By now the case is familiar to many, Alianiss Morales recklessly caused the death of four of her charges when she ran her van into a school bus after blowing through a stop sign. The woman had apparently been caught driving recklessly before.
She had no Driver’s License but had a photo I.D. issued by the state. Fox has been reporting that the I.D. was issued to two separate women using the same forged documents.
Michelle Malkin reported that Minnesota is lousy with sanctuary cities. Perhaps the families will have recourse in the courts to show those cities the error of their ways.
There is a memorial fund for the victims, and Morales is being less than cooperative making the ordeal for the parents that much harder. Keep them in your prayers and donate:
Memorial Fund for Families of Bus Crash Victims
United Southwest Bank
P.O. Box 288
Cottonwood, MN 56229
Update: Ouch. I totally misread the story (getting over the flu) the woman was driving a minivan. Damn You Theroflu! Well there you go lefties, look at my shame. I changed the post to something to reflect reality, but I’ll be sending out autographed print versions of my mistake to those who donate to the above memorial fund.
She was not the bus driver she ran into the bus.
Western Mn is not a sanctuary area. If she was living in Minneota the town only has about 1500 people. And we consider that a big town.
I would suggest most living here expect any hispanic they see to be legal. And that law enforcement is doing their job.
This is now proven wrong.
In my opinion Mn should adopt anti-illegal work and housing laws like Az.
Western Mn is losing population and we need imigents to come and live and work here , all we want is for them to be legal and embrace the country they chose to live in.