Since “progressive” really means Marxist and Marxism teaches submission to authority and the abolition of private property, this should come as no surprise. Our bodies are the most important piece of property we own, and our sovereignty over our lives is our most precious right. Marxism denies both these facts and thus attracts people who don’t respect your person or your autonomy:
The Odenwaldschule school board admitted to the paper that teachers had abused wards at the school for years. School director Margarita Kaufmann told the newspaper, “As far as I am concerned, it is a fact that sexual abuse occurred here at least since 1971.”
According to accounts by former pupils, teachers at the school in Heppenheim woke them by stroking their genitals, forced them to perform oral sex, and were made into “sex slaves” for whole weekends.
Teachers also beat their wards, provided them with drugs and alcohol, and did not intervene when several pupils sexually abused a girl.
The way the school was structured encouraged an unhealthy lack of boundaries:
The Odenwaldschule was established in 1910 with a holistic ethos of raising a child according to its own individual desires, rather than through discipline and drill. The 225 pupils currently attending (200 as boarders) live in so-called ‘families,’ with their class teacher as a kind of ‘family head’ who lives in an adjacent room. A boarder’s place at the school currently costs €2,220 a month.
Now that’s progressive.
Update: Some Paulnut says this is all a ploy by me to try to get America to invade Germany because I’m a Jew loving “neo-con.”
Rob Taylor,
This is truly disgusting and disturbing. I hope that everyone responsible for these acts of child abuse has an unpleasant time in prison.