The People Who Were Selling “Gothic Kittens” Deserve to Die

Watch this video and tell me you don’t agree:


Gee. You think drugs were involved?

News reports aren’t naming the Pennsylvania woman, likely for her own safety. Have fun in prison skank, I hope somebody pierces you there for fun.

7 thoughts on “The People Who Were Selling “Gothic Kittens” Deserve to Die

  1. Bitch needs to be stuck in a sealed shower – glass door to prevent escape – with 20 cats – claws not clipped for a month – having water poured on them.

  2. Where the hell is PETA on this? I thought they were for “animal rights” when people actually do something to harm animals. Yet all these “animal rights” groups only just seem to be there to be our unofficial nannys on what we shouldn’t eat.

  3. “Lolli”, not only did no one here say a thing about killing the woman, but you couldn’t be more transparent if you were invisible. “Lolli”? LOL Nice try but it’s the lamest attempt I’ve seen to date! Seriously. I’m flattered, though, that you read all my comments and then are trying so hard for my attention by snagging that name. It’s just so gosh darned flattering!

  4. mah29001, I know but don’t forget how busy they are slaughtering dogs and cats to make their point. It’s just so much for them to handle any REAL cases of abuse.

  5. Actually Lolli it isn’t. Wishing death on degenerates is simply a stress release technique. try it yourself-think of a rapist/pervert/Baathist shoe thrower and wish they die. Feels good. no?

  6. “rapist/pervert/Baathist shoe thrower” .. That’s a mouthful but it’s pretty funny. LOL

    “Lolli” – I must have missed the whole title to this post, in which case I apologize for stating no one said anything about death to the woman. However, perhaps of more animal and child abusers were put to death, we would see a dramatic decline. So no, there’s really nothing wrong with it at all.

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