The Police Named Dirtiest Band in the World (Not in the Good Way)

The aging hippies who attend Police concerts have finally sniffed out the hypocrisy of the lamest “Rock” band in the world telling them to live greener lives while creating more pollution than all their fans combined. Unless you include the contents of all the adult diapers in the audience.

Fronted by pretentious new ager Sting, The Police are on the forefront of the celebrity eco movement, and pioneers of what I like to call Whole Foods rock, because their “music” sounds suspiciously like the music that plays in a the Whole Foods “mind and body” section with all the sage smudges and body lotions…at least that’s what I’m told. Now their status as the band most likely to be quoted by a 56 year old woman in yoga pants is jeopardized by this report:

Whether it is lecturing the world about rainforests or urging us to reduce our carbon footprints, Sting is one of the music industry’s most vocal supporters of green causes.

According to an expert report, he might be one of the most hypocritical.

In the round-up of green credentials of live acts, Sting and the newly reformed Police have been named “the dirtiest band in the world”.

Their biggest green crime, according to experts, isn’t their love of fast cars, country mansions or jets – but the massive environmental toll of their gigs.

Though not the only rock band to play huge stadiums, the Police were singled out because of the size and scale of their current world tour.

An estimated 1.5million fans will travel tens of millions of miles to see them perform at one of more than 100 venues.

The conclusion comes from John Buckly, an environmental adviser from

In an interview for New Musical Express magazine, he said: “At the Live Earth concert in New Jersey where The Police played, the biggest contribution to carbon emissions wasn’t from the concert itself, it was the fans.

“The Police played lots of big stadiums – they need to be careful over where they play, and make sure it’s near public transport.”

The killjoys at Carbon Footprint suggest The Police hold their concerts somewhere close to public transit, as opposed to stadiums or concert halls. I suppose it is extremely selfish of Sting not to play his sets outside the entrance to the Uptown One train, guitar case nobly laying out front while people throw him their spare change. On the other hand maybe the kooks from Carbon Footprint are killjoys, The Police are semi-literate celebrities who have no idea what they’re talking about and the anyone who listens to either should deeply ashamed.

As for who really is the dirtiest band in the world, my vote’s for Nashville Pussy:


But they’re the good kind of dirty.

h/t Babalu Blog