Pot Smoking Degenerates “Discipline” 15 Year Old Girl with Rough Sex

Here’s a little story for my friends “Kirk Sandall” and “Josh” who think this post is unduly harsh on pot smokers. Seems a degenerate named Stephanie Lynn Leblanc-Porter was, among other things, a BDSM scener whose very supportive husband allowed her to keep two adult men as “pets” in the house.

This big happy family gained a new member when Lablanc-Porter’s 15 year old daughter from another relationship was sent by her father to live with the group, apparently unaware that whatever problems the girl was having with him was child’s play compared to the hell she’d go through at the hands of this modern day Manson family:

Stephanie Lynn Leblanc-Porter, 38, and David Raymond Guy Davies, 44, are charged with rape, sodomy, sexual abuse, unlawful sexual penetration and using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct.

Richard Lee Clements, 47, and Norman Edward Porter, 43, are charged with sexual abuse, unlawful sexual penetration and using a child in a display of sexually explicit conduct.


Shipley said the victim wasn’t getting along with her father and was sent to live with Leblanc-Porter, who removed the girl from school in February 2007.

According to a search warrant affidavit, Leblanc-Porter was angry because the girl “was not obeying the rules of the house,” so she and Davies told her she “was going to be given training so she could better understand herself.

I’ll stop here to warn you this story gets worse, and yes Kirk and Josh, pot smoking features prominently in the story:

At the woman’s urging, Davies sexually abused the girl every day, often in front of the others, Shipley said. The girl told investigators she was strapped to a board and spanked with a leather paddle, bound by leather shackles and forced to kneel naked on the couch for hours at a time. The defendants also watched television and smoked marijuana while having the girl use sex toys on the floor, according to the search warrant affidavit.

Hmmm. I wonder how much pot it takes to numb you to the House of a 1000 Corpses-esque abuse of a crying helpless 15 year old. Kirk? Josh? Any insight?

Dreamin’ Demon has pictures of the two main creeps, if you have the stomach to view the portraits of two soulless miscreants who deserve to die but will likely get off fairly light.

They also have this story of more awesome parents who liked the ganja. You know, it’s almost like chronic drug use, even of something “harmless” like weed, can alter the thought process of a person enough to make them unable to function in society.

One thought on “Pot Smoking Degenerates “Discipline” 15 Year Old Girl with Rough Sex

  1. OMFG I think I’m going to be sick! How badly I wish to have walked in on any of that. There would then be no worries of them getting off lightly!!!!! There wouldn’t be anything left to prosecute!!!!!!!!!!!

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