Islamicize Me! Germans Adapting to Shari’a Law

Looks like piggy banks aren’t kosher anymore in German financial institutions. The Muslim objection to piggy banks (h/t LGF) isn’t the only instance of German law and culture becoming more and more Islamicized. A few examples:

Piggy Bank

  • Bankers are marketing Shari’a-friendly investment products.
  • Berlin authorities now allow family feuds to be settled by a “Shari’a lawyer.”
  • Two Berlin schools have instituted religious segregation by delineating separate entrances for Muslims and Jews/Christians.

Shari’a law is gradually becoming the law of the land in Germany, and even cultural practices not addressed by Islamic doctrine (but that might offend Muslims) are on the cusp of elimination. How long until German Jews are asked to make their mezuzot less conspicuous?

Via Blue Star Chronicles