Florida UAC Needs Your Help to Stop Islamist Gathering

The Florida chapter of the United American Committee is rallying patriots to stop a CAIR and Islamic Circle of North America sponsored “campout” where non-Muslims are discouraged from attending. Discouraging non-Muslims from attending their event doesn’t seem like a something groups trying to help their fellow Muslims assimilate into American society should be doing.

Here’s part of the U.A.C. communique:

Terrorist supporters CAIR and the ICNA are sponsoring an Islamist camping event in Florida which no one is allowed to attend unless they are Muslim. The Orlando chapter of the United American Committee will be holding a protest during the event on December 29th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM at the entrance area in front of of Wekiwa Springs State Park, 1800 Wekiwa Circle Apopka, Florida. For more information on the protest see the press release below or please contact the Florida UAC at florida@unitedamericancommittee.org

Here’s why you should be supporting them if you’re in the area:

Yaya Abous of ICNA said, “Non- Muslim children are put on an indefinite waiting list and discouraged from attending”. Florida United American Committee will protest against what they deem is a discriminatory camping event on December 29th from 12:00 noon to 3:00 PM at the entrance area in front of of Wekiwa Springs State Park, 1800 Wekiwa Circle Apopka, Florida.

(Orlando, FL) The Central Florida Branch of the United American Committee (UAC) has uncovered information the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) have irrefutable ties to terrorist and terrorist supporting organizations. ICNA and CAIR will be sponsoring a Muslim Youth Camp at Wekiwa State Park on December 29-31, 2007 funded partially by your tax dollars via Doc Stamp revenue.

ICNA currently has deep ties with the Terrorist Group called The Muslim Brotherhood of Pakistan, Jamaat-e-Islami (JI). ICNA was the top donor to a JI charity that, just one year ago, provided $99,000 to the head of Hamas, Khaled Mashaal.

CAIR national spokesperson Ibrahim Hooper said, “I wouldn’t want to create the impression that I wouldn’t like the government of the United States to be Islamic sometime in the future. But I’m not going to do anything violent to promote that. I’m going to do it through education.” (Statement by Ibrahim Hooper, Minneapolis Star Tribune, April 4, 1993)

Randall Todd “Ismail” Royer, a former communications & civil rights specialist for CAIR, according to AP “Royer…admitted helping members of the conspiracy join the militant Pakistani group Lashkar-e-Taiba in the days after the Sept. 11 attacks. He pleaded guilty to aiding and abetting use of a firearm in a crime of violence and aiding and abetting the carrying of an explosive during commission of a felony. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison.” When ICNA, CAIR, and Young Muslims congregate at Wekiwa Springs State Park, Apopka, FL, they will be doing so under the guise of moderate, mainstream Muslim organizations, when in fact they are nothing more than support networks for terrorists domestically and overseas.

The FLUAC plan on making their voice heard at this event. Please join the United American Committee in protesting ICNA, CAIR, and their ties to international terrorism.

WHEN: Saturday, December 29, 2007 12 Noon to 3:00 PM
WHERE: Entrance area in front of of Wekiwa Springs State Park,
1800 Wekiwa Circle Apopka, Florida 32712 Phone: (407) 884 2008
INTERVIEWS: Contact Alan Kornman (florida@unitedamericancommittee.org)