Liz Ritter is a “lawyer” (of the jail house variety no doubt) who likes to frequent protests holding up signs meant to convey the message that the very presence of police during these protests is tantamount to totalitarianism. She also enjoys not following the directions of law enforcement officers attempting to ensure the safety of the crowds at such protests. This led her to the inevitable confrontation with police who used a very modest amount of force on her.
Like the spoiled armchair revolutionary she is, Ritter thought having a rubber paint ball pellet hit her and not cause any injury was the absolute worse thing that ever happened to anyone, anywhere, at any time. Add to that video taken later which show that the cops thought she was a kook who had it coming, and Ritter is now a media darling whose kid glove treatment “proves” we live in the worst regime in history. Her fan base, a collection of White Supremacists and conspiracy nuts, absolutely agree.
I don’t:
Watching the video you’ll see that Ritter gets rubber balled twice, and seems to not be effected at all. The first shot to her “legs” in fact just seems to annoy her. Hardly the abuse some make it out to be.
But effeminate neo Nazi Yankee James posts the video with his usual silent disapproval, disgusted by the brave woman being subjected to what 15 year olds subject each other to after a trip to the paintball section of Walmart on the weekends.
Alex Jones sees this as part of a larger conspiracy, as are all things that happen everywhere.
It’s funny though, I’ve been to a few protests and I never got anything more than a nod hello and a “Could you move over there , sir” from the cops . Hmmm.
It’s like you have to do something untoward to get shot with a paintball gun.
Well, at least Ritter has all kinds of new street cred with her fellow White revolutionaries. I guess we’ll see her at the next klan meeting.
Wow, these fuggin pigs shoot someone in the back with rubber bullets as she is walking away from them? What, she was not walking fast enough for them?
Then they laugh about it like a bunch of imbeciles afterward…
and people wonder why there is less and less sympathy when piggies get gunned down, fucking little dicks trying to compensate for their lack of manhood and the fact that their wife is probably fucking the UPS guy.
Yeah, you’re not a scumbag. The best part of your comment is who you won’t write out “fucking” in a post that mocks people being murdered by various communists and other degenerates.
It’s you who is compensating isn’t it? You’re the impotent, anonymous troll who manages to squeeze three references to other men’s penis’ or virility into a seven line comment. Why is penis size on your mind any way?
wow, so it’s okay to shoot innocent, unarmed citizens in the back? Real manly, fucking powertripping, hypocritical bastards. The reason there is so much crime is that pigs are afraid to actually confront real criminals who may shoot back. Instead, they shoot unarmed women and break into the homes of peaceful med. marijuana patients who they know will put up no fight, occasionaly shooting someones crated family dog who poses no threat whatsoever. Let’s see the little piglets actually go confront real terrorists and real cartel members. Oh, wait, they won’t do that because there is a big difference between actually being a tuff guy hero and pretending to be a tuff guy hero in between jelly donuts.
Hey sick of,
You’re wasting your breath on “these” ind of people. After all, they talk about morals and then the head of their repugnant party, Rush Limbaugh, turns out to be a drug addled gasbag just like those he rallies against. And let’s not even get started on their great white hope, Sarah Palin, lol.” And they can’t figure out why they are a laughing stock. It should have been Ron Paul running for president, but no….they want their VP candidate to look like someone from Fox News instead of like an actual successful intelligent woman.
Wow did someone get “shot” in the back? Looks to me like someone got hit with a rubber painball while at a protest that was getting out of control. Looks to me like a known communist refused to move along and got hit with a paintball at the same velocity people who play paintball get hit with voluntarily for fun.
But yeah since all those cops got killed recently I see how your comments can be so funny, and not evidence of how outrageously childish you are.
And of course it’s no surprise that “Sara Wheaton” is a racist railing against “these” (in quotes to draw my attention natch) people on a my blog. But of course many Ron Paul supporters were actually National Socialists so the racism and support for a communist don’t surprise me.
But how pathetic are you two that you’re crying over a story that’s almost two years old?
And of course by the two of you above I meant Sara and her sock puppet. Why pretend to be two different people?