shows us that our enemies believe the clash of civilizations is over, and they’ve won. I’d be careful about who’s cab you get in to from now on, because this won’t be the last time we hear about a story like this.