Ellis Jewelers Selling Pedophile Symbols?

Lost in Lima Ohio brings us this disturbing report about jewelery used by pedophiles as identifiers with one another being sold on-line by upscale jewelers:

I’ve mentioned before that pedophile’s have symbols which they use to promote their deviant sexual attractions towards children. You can view more on that, including the symbols and explanations of them here.
But there is one particular symbol that is of importance to this post, it’s a heart within a heart. It is used by “girl lovers” or, as they are really known- pedophiles who prefer to use female victims in their heinous crimes.

The very reason I bring this up, while mentioning the jewelry is that it seems that there is a line of jewelry that is catering to those who like to molest/rape/abuse children. The store Ellis Jewelers, that carries the line, Daring Diamonds by Krementz.

Read the whole post. The question I ask is whether or not the jeweler knew that the symbol could have this connotation and thought no one would notice or if this is just an unfortunate coincidence. Either way the store should stop selling the pieces, and parents should familiarize themselves with the symbols of these perverts to better protect their children.

5 thoughts on “Ellis Jewelers Selling Pedophile Symbols?

  1. April 1, 2008

    As an affiliate and voice of Ellis Jewelers I would like to state that neither Ellis Jewelers as a company nor any of its staff were aware that there were any connections with or implications behind any of the jewelry that we sell and pedophilia. We in no way endorse or approve of such actions as those implied by the symbol in question. We have removed all of these pieces from our product selection and are expressing our concerns to the manufacturer.

    Ellis Jewelers in no way caters to or condones the actions of anyone participating in acts of pedophilia.

    Any further questions or concerns may be forwarded to Tim Hiatt at:

    Tim Hiatt

    General Manager,
    Ellis Jewelers


  2. Wow…have we reached a stage where innocent objects have become targets for overzealous headhunters? If you wear a heart-in-a-heart you’re instantly converted into a pedophile. If you make or sell such jewelery, you instantly become marked as catering to these breasts. How sad. To see such naive, lovely people torn asunder and destroyed because of a double heart pendant.

    And what about those Christians? Why, they worship that symbol of torture and death…and they wear them around their necks and display them on their meeting houses! It’s obvious they crucify people who don’t agree with them! We should be alerting jewelers to this aspect of their activities!

    And don’t forget the Hindus and their use of the swastika symbol in their religion, too! They’re OBVIOUSLY Nazis in disguise!

    Lunacy comes in all forms. Instead of rooting out the individuals and their illegal activities, the inanimate becomes the target. O toothless hunter…

    I hope that simply because someone uses a symbol that is among this group or resembles one of them that they are not instantly branded as pedophiles. There are a lot of naive, ignorant people out there who freely use pretty symbols for all kinds of things without a hint of knowledge regarding their intent.

  3. Actually JD the symbols weren’t “targeted” by the overzealous but the information was posted on a pedophile forum (I believe it was “girlchat”) but as I said in the post which you clearly couldn’t have been bothered to come down of your high horse to read, Lilo has all the info including the sites where “girl lovers” promote the symbol as a way to identify each other.

    And I fail to see the comparison between Christian, Hindus and people that rape children.

    Your hysterical post seems an over reaction to the above, perhaps your upset by the unavailablity of the symbol?

  4. Apart from all that! Who was the spastic that leaked this information? If anyone knows this imbecile, you should have a good hard look at him! What were his motives??? This information is no good to anyone now, is it? Necessity is the mother of invention! let’s see how long it takes for “The Analysts” to crack the next code/symbolism these maggots come up with, and how long before it too get’s “leaked”!

  5. No code to crack Mike. Pedophiles hang out in forums and chatrooms that are often monitored by groups like Perverted Justice. The good folks on the net who track the pedos diseminate the oinformation to shed light on these animals.

    In this case there was aconversation of a forum discussing the jewlery and how to use it to identify each other.

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