Hate Preaching in American Mosques

Brigitte Gabriel of Act for America describes the kind of misanthropic “education” Saudi funded Mosques are giving Muslims in America. This will be one of the contributing factors to a future Balkanization of America:


Apropos of nothing, I sometimes get the occasional email asking why I am no longer active with the Greenville A.F.A. chapter. For the record the Greenville chapter was basically a group of people who wanted me to forward news clippings and blog posts from one to another. Other A.F.A. chapters are quite different and active, but though I support Act for America I’m not interested in running an email list for people who can’t be bothered to set up a Google news alert. Call me when you guys are ready to actually act for America.

5 thoughts on “Hate Preaching in American Mosques

  1. Wow! I’d heard rumors before, you know the stuff you read on message boards?, but I didn’t know this came from actual books they use. Rat bastards. I always found it funny they use OUR internet to bitch about freedoms like the internet, too.

    I’ve never been one to hate or judge on the basis of religion, color, nationality, so forth .. but I think being aware of the dangers and being against their wicked intentions is quite different than creedism or racism. These people need to be stopped. I’m tired of the PC crap that is only serving to let these people onto our shores and through our borders at the expense of our safety and ultimately our very Constitution!

  2. Rob Taylor,

    You know one of the things that Islam-o-fascists and Communists have in common is that they tend to blame everything they don’t like on people who disagree with them, even the stuff they clearly are responsible for.

  3. I would also bet this time around I have been hearing a lot about this War on Christmas going about. I remember there is a Muslim winter holiday that comes around the same time as Christmas or close toward it. It’s mostly about Muhammad’s last sermon to his followers.

    I’m pretty sure the ACLU and their allies won’t complain about that religion, it’s also widely celebrated throughout the Islamic World. Seems like the ACLU even during the holidays such as Christmas wish for Americans to be divided than unitied, while other parts of the world such as the Islamic World that have their own holidays get to have them without much opposition.

  4. I have mine up now, though it’s a work in progress. I’ve been meaning to do it for a while and then this post of yours coupled with finding the news article I posted with the video sent me over the edge. If people can’t see what’s happening before their own eyes, this country is on a fast ride straight to Hel!

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