McCain Bus Fired on by Obama Supporters! Republican Woman Savagely Beaten in NYC!

I guess this is what’s known as Hope and Change among leftists.

Luckily no one was hurt in the shooting but the Obamunists have given us a glimpse into their dark future:

(Sunday, October 19 – Filed by Mark Williams in Raton, New Mexico with the Stop Obama Tour) We learned at this morning’s Stop Obama Rally here that the McCain/Palin Straight Talk Express came through town yesterday. It arrived with a window shattered by a .22 caliber weapon. It had also been hit by an unknown number of paint balls from a paint ball gun or guns. There were reportedly no injuries and neither candidate was on board.

One local man who saw the damage and spoke with the McCain/Palin staffers said the attack(s) had occured in southern New Mexico that same day. The Express is traveling the country independent of the candidates, handing out campaign materials.

Sarah Palin is stumping in of all places Roswell, New Mexico today and then roughly back the way we came with an event at the Henderson, Nevada Pavilion tomorrow and a stop in Elko, Nevada.

If I grabbed my .22 and shot out some guy’s window then followed it up with some paintballs I’d make the papers. If the guy is John McCain, not so much. The Obama supporting media is protecting their own.

Jenn Q. Public has reported on another case that the media ignored, one where an enlightened Obama supporting “man” attacked a middle-aged female McCain supporter in the middle of one of the busiest streets in Manhattan. Needless to say, the New Yorkers stood by and did nothing as the woman was assaulted:

Crazed Obamunist Bernard Feurerman was arrested on a second-degree assault charge after a female McCain volunteer was beaten in the face with the stick from a campaign sign she had been holding. The attack took place just outside the subway station at 51st and Lex in Manhattan. Oh, and it happened on September 15th, more than a month ago, and has yet to be reported by the MSM who are too busy vetting plumbers and fabricating death threats against The One.

Feminists have remained silent on this brazen assault on a woman by a man, as has the MSM. Just another nail in the coffin of both in the long run.

Moonbattery has a picture of Bernard Feurerman for those of you who want to know what to look for the next time you feel like a brisk bout of fisticuffs. I assume that Bernie takes on all comers, not just women.

Arm yourselves, as me and the Mrs. have. The left has shown us for months what their America will be, a place of violence against people who disagree with them, censorship of ideas they oppose and European style socialism all enforced by a Democrat “civilian national security force” that will have the budget, and equipment, of the military.

Win or lose it is clear Obama and his cult will rain violence and bloodshed down upon the rest of us and we must be prepared to fight back. The time for taking solace in our moral superiority is over. We can no longer sit back and snicker about how out of control the left’s base is, unless we think it will be amusing to have our houses burned, our wives raped and our throats slit. War is coming to our shores whether we wanted it to or not.

6 thoughts on “McCain Bus Fired on by Obama Supporters! Republican Woman Savagely Beaten in NYC!

  1. The activity talked of here is a bit wild. Thing is 5 years down the road when congress votes to forgive the 800 billion loan in segments of tax breaks and concessions, there will not be one American willing to load their guns and kill to recover our Liberty. It will slide by. Welcome to tne new “Socalists Republic of America”.

  2. I also find it quite funny, and sad that the writers for Family Guy and the Simpsons have recently depicted the McCain-Palin ticket as an “evil”, “fascist” ticket. Even on Family Guy, having a McCain-Palin butotn shown on a Nazi uniform in a recent episode.

    While in the Simpson episode, Homer Simpson gets killed by a voting machine after he picks Obama-Biden, but switches to McCain-Palin. It seems Obama has gotten his own brand of unofficial Joseph Goebbels folks working the animation. Quite similar to those cartoons of Micky Mouse and Bugs Bunny beating up Axis leaders.

    Except this time, left-wing writers controlling popular television shows are using this to target the McCain-Palin ticket while never mentioning these horrible acts by Obama supporters.

  3. They have the nerve to say O’Reilly is in the tank for McCain but how about 90% of all the other media?

    They have a nerve to whine!

  4. Which didn’t? Both are well documented, but if you can provide evidence to the contrary I’d gladly publish it.

    Though it’s more likely you’re some shill going around trying to minimize the stories because of some personal interest. Was it you’re son/boyfriend/uncle who shot at the McCain bus or are you related to the scumbag who attacked a woman in NYC?

  5. Unbelieveable, perhaps someone did something stupid like shooting at a bus. Just how do you link that to some sort of Obama plot? You and people that think like you are very dangerous. Spreading rumors in hopes of scaring people. This country is going through troubled times–but we will triumph. No thanks to fear mongers like you. These times are serious and you diminish all Americans by your biased rants. Ron Paul for President!!!!

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