British Police Allow Honor Killing

Authorities in England ignored a womans pleas for help when she had complained to the police that her father had been plotting to murder her after she fled an abusive arraigned marriage. The woman was subsequently murdered setting off an investigation into how this could have happened. From The Independent:

Banaz Mahmod made no secret of her belief that her father wanted to kill her. She was in hospital, nursing wounds incurred in an escape from him, when her boyfriend recorded a video of her on his mobile phone, in December 2005.

“It was just me and him in the living room. I turned around every now and then because I didn’t trust him,” she told the camera. Ms Mahmod also told police, four times, that she feared for her life and produced a list of three men she believed would murder her – but all to no avail.

Less than a month after making the video she was strangled. Her body was packed into a suitcase and driven 100 miles from London to Birmingham where she was buried in a back garden with the ligature – a shoelace – still around her neck.

Yesterday, campaigners demanded an Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) investigation into why Ms Mahmod, 20, died, at the end of a three-month Old Bailey trial in which her father, Mahmod Mahmod, 52, and his brother Ari Mahmod, 51, from Mitcham, south London, were convicted of murdering her. Mohamad Hama, 30, of West Norwood, south London, an associate of Ari Mahmod, had already pleaded guilty to the murder.

It emerged during the trial that a female police officer concluded Ms Mahmod had made up her story to get her boyfriend’s attention. PC Angela Cornes, one of several officers who could be investigated by Scotland Yard’s Directorate of Professional Standards, also told the jury that she had been instructed to doctor evidence by a detective inspector, Caroline Goode, to present the investigation in a better light.

No doubt the investigators were indoctrinated in the cult of multiculturalism, where taking seriously the plight of a woman whose only crime was to have born into a backward clan of barbarians would be termed Islamophobia. Had they fearlessly pursued justice ignoring the petty cries of bigotry the murderous family would have no doubt thrown their way, that young woman would be alive today.