Sheep Raping Degenerate Won’t Be Registered Sex Offender?


A Calhoun County man convicted of having sex with a sheep will not have to register as a sex offender once he is released from prison, the Michigan Court of Appeals has ruled.

In a decision released Tuesday, the three-member panel declared that Jeffrey Scott Haynes, 45, of Battle Creek, a petty criminal with a long history of forgery, home invasion and bad checks, will not have to register his name on the public statewide list of sexual offenders.

Haynes was caught trespassing on a ranch in Bedford Township in January 2005 by the ranch owner, who discovered that her sheep had been injured. DNA taken from the sheep matched Haynes.

Haynes pleaded no contest – the equivalent of a guilty plea — to sodomy in Calhoun County Circuit Court before Judge Conrad Sindt, who ordered that once Haynes completed his 30-month to 20-year sentence, he register as a sex offender.

Haynes appealed that order. Tuesday, the appellate court – made up of judges Jane Markey, William Whitbeck and Elizabeth Gleicher – ruled that under Michigan law, “victims” of sexual assault do not include animals – only humans – and that as a result, the sexual offender registry statute does not apply in Hayne’s case, or in other cases of bestiality.

Ewww. Sorry but if a man would rape a sheep, violently enough to injure it then I think he’s as dangerous to humans as any other degenerate rapist. He’s no different than Tom Madison or Michael James Gregg, a ticking time bomb who needs to be monitored before he rapes someone.

h/t Crime Scene KC

5 thoughts on “Sheep Raping Degenerate Won’t Be Registered Sex Offender?

  1. Jenn Q Public: ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG! I was laughing hard before and feeling a little guilty (poor sheep!), struggling to remain somewhat dignified in anything I said, but this just did me in!! That was just s-a-a-a-a-a-a-d! LOL But I guess we know now who the troll under the bridge was Really after! LOL!!!

  2. Oh My Gods…
    Laughing so hard…
    Oh, that poor sheep. I absolutely think that “bestiality” should be on the sex offender registries, and labeled as such.

    And it brought another story to mind… two of my siblings worked at a local grocery store when they were in high school. One of the guys who worked in the meat department was caught having… er… “relations”… with a sheep carcass.

    Everyone called him “Re-e-e-e-e-gy” after that.
    Thankfully, my mother had never bought “lamb”.

    Ug… Sorry Rob.

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