Mexican Sex Slave Ring Broken Up in Atlanta!

At least ten women, four of whom are under the age of 18, were lured from Mexico to the Metro-Atlanta area by a gang of illegals and forced to work as prostitutes. It’s being reported that the women were forced to be raped by 20-30 “johns” a night:

ATLANTA — Five men are charged with luring women from Mexico to Metro Atlanta and then forcing them into prostitution.

The female victims were as young as 14-years old. They expected a better life in America only to learn when they got here that they were sex slaves.

Five men, all of them illegal citizens, appeared before Federal Magistrate Judge Janet King Monday morning. They are accused of trafficking the women from Mexico to Metro Atlanta.

An indictment says three of the men — 31-year old Juan Cortez-Meza, 34-year old Amador Cortez-Meza and 25-year old Francisco Cortez-Meza — travelled to Mexico to seduce and befriend the females with promises of a better life in America.

“Once they started dating them in Mexico they would get them to come to the US promising them jobs in restaurants or cleaning houses and then when they got here they were forced into prostitution,” said Assistant United States Attorney Susan Coppedge.

At least ten women, four of them under the age of 18, were trapped in suburban homes in Norcross and Cartersville, forced to be prostitutes under a threat of deportation.

The indictment says “The victims were beaten, threatened, or their families back in Mexico were threatened in order to force the victims to work as prostitutes against their will.”

The indictment also alleges that 69-year old Rosa Tort and 21-year old Raul Cortez-Meza drove the women from the homes to various places where men or “johns” were willing to pay for sex with them.

Had our border been secured these monsters would never have been able to run back and forth to Mexico luring these poor women here to be tortured. Let’s hope the girls are granted citizenship so they can see what sort of country this really is, and this gang put away.

But the customers who hired girls that were clearly being coerced are just as bad as the gang. There is legalized prostitution in Nevada, and something tells me there’s no shortage of escort services in Atlanta. Using one that employs underage illegals is the same as raping children. The punishment should be the same.

One thought on “Mexican Sex Slave Ring Broken Up in Atlanta!

  1. Couldnt agree with you more. I think its disgusting that there were even men wanting to have sex with 14 year olds. Makes me sick to my stomach.

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