Moderate Muslims are not given a voice in our country and more importantly the tools and support they need to bring Islam out of the 7th Century and into the 21st. Instead the intellectual elites of our country allow our campuses and political organizations to be over run with Jihadists who openly seek to destroy our country and way of life.
The Investigative Project on Terrorism has both a recording and a transcript of Muslim Student Association, West President Amir Mertaban speaking at UC-Berkeley at the 2007 MSA west zone conference. In the speech entitled “Methods of Da’Wah” he tells listeners to support Muslims, including Osama Bin Ladin, no matter what they do and that rejecting violent Jihadism is “compromising” Islam:
Mertaban: War in Iraq or Afghanistan or Osama bin Laden or Saddam Hussein. Don’t ever compromise on Islam! And don’t ever compromise on your Muslim brothers and sisters in which you have no evidence. Osama bin Laden- I don’t know this guy. I don’t know what he did. I don’t know what he said. I don’t know what happened. But we defend Muslim brothers and we defend our Muslim sisters to the end. Is that clear? I am not saying support terrorist acts. I am not saying any of that. I am saying generally speaking. If a man comes and robs a store – if you’re going to rob the store, go ahead and rob the store, are we going to condemn him? No, you support your Muslim brothers whether it is right or wrong. When they do wrong you grab them and you slap some sense into them, you’re doing wrong. You see what I am saying.
So you never compromise on your faith. You be confident in every aspect of life. In every aspect of Islam you are confident. Four wives? Yes men are allowed to have four wives within this context. Jihad? Yes Jihad! Jihad is the tightest thing in Islam. Don’t compromise on these little things. Be proud of it. Why? Because Islam is a perfect religion. If you sit here and you start saying, ‘Jihad is only an internal this and that,’ you are compromising on your faith.
We sit by and allow students to be radicalized while those Muslims that would modernize, that wish to live in peace, are marginalized. How many of the young Muslims who heard this speech will go on to commit some atrocity here or abroad? Even if it is only one it’s one too many.
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