33 Year Old Mexican National Caught With 15 Year Old Amish Girl Trying to Enter Mexico

I guess deflowering Amish children and convincing them to run off to Mexico to marry someone literally old enough to be their father is one of those jobs Americans just won’t do:

Lakeview – Michigan State Police say a 15-year-old Amish girl from Montcalm County was recovered at the Mexican border, and will be reunited with her family.

Investigators say Esther Herschberger left her family’s home near Coral on February 24th. They say the girl left a note in her room telling her parents they should not worry.

Police say Esther called family friends on February 28th, asking them to tell her parents she was okay and in New York State. The next day, the friends received another call from someone crying. They believed the caller was Esther, but they were disconnected before anyone spoke.

Michigan State Police say they determined Esther was actually in Chicago when the call was made. They found out Esther travelled south to Mexico, where Mexican authorities detained her as she attempted to enter the country.

Police say the girl was in the company of 33-year-old Osvaldo Jaimes, a man from the Cedar Springs area. When investigators questioned Esther, she told them she planned to go to Mexico to marry Jaimes.

I suppose I’d be called a bigot for saying some jail time and deportations are in order?

4 thoughts on “33 Year Old Mexican National Caught With 15 Year Old Amish Girl Trying to Enter Mexico

  1. That’s awful & I agree he deserves jail time. As far as the deportation, it’s just sad that he’ll probably do it again to some young girl in Mexico. It shouldnt matter where you are born, we are all God’s children & this man is just sick. Whether he does it to your daughter, my daughter, Jose’s daughter, Maria’s daughter or Chung Lee’s Daughter, wrong is wrong.

    I dont offend easily, but I think you are missing the fact that this is a sick man. It doesnt matter what nationality he is, sick is sick.

  2. Actually his nation does matter. In 7 Mexican the statutory age for girls is 12-years-old. It’s important that we assimilate immigrants into our culture and ensure they know and understand our standards of behavior, which is one of the reasons anti-assimilation pro-illegal policies have a ghettoizing effect on populations.

    What this person did was not illegal where he was from and would likely not be considered immoral by many. That’s the point. We need to promote our values to keep our children safe.

  3. Rob with all due respect, you don’t know a thing abourt Mexican law. Its illegal as well to marry a girl under that age, old laws allowed that but no 12 year olds as you state. What he did its no at a matter of countries, its a matter of an insane mind.

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