Foreclosed Home Booby Trapped with Pipe Bombs

Thankfully no one was hurt but the fact that this person would pull a stunt like this at all goes a long way to explaining why he or she got their house foreclosed on in the first place.

From NBC Los Angles:

A bank representative checking on a Riverside foreclosed home got a nasty surprise Tuesday afternoon when he spotted what appeared to be pipe bombs laying all over the property.

Arriving cops agreed with the bank rep and called in the bomb squad.  Eight homes surrounding the vacant house at 1420 Orange Street were ordered evacuated and a small manned armored tractor was sent in to clear the yard of what appeared to be pipe bombs.

Bomb squad experts said it would take hours to make sure the property surrounding the home is clear.  Police said after the yard is given an “all clear” they would tackle the issue of whether the home is booby trapped.   Sgt. Jaybee Brennan of the Riverside Police Department said police think there are more pipe bombs inside the house.

It may be until Wednesday when police will be able to say if the pipe bombs were real or not.

At 10:06 p.m. bomb experts blew up the first of several pipe bombs found in the yard.   People in the surrounding neighborhoods heard the explosion.

There have been no reported injuries.

Residents who were asked to leave the neighborhood during the investigation were allowed to return home Wednesday morning.

Outrageous. No matter what the circumstances killing random innocents should be unacceptable, but I’ll bet you some lefty somewhere is already calling the bomber a hero.

h/t N.T.A.

3 thoughts on “Foreclosed Home Booby Trapped with Pipe Bombs

  1. Wow… and I thought it was bad when my husband and I went to look at a house and found used condoms and condom wrappers inside (one hanging over a bedroom door.) Apparently, the teen-aged son of the previous owner was pissed and decided to do his part to stop the sale of the house.

    We didn’t buy that one. -_-

    But pipe bombs? Speaking as a “liberal”, I hope they throw the book at that guy. Guess I must be a moderate, but why anyone would be able to condone such behavior is beyond me.

  2. I have heard of some radical group, forgot the name from the top of my head. But MSM admits this group purposely targets forclosed homes where they can literally occupy the home.

    Perhaps such a radical group can upgrade itself to become domestic terrorists?

  3. I think it’s highly possible that “anarchist” squatters may have been involved in this scheme. I don’t know if the former homeowner had time enough to create all of those pipe bombs.

    A homeowner whom doesn’t want to pay their own bills would probably get up and immediately leave ASAP and get the heck out of town. More likely, anti-Capitalist “anarchist” squatters may have taken some opportunity to take advantage of the economic crisis.

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