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This video is the more insidious Marxist Anti-Semitism:
Via Gateway Pundit we have Dr. Salah Sultan, a Muslim cleric active in several American Muslim organizations threatening the destruction of Israel and America as well as referencing the hoax Protocols of the Elders of Zion, and claiming President Bush uses the Space Shuttle to fly honored guests to his ranch(!?!). The good doctor’s appearance begins at 2:58, but it will be instructive for you to watch the whole video:
As I told my Jewish friends yesterday, it’s time to arm yourselves.
Rob Taylor,
You said,
“As I told my Jewish friends yesterday, it’s time to arm yourselves.”
I agree.
Sad isn’t it. A few years ago I wouldn’t have thought we could get to this point.
Rob Taylor,
neither would I.
These Fifth Columners need to be tried for treason.
What The F*ck?!?! Everything those men said Jews are doing is what THEY are and have always done!
Since when have the Jews waged terror attacks on the world for domination, murdering people across the world for not converting and for being “infidels”? Since when did Jews hold slaves to build monuments to their god and to their leaders? And that sick freak parading his 10 year old around mutilated corpses?? Yeah, bodies of those who died by HAMAS attacks and Islamic suicide bombings! All that they blame Jews for were crimes by either Egyptians, Muslims, or Rome. Either these men have the education of a gnat or they think their people are this stupid.
“and claiming President Bush uses the Space Shuttle to fly honored guests to his ranch(!?!). ”
That’s not exactly what he said but it’s just as stupid. Supposedly, it’s some kind of omen that the shuttle with its representatives blew up and landed in the home state of Bush and over a city called Palestine. Someone take the hookah away. They’ve had WAY too much!