Nancy Pelosi gets Endorsement for Democratic Party … from Islamic Jihad

pelosi1.JPG (Appeasement works!)

Islamic Jihad expressed its support for House Speaker Pelosi and her recent trip to terror sponsor Syria calling the move “brave” and declaring that they believe the Democratic Party to be more in sync with middle eastern “resistance” movements than the Republicans.

The true face of the new Democrat is slowly being revealed, showing the world a party full of anti-American radicals who’re pushing the Liebermans out in an attempt to court the favor of terror groups and their supporters. Solomonia has more.

One thought on “Nancy Pelosi gets Endorsement for Democratic Party … from Islamic Jihad

  1. This is almost comical… scary.

    Wake up America! The fanatics love the PC crowd… because they plan on taking advantage of them later!

    Where is all the reporting on the terror camps in the US already? Why do Jihad Joes have so much support from the left? Why do our politicians do things they KNOW will destroy this country? Oh… money…

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