European Union to Allow Sharia Divorce

On the heels of the announcement that England is allowing autonomous Sharia courts to decide domestic violence and other criminal cases comes news that the E.U. will allow Muslims to divorce using Sharia law. Gates of Vienna says Denmark is one of the few countries who opt out of E.U. rulings but the Danes are concerned with what the ruling means:

Because of Danish opt-out provisions, the EU regulation will not have a direct impact on Denmark. But Danish People’s Party EU spokesman Morten Messerschmidt is still greatly concerned about the proposal:

“It’s a completely lamebrain idea, the possibility that the Commission will use inhumane sharia laws in the EU,” he says to MetroXpress.

Sharia divorce is notoriously unfair to women, requiring nothing more than the man to say he wants a divorce three times. Women are not allowed to initiate divorce in most Sharia courts and have no custody rights to their children.

American feminists will comment later, I’m sure.

5 thoughts on “European Union to Allow Sharia Divorce

  1. Rob Taylor,

    “American feminists will comment later, I’m sure” I wish! If only they would stand up to these nut jobs. They have the most to lose when Islamist take over a country and they fail to even realize it.

  2. excuse me, i thought i would find intelligent journalism here. didn’t realize it was the web version of ‘the national enquirer.’ you are some fucked-up people.

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