Illegals, Explosive Devices Found at Phoenix Recycling Plant

From National Terror Alert:

Several Phoenix businesses were evacuated on Wednesday after an unexploded bomb was discovered a near a recycling plant. Police were responding to a report of a possible hostage situation at the time of the discovery.

Upon arrival at the plant, many of the workers began to scatter, prompting a chase through the business’ back lot by Sheriff deputies.

During the chase, a 4-foot device that appeared to be a bomb, was seen leaning against a fence.

The Arizona Republic Web site reports deputies arrested a dozen people.

11 of the workers are suspected of being in the country illegally.

Ready for that fence yet?

2 thoughts on “Illegals, Explosive Devices Found at Phoenix Recycling Plant

  1. God and we still have people who believe that the fence is a waste of money……….these same people don’t see how much money is wasted in other things that add no security to our country….

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