Florida Arsonist Caught?

The Florida wildfires that have destroyed at least 62 homes are thought to be the work of one or more arsonists. Now it was just announced on Fox that they caught a man they think was setting the fires. There is a news conference set for 10:00am but the preliminary reports are that a White male was seen throwing Molotov cocktails into the woods by a witness who called the cops. The arsonist fled in a car then jumped out and ran into the woods.

Authorities traced the car registration to a house where they caught up with the man. Updates coming.

Update: Fox announced that the suspected arsonist is named Brain Crowder. They have an article on Foxnews.com which includes his picture. If they’re splashing up his picture everywhere they must be pretty confident that he’s their guy:

PALM BAY, Fla. — A man authorities believe set at least some of the wildfires in Florida is in custody on suspicion of arson, police told FOX News.

The suspect, described as a white male with sandy blond hair, who weighs 185 pounds, was apprehended about 9 a.m. EDT Wednesday after a foot chase leading to his residence, according to Palm Bay Police Chief Bill Berger.

“He is who we believe started the fire,” said Berger.

Palm Bay police released a photo of a person of interest in the arson investigation, but have yet to confirm that the person in custody is the man pictured.

There is still a press conference scheduled for 10:00am.

Update: Witness says Crowder threw a Molotov Cocktail like device into some brush.

Update: It’s being reported Crowder is in the hospital being treated for dog bites. I guess they bought in the K-9s.

Update: Brian Crowder, (B. 1/25/77) was seen throwing accelerant into the dry brush. He was seen in a dark colored Ford Tempo which police say factored into previous arsons, though they won’t say which. Police are getting ready to execute a search warrant on his house and until then won’t comment on his connection if any to the other fires.

Crowder was said to have a history of drug use and at least six probation violations. When police caught up with him this morning he fled into the woods and led police on a hour and a half long chase that ended with a k-9 unit apprehending him. He suffered minor injuries on his lower leg.

Crowder’s motives for attempting to set at least one fire, less than a mile from his own house, are as yet unknown.