I Blame the Unions! Teachers Targeted by Out of Control Elementary Students


Just hours after the shocking news that a group of 3rd graders were caught attempting to kidnap and torture their teacher we have this story of some fifth graders poisoning a teacher with over the counter medicine because she rolled her eyes at them. Apparently they claim that made her a racist:


Also nice to see that the police didn’t test the drink to be sure that the kids didn’t put something other than Tylenol in it but just took the kids word for it becuase I guess they have no reason to lie. That’s good police work Georgia.

So, when did rolling ones eyes become a sign of racist leanings anyway? Could it be after the lefty teachers unions started pushing for a “Social Justice” curriculum? Is it possible that an educational system run by White liberals dedicated to convincing Blacks and other minorities that they are the victims of institutionalized racism produces spiteful, bitter and sometimes criminal students whose hopes and dreams for the future have been destroyed and replaced with class envy and irrational hate?

The best part about these stories is that it’s the people preaching class warfare and liberal values who are experiencing the end results corrupting minors with neo-Marxist pablum. The worst part is that if these kids are attempting kidnappings and poisonings in elementary school, what are they going to be up to ten years from now?

Both these stories are from Georgia where the unions are destroying public school education. Check out Teachers Unions Exposed for info on Georgia’s schools.