Hell’s Angels Forever:Islamicized Holland Goes to War with 1%ers

The Europeans are ready to go to war, not with the growing number of Islamic radicals in their midst, but with a chapter of the largest, most infamous, and arguably the most violent, outlaw biker gang in the world. On the heels of appointing Muslim immigrants to high level government positions despite the fact that the appointees have dual citizenship, and belief that a Dutch pull out from Afghanistan is imminent, the authorities have stepped up a campaign against the Hell’s Angles that has led recently to the arrests of 45 members.

The Angels are not happy. The authorities are trying to ban the club and the attention of the average citizen is being nicely diverted from a growing army of radicals bent on imposing Sharia law on Europe.

Don’t get me wrong, history proves that the Hell’s Angels, like any 1%er club, will indeed break the law and are fairly dangerous. If Jihadists in the Netherlands have access to weapons it will likely be through sales with groups like the Angels, but the truth is the outlaw biker gang is the least of a countries worries during this time of world wide conflict with those who seek to destroy Western Civilization.

The concerted attack on the Angels wastes a valuable resource to the country, namely people who value living in a secular liberal democracy and will fight to keep it that way. In America, aside form their criminal activities the Angels do hold patriotic events to support the troops, though this is likely because of the high percentage of veterans in the group. The operations against this international brotherhood opens a new front in the GWOT that the draws resources away from the Islamist threat.

Understand, I’m not saying that that individual Hell’s Angels members shouldn’t go to jail when they commit crimes, but this moment in history is not the time to take on the Angels, who ultimately have as much to lose in the face of Islamic Imperialism as anyone else. Authorities should be concentrating their intelligence gathering on Islamic extremists, not the Dutch chapter of the Hell’s Angels.