Cale Hahn is a Texan who once worked as a reporter in Israel. Though not Jewish himself, he cares about the fate of Israel as any civilized person does. He has penned a powerful piece for Arutz Sheva which claims that the hope of peace for the middle east is over.
Muslim nations, armed by America in some cases, are preparing for war against Israel, a final war to eliminate the Jewish state and the peoples within. This regional war, he argues, will set the stage for world war as Islamic terror cells activate in solidarity with the Jewicidal campaign in the holy land. It is a stark vision and a stern warning that every American should read:
The most likely casus belli is an Iranian terror proxy launching attacks against Israel’s borders, forcing Israel to respond in kind. The situation will quickly deteriorate to include rocketing from Syria, Lebanon, Hizbullah, Iran, Gaza and other Palestinian enclaves. These attacks will dwarf the Second Lebanon War in terms of intensity and accuracy.
The Muslim nations will then follow the rocket blitz with conventional forces to rid the Jews from Palestine. Dar-Al-Islam, at last.
Indeed, this is precisely the reason the US has restrained Israel from responding to the rocket barrages on its southern border. The US is deeply concerned an Israeli invasion of Gaza will trigger a regional war or possibly World War III.
Knock one domino down and it is connected by a tripwire to others, which will blow from Gaza to Afghanistan in a quick succession of cataclysmic explosions. Islamic war planners deliberately engineered the structure as such.
America is feverishly working to keep this from happening. US State Department spokesman Sean McCormack cautioned, “We’ve urged them [Israel] to consider the consequences of defending themselves.”
But global war is precisely the goal of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. It is the prerequisite for the Islamic Messiah (the Mahdi) coming upon the world stage to lead the Islamic ummah (“nation”) to global victory. Ahmadinejad believes he is the one chosen to usher the Mahdi’s coming.
The whole of the Middle East is a mountain of munitions atop a rumbling, ash-belching volcano. Late summer or fall appears to be the intended point of detonation. When it erupts, it will blow the US from the Middle East and propel Israel to the brink of destruction.
Read the rest. It is as frightening as it is thought provoking. Hahn however is wrong about one point, it isn’t just Israel which is danger of extermination. America is full of groups who owe fealty to the Islamist cause even if they aren’t Muslims themselves. Groups like the International Solidarity Movement, Worker’s World Party, and A.N.S.W.E.R. openly support the overthrow of not just Israel, but America in support of their Islamist allies.
America’s inherent liberalism has allowed a sub-culture of violent “revolutionaries” who are waiting for the right moment in history to rise up and turn our streets into battlegrounds, our cities into graveyards. England is close to civil war as the Marxist government allows Muslims to invade and destroy English communities, flooding them with drugs and violence. Leftists in France rampaged through the cities when Sarkozy, descendent of Jews, was elected in support of their Islamist allies. Here in America, our most violent White Supremacist organizations actively support conversion to Islam.
Our streets, and the streets of the world will run red with blood. There is no longer any possibility of averting a world war, because the forces on the left and in Islam are far too eager to spill our blood for it to be avoided. Now we must realize that the war is coming and that diplomacy is only delaying the inevitable. The forces of Freedom, Pluralism and Democracy will either stand and fight against Fascism, Communism, and Anarchy or we’ll be destroyed by them, not just in Israel but in Europe, Asia and here in America.
h/t Atlas Shrugs