Jihadists Launch Rockets and Throw Pipe Bombs at Pro-Israel Demonstrators in Sweden

Needless to say the police were basically powerless to stop them. Here’s video of one of the rocket launches:


Ted Ekeroth was there and has a report on his blog:

The arabs, that numbered about 100, where shouting “allah ahkbar” as they normally do and showed their hate towards Israel and the Jews with different slogans. It didnt take long until they started attacking us, this time with homemade pipebombs and fireworks. The home made bombs were pretty powerful, as I stood not to far away when one of them exploded. According to what I heard, the police managed to arrest the ones that threw the bombs. However, they did not disperse the arab crowd which they should have done according to me. In total there were two pipebombs, two rockets and some glass bottles.

The bombs didnt reach into our crowd since the distance between us was larger than last time, but the rockets exploded over the heads of the peaceful pro-israel demonstration.

According to the commander of the police operation, the organizers of the manifestation wanted to seal the square off for security reasons. I, however, think that the point of the manifestation was lost whem no “outsiders” could see or hear what we had to say. When you show support for something in public, you do that for a reason – for others to see and hear. This was not possible due to that the area was completely sealed of and the only ones that could hear us were the police and the hateful arab mob. The point of a public manifestation was lost in my opinion.

This kind of escalation of behavior should be worrisome to Sweden. It is only a matter of time before more powerful and lethal devices are employed by the Jihadists in their proxy war on Israel fought in the streets of Europe.

Infidel Bloggers Alliance, Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes are also blogging this. Gateway Pundit has more.

5 thoughts on “Jihadists Launch Rockets and Throw Pipe Bombs at Pro-Israel Demonstrators in Sweden

  1. Oh My God!

    It’s bottle rockets and firecrackers…You would have thought it was another holocaust!

  2. This is scary. I saw how in San Francisco the anti-Israel demonstraters in one case overran the area of the pro-Israelis and threatened them. At later demonstrations the pro-Israelis had to be surrounded by a police guard.
    They have no respect for democratic free speech rights.

  3. Monique,

    The Islam-o-fascists have no respect for free speech rights because they oppose freedom and democracy. Their goal is to force everyone on Earth to live under the barbarism of Sharia or kill them if they resist.

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