The recent counter jihad summit in Copenhagen gives me hope for the European civilian population, it proves that there are still Europeans left willing to fight for Western Civilization. The leftist governments of Europe are another matter all together and we Americans can only watch in horror as they accelerate the Islamification of Europe by the most radical elements in Islam and cede their position on the world stage to Islamist hard liners intent on conquering the world.
Europe has relied on Uncle Sam to ensure they are safe from invasion for decades, all the while sneering at America and undercutting us politically. It is time for Europe to be cut loose from America and stand on her own. I’m not alone in my thinking: James Lewis of the American Thinker recently wrote a powerful essay calling for the same thing:
“But it is now way past time for Europe to step up to the plate again. They have the economic might, the population, the brains — but not the guts — to behave as a decent actor on the world stage. And the British “hostage crisis” — which was not a crisis at all, but a staged provocation, an invitation for the Brits to kowtow, which they did — should spell the end of our patience.
Europe’s response to Ahaminejad’s game tells us all we need to know. Tony Blair tossed the hot potato to the UN, which tossed it right back again. Then he tried his good friends in the EU, and they ducked it altogether. Then, secretly, he got George W. to trade Iran’s Quds thugs, who were imprisoned in Iraq for directing IED attacks on Americans, in trade for those 15 clueless Brits. Result: The West looked helpless against the ruthless blackmailers of Qom.
So in the end, Europe got away again with letting Uncle Sam do it.
We can shrug off the screaming anti-American hate mongering of the media in Germany, France and (on the Left) in Britain. We can ignore the fact that Britain is selling its sovereignty to the EU, about as feckless a bunch of political con artists as ever exploited a badly indoctrinated population. What we cannot allow, over the long term, is to get stuck with all the adult work of maintaining the peace around the world, while the Europeans exploit our generosity and we pay the price in blood and treasure. It’s past time for Europe to grow up.”
It is time for America to tell the neo-Marxist governments of Europe that we don’t have an open ended commitment to their defense. It is time for the EU to enter the long war, and fight for their own countries for a change.
h/t Dissecting Leftism