Hate Crimes Skyrocket in NYC

Hate crimes against Blacks and Jews increased in NYC, bastion of liberalism. Odd I thought New Yorkers were so much more tolerant then we “red staters” but here in my new home in the deep dark south we’ve barely had any crime at all. From Newsday.com:

Hate crimes rose by 52 percent against blacks and 35 percent against Jews in New York City last year, according to statistics provided by police at a Bronx forum Tuesday.

In the lone bit of positive news, anti-gay crimes dropped, though only by 2 percent.

Experts attributed the increase in part to the economic downturn and to racial unrest following last summer’s Jena Six incident, as well as recent events such as the Howard Beach assaults and the Sean Bell shooting.


Indeed, the city saw 144 anti-Semitic crimes in 2007, up from 107 in 2006. Racially motivated attacks against blacks rose from 23 in 2006 to 35 in 2007. Hate crimes against whites increased from six incidents in 2006 to eight last year, while attacks motivated by sexual or gender identity dropped from 51 to 50.

I’m not sure how one makes the case that outrage over the Jena Six case caused Blacks to be targeted, and economic downturn hardly explains why Jews and Blacks are getting beaten unless we assume angry racist day traders went berserk when the Dow dropped.

Illegal immigration and Islamic radicalism, however, explain both those things. It’s interesting to note that while we learn much about the victims, we learn little about the perpetrators.

Hate crime stats also dismiss crimes where robberies or rapes occur even if a racial element was present in the crime. Thus Whites are disproportionately under represented even though it is quite common for White teens, for example, to be targeted for crimes in certain areas.

Just one more reason to leave New York if you’re there. For all the liberal sanctimony about being more tolerant the fact is Blacks and Jews are more likely to be a victim of a hate attack in New York than the back woods of of the deep south.