Dirty Hippy Steals Beer for Underage Drug Orgy!

Hippies haven’t changed since since Charles Manson’s drug addled flower child sex cult went on a murder spree decades ago. They are selfish, self-righteous miscreants who demand that society provide for their every need while repaying us with condescending diatribes about how the American system that allows them to live lamprey-like on the backs of hard working folks is oppressive. All hippies, as Greg Gutfeld has pointed out quite admirably, are fascists who secretly want to kill you. Worse than that is that they believe themselves entitled to instant gratification of their emotionally stunted desires while decrying your few harmless pleasures like a steak dinner or light bulbs not filled with toxic mercury.

And what do hippies want the most? It isn’t just to get high all day, it’s for you to get them high all day. They sit on park benches or slump on the corners of every major city with their hand out ready to receive the hard earned money in your pocket. The same money that you earn “selling out” and “being a Nazi” has too much blood on it for them to ever call up their rich parents and get a job in the mailroom, but once they run out of beer/pot/heroin then they suddenly think they’re somehow entitled to share in your “luck.”

At heart every hippy is a petulant, drug addicted child trapped in a grown-up’s body. Tree sitting potential suicide “Dumpster Muffin” proves that. Like with a spoiled 5-year-old, telling a hippy they can’t have something, like your money or your daughter, inevitably leads to tantrums so shocking that most adults are left dumbfounded. Take this police blotter item from The Chattanoogan.com for example:

At Mr. Zip on Frazier Avenue, clerks said they declined to sell beer to a skinny white male, about 25 years old. He had a California ID, but it was expired.

Clerks said the man returned the next day, walked to the beer cooler, and helped himself to two six-packs. He walked out without paying.

They said they saw him walking down the street with a white couple.

A clerk said the suspect “smells” and the couple with him “look like dirty Hippies.”

You can imagine the hippy screaming at the top of his lungs about how “fascist” it is for a store clerk to have expected him to renew his license. Or take a bath.

And why didn’t his two friends come in to use their I.D. anyway? Is it because they were underage? Would it surprise you to find out that this 25-year-old man-child would be hanging around a couple of kids?

What kind of 25-year-old wants to give kids beer anyway? The kind that plans on date raping them of course. Just as this unemployed parasite feels entitled to beer regardless of the fact that the clerk could get himself in trouble selling it to him, he no doubt feels entitled to the teen girl he’s lurking about. And if her boyfriend objects he’ll get stabbed to death and the malodorous beer thief will write something pithy like “Die BushCo” with the kid’s blood on a wall. After he rapes the girl of course.

That’s what hippies are; don’t let their “peace and love” bullshit fool you. They are violent, selfish, classless bastards who would gladly spit on your grave, or your son’s, if some of their friends thought it’d be funny. Rob Zombie’s The Devil’s Rejects is frankly the most accurate portrayal of what hippies aspire to that’s ever been filmed, and the above three dirty hippies will eventually be on a drunken killing spree that will make Zombie’s exploitation film look like a remake of The Little Mermaid.

h/t Crime Scene KC

13 thoughts on “Dirty Hippy Steals Beer for Underage Drug Orgy!

  1. So have you ever actually talked to a hippie or have you only read what the conservatives have to say. I am also curious if you are skinhead/white supremacist or just way to close minded for your own good. A hippie is not going to rape anyone and how many hippies carry any sort of weapon to harm someone with? If you want to have anything that you write validated you really should put in some sort of truth and not just rant about something you obviously know nothing about.

  2. Spoken like a semi-literate spoiled brat.

    A) I’m Bi-racial, and a Republican. White Supremacists are not fond of Bi-racial people and most are National Socialists. Maybe you should stop reading DailyKos.

    B) I’ve met plenty of hippies. As has anyone who has received a B.A and a Masters.

    C) Hippies killed Sharon Tate didn’t they? The idea that hippies, most of whom like to use drugs, are never violent misunderstands how drugs interact with individual people’s system and misrepresents the drug fueled “free love” culture of the 60s. I once read an essay by an author who grew up on a hippy compound in San Francisco in the 70s. Her first sexual experience was at 11 with a man in his 30s. Are you saying that’s not rape?

    If some guy gets a girl high then has sex with her when she’s less able to give consent is that not rape? And is that not the essence of hippy culture?

    It’s you who know nothing about hippies. You’re just another spoiled White douche who has come to expect that people must agree with them. That’s why the accusations of me being a Nazi because in your immature world view the only way a person could possibly dislike hippies is if they are Nazis. Maybe you should go live with some hippies, sans your rich parents bailing you out of having to work, and see how great the are.

  3. Like everything else, you are completely wrong about who I am. First off I am not a spoiled little brat. I am 42 years old and have a wonderful family and live in a nice home with two new cars in the garage and plenty of toys to play with on the weekends. I have worked for everything that I have and have not received any help from my parents. My father doesn’t help me out and my mother makes much less money than I do. Everything I have, I have gotten on my own and legally.

    I also partied a lot when I was younger and went to my share of Grateful Dead shows. Living much like a hippie I partied and did drugs and lived day to day on what I had. I had political dreams that will never happen and cared about(and still do) the environment. The group I ran with did what ever it took to make money. That would include selling drugs sometimes but not to get girls high to take advantage of them.

    There are bad apples in every group. There are conservatives that try to have sex with men in bathrooms but that doesn’t mean that you do. You need to quit saying that because a certain type of person does something that every person of that type will do the same.

    And no….the essence of the hippy culture is not to get girls high to make it so they can’t say no.

    The reason I said you could be a White Supremacist is because you speak like you are perfect and only people like you, that believe as you, could be as perfect. But, that can also be the way of an extreme conservative as well.

  4. A) There’s nothing wrong with gays doing what they do, and part of that is picking each other up in places gays frequent so don’t lay that crap on me. I don’t care that men’s rooms are places gays cruise. You’re projecting your homophobia onto me.

    B) Being 42 doesn’t preclude you from being immature and having an inflated sense of self-entitlement. Having a supposed lifestyle no doubt made possible by extending yourself on credit (two new cars, plenty of toys) just proves you’re immature. Drive a used car and put the money you save in a CD that’ll roll over a few times to pay for your kid’s college. I mean, if any of that was true which it isn’t.

    C) Are you really saying the key to White Supremacist philosophy isn’t ethnic nationalist tinged Socialism but instead the tone people take? I don’t know many Nazis personally but from what I have seen of their seditious writings the traitors involved in that movement never claim personal perfection, just genetic superiority and a hatred for Republican style governance.

    I myself never claimed I was perfect (although I frankly am) because it hasn’t come up. I have many times pointed out that White liberals, when confronted with an unpleasant truth about themselves, resort to calling people a Nazi even when the person is, like me, of African descent. I have also MANY, MANY times spoken of being Bi-racial on this blog, and in fact did so in my last comment.

    Can you really not find an argument that doesn’t involve implying that I harbor the kind of backward views on race you no doubt harbor yourself?

    I’m a Republican not a Conservative but most Conservatives aren’t Nazis but all Nazis are leftists, and in fact the American Nazi Party was demanding universal health care (for Whites) in the 90s. I’d like to see you’re response to that, as an aside.

    You’re claiming you were some scumbag dealer who didn’t take sex from women as payment for drug bills? You’d be the first. If you ever did deal it was no doubt specifically so you could get laid, taking advantage of girls with emotional problems are drug habits. After your band failed of course.

    I’ve waded through dozens of groups hippies in NYC, small covens of drifters led by some guy your age which inevitably included a couple of 15-year-old girls and every one of them were violent, drug addled fascists who were raised by people just like you to believe the rest of us owed them something and though nothing of pulling a knife on someone or pimping out one of their friends to a stranger so let’s not bullshit.

    The essence of hippy culture is taking advantage of others, a parasitic lifestyle where shiftless losers hop from couch to couch begging for food and weed, and when they get cut off every one of them will kill you to get by. All hippies secretly hate the rest of us, the 60s proved that. And all secretly want to kill us, the Manson family proved that.

    Grow up and stop pretending that it’s cool for a man whose life is 2/3rds over to don a tie die and light up a bowl. I’m not “the Man” you’re not cool and calling me a Nazi isn’t “speaking truth to power.” Go back to DailyKos, troll.

  5. I was curious about DailyKos since you kept mentioning it. I have now visited it for the first time and it doesn’t really do anything for me. But, my point is that once again, you are wrong about what I do and who I am.

    Yes, I have a car payment as does my wife. My boat and other toys I payed cash for because I don’t buy them if I can’t afford them. But you assume because I am a liberal I am not intelligent enough to be financially responsible.

    Read what I am writing. I wrote, “There are conservatives that try to have sex with men in bathrooms but that doesn’t mean that you do”. I didn’t say there was anything wrong with homosexuals. I had a gay roommate for a while and have no problem with them. I still have friends that are gay and a relative with aids cleans my house. Stop projecting what you think I am and try to open your mind long enough to read the words I am writing. Since you couldn’t understand, what I was trying to get across, is that just because there was a bad hippie it doesn’t mean that all hippies are bad. For example… Just because a man that preaches family values tries to give or receive a blow job in a bathroom stall while cheating on his wife doesn’t mean that all people that preach family values will do such a thing.

    How can you even pretend to know if I am telling is the truth or not? Just because you don’t like what you read does not mean that it is not true. You might need to realize that people that believe differently than you can be an equal to you. You also assume because I sold drugs in my early twenties I still use drugs. I have a child that I am trying to raise. I will not be a hypocrite and tell him not to do drugs and turn around and do them myself. I do not allow drugs in my home even if my child is not here. I do have friends that still party but I do not judge them. All I say is don’t do it around my child.

    Stop trying to say I harbor backwards views on race. The only problem I have with any person is one that feels I am wrong for believing differently then they do. All people are created equal and as long as they have respect for human life there is no problem in my book. I do find it unfortunate that some people try to play race cards though. It takes away so much validity on their part.

    I have a couple of friends that are hardcore gun owning republicans. We are able to have intelligent debates and also make fun jabs at each others beliefs. We enjoy each others company and do not judge each other for our beliefs OR what we did in the past. Just mutual respect for each other.

    So in supposed years in college did you actually talk to any of the people you call hippies or just fear them because they were different than you? Did any of them ever seem violent or were they just for peace and love and values different than yours. I mean think about it…Peace and Love…why would they carry a weapon. It’s like the cop that pulled me over years ago in my VW Bus and said a fellow motorist had said I was waving a gun. Give me a break….there again, Peace and Love…why would I have a gun?! But, I digress.

    Accept that people are different than you but that does not make them wrong. Try not to judge so much and give people a chance. Or, just go back to your conservative talk radio and Bill O’Reilly world and assume all liberals and all democrats are low IQ, drug using freaks that want your money.

    It’s people like you that make my blood boil. I wish you were capable of having an intelligent debate but you just need to put me down to try to make yourself feel better. I don’t have the time or energy to waste on you.

    Now, go try to figure out what you are really afraid of….
    “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

  6. Your point about gays was to try to project some sort of unseemly association between all “conservatives” (which I have stated that I am not, I’m a Republican) and some guy who might have cruised bathrooms. Only a naive and sheltered person would find the idea of men cruising men’s rooms at all shocking, and frankly I don’t think cruising for gay sex means you can’t also be firm on “family values” like, I don’t know, not leaving your wife in a lurch just because you’ve discovered you like the cock.

    And sorry Chris I don’t “fear” anyone, I am pointing out that in more than 20 years of knowing hippies in all there incarnations, whether on college campuses or the Village and they are all minor criminals who will fight you if they can’t get their fix. I’ve know many hippies who armed themselves (including people who ended up using those weapons) and believe me I don’t need to put down some guy I don’t know to make me feel better.

    Bob Dylan owned a gun, specifically because he was scared of other hippies who kept showing up at his ranch. The Manson family had weapons. You’re accusing me of generalizing all hippies but your argument is based on a general assumption that hippies are all peace and love.

    You called me White Supremacists even though you’re the only White person in this conversation. How can I not be offended by that? Do you really think implying people are Nazi-like is something they should just accept graciously? That’s why I maintained you’re spoiled.

    And again you end with a quote that is meant to paint me as effeminate. Maybe you should look hard at yourself about why a post that has nothing to do with people’s sexual orientation makes you throw out the anti-Gay nonsense. Maybe you’re the Lady (boy) that protests too much.

  7. You continuously take what I write as you want it and ignore what I am saying. i.e. I never called you a White Supremacist I merely asked if you might be one due to the way you put people down. I do not have time to waste on you since you are incapable of listening. I do have one thing to say on this wonderful day…..

    YES WE CAN!!!!

    It feels soooo good and I truly hope that people with differences like you and I have can unite and get this country back on track.

  8. Suggesting I’m a Nazi i an insult. If you don’t understand that I will assume this isn’t the only interaction where you’ve been “misunderstood.”

    Since Obama is an anti-Semite I won’t be getting down with him thanks. I will bet you $100 that four years from now your taxes will be up, your city more dangerous and you will be more miserable (and childish) than ever.

    Care to wager?

  9. If you were capable of reading what I write instead of reading the words I put down and giving them your own ridiculous meaning I would love to wager. My taxes may be a little higher but there will be programs to help the people that want help and the world will be a better place. I am ok with paying a little extra to help the “United States” start working towards being “United” again. But, I am sure you would decide what I was waging on was something different that what I was waging on.

    I am not miserable . I have a extremely beautiful and intelligent wife and a child that is amazingly gifted. I am self employed so I don’t have to report to some tight ass person like yourself that takes everything I say the wrong way or tries to put words in my mouth. I have everything I need.

    As far as the miserable one…maybe you should look at yourself. I refer back to above stated “The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” I quoted the statement completely because I knew if I didn’t you would have bashed me for misquoting and gone off on how I was some uneducated troll. I was not saying you were effeminate but for some reason you took it that way. But, you are not capable of taking anything I write in the context in which it is written.

    I am getting so frustrated. Not with you but with the fact that I keep getting myself worked up over you not understanding me and wasting my time trying to make you. As if it even matters!

  10. If you weren’t miserable why are you trolling a blog?

    Why do you think you have the right to call people Nazis and not have them respond negatively?

    If you have everything you need why do you need my validation?

    Why would I not be offended by you using a Shakespearean quote that literally refers to a woman being shrill?

    Maybe, just maybe, you need to look to yourself and not me, Obama and all these other things for your own fulfillment.

  11. How many times do I have to say I never called you a Nazi! I suggested you sounded like a White Supremacists and asked if you were one!

    The more you write the more you sound like an idiot. I don’t have time for idiots. I am done with you do to the lack of you being able to LISTEN!

  12. You’re splitting hairs and throwing temper tantrums. If I stated flatly that you sounded like a pedophile you would be offended and certainly not mollified if later I said “I just said you sounded like one, not that you were one.” The truth is you think that you’re allowed to cast aspersions at others and can’t take a little jab back.

    So go cry to mama. Then when you grow up a little maybe you’ll realize that a man would have apologized to a Bi-racial man for calling him a Nazi, not try to weasel out of it.

  13. I am not sorry that you misunderstood me. I will not apologize for asking a question.


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