Child Raping Illegal Alien Awarded $4,000,000 by Orange County, California

You know a case is bad when even the free-wheeling, pot smoking Paulnuts are angry. From The Examiner:

On April 17, 2009, the Orange County Board of Supervisors agreed to pay $3.75 million, plus an additional $900,000 in medical expenses to an illegal alien who was severely beaten by other inmates in the Orange County Central Jail. The Mexican national filed a lawsuit shortly after the incident.

Fernando Ramirez, 24, was in jail after being charged with molesting a 6-year-old girl at a local park. He eventually pled guilty to the lesser charge of battery against a child.

According to his attorney, Ramirez suffered brain damage and now needs help walking. Attorney Mark Eisenberg also claims that his client has been left with an intellect of a 4-year-old child.

Despite the dire financial crisis facing Orange County, Ramirez received the largest settlement ever awarded by the county for an in-custody incident. The Board of Supervisors made their decision in a closed-door session and have refused any comment on the matter.

If anyone would like to contact the Orange County Board of Supervisors to discuss the Ramirez settlement, I have included the following contact list for your convenience:

-Board Chair Patricia C. Bates, Supervisor Fifth District (ph #: 714-834-3550)

-Vice Chair Janet Nguyen, Supervisor First District (ph #: 714-834-3110)

-John M.W. Moorlach, Supervisor Second District (ph #: 714-834-3220)

-Bill Campbell, Supervisor Third District (ph #: 714-834-3330)

-Chris Norby, Supervisor Fourth District (ph #: 714-834-3440)

Reporter’s note: Except for one story carried by the Orange County Register, there has been no press coverage of this matter. One would think that an illegal alien child molester becoming a millionaire through taxpayer funding would be big news.

Indeed. The author Dave Gibson is a man harder on crime than even yours truly and frankly the award is done, nothings going to change about that. The real question is how does California even have this money since they already went in the red three weeks after their new budget was passed. California’s tax revenue was short 1.1 billion dollars for the fiscal period, due in part to tax payers fleeing the state. Stories like this won’t make them want to come back.

When someone asks you why California is circling the drain remember that it’s the place where a man can cross the border illegally, rape a six-year-old and then be awarded four million dollars after being attacked in the prison his own perfidy put him. Then remember that as one of the world’s largest economies, California’s insanity will drag the rest of us into financial ruin with them.

5 thoughts on “Child Raping Illegal Alien Awarded $4,000,000 by Orange County, California

  1. This animal should never see one dime of that money. The little girl that he raped should get it all and the guys in prison that thumped him should get medals. Oh, and by the way, please deport this guy.

  2. US authorities is at fault for allowing such an atrocities to an accused individual. The illegal alien was merely accused of molestation. For all we know, racists cops most likely made up such stories in order to lock up a different looking, different speaking human being. That illegal alien deserves more than a billion dollars. Those criminals are criminals, they don’t have the right to hurt all the loved ones that were left behind.

  3. A) Do you understand that Orange county doesn’t even have $4,000,000 to give? California is out of money. It will look like Somalia within ten years.

    B) Do you have any care for the CHILD HE RAPED. The child should get the settlement.

    C) I hope there is a Hell, because you’re going there for saying something this disgusting.

  4. OK, I will ask what should be an obvious question:

    Why do we assume Fernando Ramirez was guilty?

    He had been ACCUSED of something. Does anybody know exactly what? He was tossed into jail with violent inmates BASED ON AN ACCUSATION. There was no trial. No hearing of the evidence–if in fact there was evidence. We have no specific details about the accusation, or who made them, or how credible they might be. Basically, WE KNOW NOTHING, and apparently that’s how it’s being kept.

    What a lot of people WANT us to think is “Child-raping illegal alien is paid $4 million”.

    Just hold that thought. Don’t question it. It’s all you need to know.

    Here’s my thought: This used to be America. Once upon a time, that meant something. There used to be things people cared deeply about. Things called “truth” and “justice”.

  5. He plead out, which is admitting guilt.

    What about truth and justice for the little girl? He ADMITTED to it, there was a witness (the victim) and you’re complaining about how he’s actually innocent?

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