But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! It Does Make You A Really Bad Parent However…


Just ask Kodie Callaway who was busted with his dad for growing and selling pot in a school zone. In the house they ran their drug business from they also arrested Dad’s old lady, who was on probation, had warrants out for her arrest and was caught with meth. I guess there’s some new competition for Father of the Year.

Fox12 Oregon:

CLACKAMAS, Ore. — Three people were arrested and about 40 pot plants were seized when a search warrant was served, police said.

Officers said they raided a house in Clackamas at about 5:30 a.m. Wednesday and arrested three people: a woman, a father and his son.

Clackamas County sheriff’s deputies received information from a teenage informant who said marijuana was being distributed from a home at 13080 SE Almond Court, in Clackamas, and that both father and son were actively involved in the crime, police said.

Larry Callaway, 42, and his son Kodie Callaway, 18, who both live at the house where the search warrant was served, were arrested and charged with possession and distribution of a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a school, police said.

Larry Callaway was also charged with manufacturing of a controlled substance, police said.

Also arrested in the raid was Andrea Jo Lugar, 28, of Portland, who had a prior warrant out for her arrest, police said.

She was also charged with probation violation, frequenting a place where drugs are sold, possession of methamphetamine and manufacturing of a controlled substance, police said.

At least one of the Callaways’ marijuana customers is 15 years old, police said.

Wow. That’s good parenting. Nothing says pot heads are harmless like finding one in his 40s dealing pot to kids as young as 15 in conjunction with his 18-year-old son who pops has living in a house with his meth addict “girlfriend” who is wanted by the law. Legalize it!

And is there anything that says “long term user” like naming your son Cody but spelling it K-O-D-I-E? It’s barely phonetically correct! By the gods this poor kid never stood a chance.

115 thoughts on “But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! It Does Make You A Really Bad Parent However…

  1. I never said alcohol was OK or pot should be illegal. What I said was that at a certain point adults need to put childish things behind them, especially things that alter their perceptions. Just as alcohol use has devastating long term impacts on people’s physical and mental health, marijuana has been proven to increase paranoia (thus the reason 1/4th of Americans are retards who believe “the illuminati” did 9/11) and increases the likelihood of developing psychosis or schizophrenia. Studies were done in England that proved people who started smoking pot young develop those mental illnesses at a much higher rate.

    My problem with pot in particular is the romanticizing of drug use. Pot is a gateway drug for many addicts, pot is a factor in teen pregnancy, and pot is a factor in the rise in STDS. Pot smokers aren’t good parents, they shouldn’t drive and adult men give young girls pot to have sex with them, as I suspect Kodie’s dad probably did.

    The difference with cigarettes is two fold. A) They don’t alter the mind and B) They are often a successful part of addiction recovery. Are they bad for you? Sure. Can you give a smoke to a teen girl and get her n a position to rape her? Not likely.

    And that’s my problem with pot smoking, and drugs in general. It isn’t harmless to get high. You say you’re being responsible. By letting your life pass you by? By acting like a 15-year-old? Take the money you waste on pot and give it to homeless people. Take the time you’re laying around getting high and volunteer to help others. That’s what adults do, that’s what men do.

    I think you present a respectful argument and I agree you have the right to do what you want, but I’m sober almost a decade and I stopped smoking a couple of years ago to save money so don’t lay the “but people drink beer” line on me. I don’t get high (or drunk) and I think everyone my age should grow up and do the same.

  2. First by writing in complete sentences, then I use common sense and interpret the facts the way a person who isn’t retarded would.

    Oh but you were asking if I have the right to judge people, right? Well all people have an absolute right to judge others. No person has the right to not be critiqued for their public behavior and getting your son busted for dealing is public behavior.

  3. MAN FUCK YOU…… you have no right to judge anyone else…………. YOUVE SMOKED POT BEFORE………….. so how are you gone judge anyone else arguing with little kids you fuckin 45 year old virgin

  4. Actually I’m 37 and married. But on what planet do I not have the right to judge someone? We all make judgments every day about people we meet and we should. The morgues of America are full of people who told themselves that they shouldn’t judge others.

    You have no right to have your behavior exempt from the judgment of others; there is no Constitutional protection from ridicule. It is childish nonsense to argue that I don’t have “the right” to comment on public crime stories. It reeks of a sense of self-entitlement that will no doubt cause you a great deal of unhappiness in the future.

  5. OK…….well i am 14 years old and it is adults like you that just really piss me off………………………… do you know the callaways cause im pretty sure you dont………………… and how are you gone make fun of this guys dad for spelling his name like that…… and they might have needed that money for something………… and even if they didnt my point is that you dont know that

  6. Even if an adult needs money they shouldn’t A) deal drugs to children and B) get their son pinched by the cops doing so. Adults are supposed to protect and guide children, not get them sent to prison. Kodie’s dad never bothered growing up and doing the right thing and his son will pay the price for that. Is that what Fathers are supposed to do?

    Sleep on that my before answering. You tell me if it’s alright for a man older than me to deal drugs to kids and then get his son involved, rather than try to make sure his kid’s going to college, etc.


  8. You’re wrong. All people have an absolute right to make judgments about others. You have a right to judge me, I have a right to judge them etc. We also have a right to state our opinions on any matter we like. That’s what the First Amendment is all about.

    Trying to turn their lives around means nothing, Kodie’s father is a miserable failure. He is responsible for Kodie suffering now, and having this conviction over his head later in life. That’s disgusting behavior from an adult.



  11. Stop typing in all caps. It’s silly.

    My post doesn’t claim the kid is or should be trash. It states very clearly that Larry Calloway, who allowed his son to live with a Meth addict, who dealt drugs to children and who ultimately got his son put in jail is a horrible father.

    Explain to me why you are so upset by that.

  12. Yes, but you criticize Larry for spelling kodie K-O-D-I-E instead of the traditional way and anyways why would you try and post something like that on the internet neither one of these guys has done anything to you.

  13. Still not answering the question. Larry named Kodie that way he did to be “cool” which is something adults, especially parents, shouldn’t be concerned with.

    But more to the point Larry has ruined Kodie’s life. Larry’s meth taking old lady could have killed the boy, Kodie will likely be assaulted in prison, if not terribly abused as all young people are, and he’ll have a criminal record which will bar him from working in government or with children. Larry is a selfish, disgusting scumbag. Which is the point of the post.

    Now answer me this; why do you think a man Larry’s age deals drugs to teens? Is it possible he’s a pervert? Why would he get his son involved in his dealing? He knows that all dealers end up in jail eventually. More importantly why can’t you see that the villain here is the man who got his son busted, not the various crime blogs that comment on the case?

  14. First and formost, Larry might not have named his son the way he did to be “cool” because I know a lot of people who spell cody K-O-D-I-E. I am disgusted because you say that Larry is a scumbag and you don’t know him, you know nothing about him. He may have left his son with a meth addict but for all we know he could have trusted her with him. Kodie may have been the only thing that could stop her from going out and purchasing meth. So it’s not your place to judge that.

    And PS I know that Larry is the real criminal

  15. Are you kidding? Meth addicts are unstable and prone to violence. Kodie is in jail because Larry DEALT DRUGS TO TEENS and while in jail it is likely he’ll be assaulted and raped and you’re saying he ISN”T a scumbag. Egads!

    I don’t know how many ways I can explain to you that it is nonsense to claim people “have no right” to judge other people who have, through their own actions, been put in the public eye. By your logic we shouldn’t judge serail killers, rapists, child molesters and any other degenerate unless we “know them personally” which is exactly the attitude that leads to people being raped and murdered. It is not only your right, but your responsibility, to make judgments about others so you can keep yourself and your families safe.

    Look, you’re arguing in circles as they say. If you really believe no one should judge anyone then (which is sanctimonious grandstanding) we have little to discuss. But as they say the problem with having an open mind is sometimes your brains fall out. Larry destroyed his son, and he should not be afforded some sort of courtesy because it offends your delicate sensibilities.

  16. Are you retarded? I wrote this post EIGHT MONTHS AGO and haven’t followed up since except in the comments where pot smoking tools keep coming to demand I not judge a degenerate who who used a drug addict as a sex slave in front of his son, dealt to kids younger than his teen son and then got his son busted for dealing.

    I have “left them alone” since. I shouldn’t, because only the gods know what Larry is doing now, but I’ve moved on. Why can’t you?

  17. why do you argue with high school kids dog. i mean cant you not be mature about it and ignore what they say

  18. A) Don’t call me dog.

    B) Adults ignoring high school aged children are why they develop into adults who never stop doing the things they do in high school. If Kodie had an adult in his life who said “You know, dealing pot with your dad is a bad idea” he’d be in college right now, not an ex-con.

    C) Is your definition of maturity allowing others to come to my site, lie, insult and defame me and I should just allow people to think those things are the truth? You are confusing maturity with self-martyrdom. You’re demanding that no one challange you to back up your ideas, that no one disagree with you. Is that mature?

    More importantly will it help you become a mature responsible adult to never have to think about the positions you take?

    Look, if you want someone to ignore you while you blurt out inanities I’m sure you have a house full of people willing to do so. If you want to debate the merits of fathers like Larry you’re welcome here. If you want to be treated like a delicate flower don’t expect it from me.

  19. commo estas nigger,
    obama finnally got president! whoopie friggen who. pot is good for you, you guys shouldnt all freakout because some dude and his kid got busted for growing bud. i mean who doesnt wanna grow it? christ smokin that shit is the best thing in the world. in bad situations it makes you money, the illegal way. limewire gets you movies, the illegal way! everything is illegal.

    everyone should just go into an all out war killing eachother and such.

    rob you like men.
    id kill you first, i dont know why your online all the time bickering at kids that are in highschool. shit theyd probabbly whoop your ass. i mean i dont know you, you might be like schwarzennegger er some shit.

    ive got a great plan.

    ill sell you an O(ounce bcz your retarted) of the best muther fuggin diesel i got right now. it goes 35 a gram for sour diesel. ill sell you a half(about 16 grams) for 475. thats a good fuckin deal, that shit goes for 600 a half but ill sell low to you bcuz i can feel your sympathy through the keyboard. quarter(7 1/2-8 grams) for 250.

    get back at me

  20. If you or anyone wants to “kill me” then let me know. I don’t sweat bitches though, so sorry if you don’t get the response you want.

  21. Hey, Cannibas, don’t bother arguing with him. He’s a douche bag. And Rob comment me back and prove everyon’e point about you arguing with a 9th grade kid

  22. You mean the part where you call me a “nigger” under a sock puppet than claim I’m immature for being offended?

    Are you really arguing the point that children have the right to call insult adults and not be challenged on it? That’s called being spoiled, not being young.

  23. You tell me, and you’re not Black. I can see your I.P. address. When you comment on a blog we see where the comments originate from, even if you change names, email etc.

  24. rob, so what your saying is that you can determine someones nationality from there ip address? that sure is an impressible feat.

  25. Yes Moron that’s exactly what I’m saying. I’m not saying I know when one person is trolling my comments from the same machine or location, I’m saying I have a magical computer that shows me your picture when you comment.

    By the way, your nationality refers to the country you’re a citizen of. I assume you mean ethnicity.

  26. I stand corrected. I’m wondering though, why do you get offensive right away and call me a moron? I didn’t exactly question your intelligence, nor did i make fun of you. Just a bit of sarcasm, i was trying to possibly set a less offensive sense of humor in this thread, instead of everyone name calling and assuming the worst of each other like children, no offense.

    Also, I’ve never read any of your posts before, but in this one you are quick to put down the use of marijuana. I understand your feelings on it, (correct me if I’m wrong) that you believe its a childish way to amuse ones self, or that its a way for people to take advantage of others. posting slanderous information about a father and a son trying to make some money, to prove a point, is not something i consider just. i think you should reconsider, and possibly edit this post to be less offensive to the intelligence and lifestyle of marijuana users, also to this father and son, i highly doubt you know them personally, judging them is not something you are in the position to be doing.

  27. A) Sarcasm is insulting to the target. That’s how it’s designed.

    B) Marijuana is childish, but also dangerous in high doses or after chronic use. I point out studies in other posts that show pot smokers who use on a regular basis can develop symptoms that mimic schizophrenia, paranoid delusions and other mental illnesses. It also “switches off” the part of the brain that inhibits behavior, thus causing crimes just as any other drug. My objection to pot smoking is that it has been propagandized as harmless when it is not.

    C) Nothing here is slander. Slander (and Liberl) are easily looked up on any law site. I happen to have a lawyer who explained these things to me. I recommend the law section of the local library for more inf. Wikipedia is steering you wrong.

    D) You end your comment with a variation of “Judge not lest you be judge” which might hold water if me if I was a Christian. I’m not. Christians are wrong in preaching non-judgementalism because it absolves individuals of their responsibility to their fellow man. Had people been more judgmental of Larry Calloway his son wouldn’t have a record by now, all these people who watched Larry lead Kodie down this road are morally responsible for Kodie’s incarceration.

    “If evil you know, as evil proclaim it, and make no friendship with foes”- Havamal (The Lay of the High One)

  28. A) Sarcasm is insulting to the target. That’s how it’s designed.

    i was not trying to insult you

    B) Marijuana is childish, but also dangerous in high doses or after chronic use. I point out studies in other posts that show pot smokers who use on a regular basis can develop symptoms that mimic schizophrenia, paranoid delusions and other mental illnesses. It also “switches off” the part of the brain that inhibits behavior, thus causing crimes just as any other drug. My objection to pot smoking is that it has been propagandized as harmless when it is not.

    I understand your point of view, anyone that chooses to use marijuana should know that it may be harmful to your body/mind.

    I am a user of marijuana, at least 3 years now I’ve been smoking, I’ve never felt the least bit schizophrenic in my life. and paranoia is something i experience is small amounts, but only when I’m high.

    marijuana “‘switches off’ the part of the brain that inhibits behavior”?
    I’m pretty sure separate parts of your brain control different human behaviors and thoughts.

    also, I’ve never committed any crimes that have landed me anywhere near jail, never been arrested, I’ve never been caught with weed, and I’ve never shoplifted/stole or committed a crime against society or specific persons.

    not all information on marijuana is propaganda, but much of it is.
    “thus causing crimes just as any other drug.”, drugs do not cause crimes, people do. people that live in high poverty areas usually resort to drugs (including marijuana) to forget about their problems. when these people are desperate for money or food, they will commit crimes. there is the possibility that someone is high on something, and the drug there on may play a role in their thoughts of “should i jack this store or not”, even though marijuana causes bad decision making while someone is intoxicated, they are usually more relaxed and chill, as opposed to drugs like cocaine and heroin, that make people feel anxious and in a hurry.

    yes, smoking marijuana is bad for your respiratory system, an alternative is eating the marijuana. the psychoactive chemicals in marijuana do not cause cancer and other respiratory problems, smoke does.

    marijuana causes short term memory problems, usually only when under the influence. i only know a few people who smoke so much that they have these problems while sober. I’m talking like 5 times a day.

    C) Nothing here is slander. Slander (and Liberl) are easily looked up on any law site. I happen to have a lawyer who explained these things to me. I recommend the law section of the local library for more inf. Wikipedia is steering you wrong.

    No Wikipedia for me. sorry if i misused the word slander.

    D) You end your comment with a variation of “Judge not lest you be judge” which might hold water if me if I was a Christian. I’m not. Christians are wrong in preaching non-judgementalism because it absolves individuals of their responsibility to their fellow man. Had people been more judgmental of Larry Calloway his son wouldn’t have a record by now, all these people who watched Larry lead Kodie down this road are morally responsible for Kodie’s incarceration.

    I’m not christian either, I’m atheist.

    “Christians are wrong in preaching non-judgementalism because it absolves individuals of their responsibility to their fellow man.”, i am not responsible for someone ruining there life over weed, they would’ve ruined there life without it anyway.i am not responsible for someones successful life, while they were smoking weed the whole time. i am responsible for myself and myself only, my actions, my thoughts, and whether i smoke marijuana or not. i don’t judge people for what they do in life, and tell them they MUST change, i may try to help them out, but only if they want help.

    “Had people been more judgmental of Larry Calloway his son wouldn’t have a record by now”, maybe, maybe not. the fact that Larry Calloway was honest to his son that he smoked weed in my opinion is being a good father, as opposed to not telling his son, having to grow marijuana away from home, and ruining his relationship with his son by not being around the house much. if that were to have happened, kodie would’ve probably started up weed anyway, that’s why i did.

    you have to admit that marijuana is probably the least harmful of all illegal drugs. the government leads the population the believe that it is EVIL, but its not THAT bad.

    the reason marijuana is illegal is because it would harm corporations. the marijuana plant itself (hemp), can be some of the most durable and long lasting all natural rope on earth, it can be used for more durable paper that doesn’t change color with age, and can also be refined into types of fuel and plastics. if it were legal many of the corporations today that raise the united states national debt, and harm out environment and resources would go out of business. hemp’s rate of photosynthesis is incredibly fast, and could be planted in our rain forests to create more oxygen and decrease global warming (if you believe in global warming that is).

    look it up man.
    p.s. i smoke weed daily.

  29. Untrue. I come from a poverty stricken inner city myself and people that smoked there also dealt (to people like yourself I’m sure) and people who were poor didn’t sit around getting high. The idea that poverty drives drug use is like saying one dollar bills drive stripping. It is probably the case that drug use drives poverty, and the downwardly mobile members White middle class often begin their slide to poverty with drugs, but most poor people simply do not get high.

    Also claiming poverty causes crime is an insult to the majority of poor people who are law abiding. Criminals cause crime, and being high (or drunk) increases the likelihood that people will make criminal decisions. You’ve seen fights start at parties; would those people have fought sober?

    Drug use is a factor in most teen pregnancies (which are fathered by adults) and plays a significant factor in youth violence. The brain indeed has many different parts, and studies show that Marijuana suppresses the function of the part that inhibits your behavior. The two facts aren’t contradictory.

    How can Larry be a good father if his actions led to Kodie going to prison? You’re claiming someone is a good father for acting more like a peer to their child than a guide through life which is what parents are supposed to be. A good parent would have let someone else raise him who loved him more than quick profits, drug use and the meth whores he lived with.

    If you’re an atheist than why would it be “wrong” of me to judge others? Atheism posits a world of subjective morality, where there is no actual right and wrong outside of society and it’s agreed upon framework.

    Marijuana being less harmful than other drugs isn’t an argument for it being harmless. Getting shot with a BB gun is less harmful than being shot with a .22, which is less harmful than a .38 etc. But in all those cases harm was done. We don’t make it legal to lodge a BB in the neck of someone you don’t like just because it isn’t as likely to kill them as being shot with my brand new .327 Federal magnum. Which I’m very happy with and plug at any opportunity.

    If you’re drug use is “cased” by something you should work on dealing with what that is. I’ve been sober ten years or so, because I don’t look at my problems as things that drive me to do anything. I fix them. But that’s an aside, and just an example of the kind of advice adults are supposed to give the young.

    So, rope companies made pot illegal and if it were legal we’d be out of debt as a nation? Someone told me that when I was a kid too but the problem is that’s simply not true. Pot was made illegal during a period when Americans were getting panicked about drug use in general, specifically opiates etc. As for the debt you should read up on Peter Schiff and he talks about our economy, but long story short we fund a massive government and welfare state (including aid to other countries) by borrowing money from other countries. Even if we legalized all drugs our debt would grow as social programs did. More so because all countries with legalized drug use need to make specialized medical care for addicts available, and addicts don’t pay for that themselves.

    Also, we’re entering a “little ice age” again. Global temps have been cooling for the last decade and the ice pack in Antarctica is growing. That’s an argument for another day though.

    I’m on my way out but feel free to comment on any of my posts, I enjoy a good debate.

  30. Hey dudee

    You are really mean. I mean considering how you judge people and rudely correct them almost like a smart ass. Marijuana isn’t that bad. If you really think it’s that bad then who are the ones who wanted peace in the 60’s and 70’s. The hippies man. I mean they did explore their alternate states consciousness through drugs, but they were some people with good intentions, eh?

  31. I probably wont surf across this article again on the world wide web so I won’t see your response. Don’t get too down about it man. ;]

  32. No problem, its nice to have an actual intellectual conversation with someone sometimes. and XXrawrXX, stfu sarah :]

    p.s. also in one of my replies i asked that you may edit the post to be less offensive to marijuana users and the father and son, i think that surely the “And is there anything that says “long term user” like naming your son Cody but spelling it K-O-D-I-E? It’s barely phonetically correct! By the gods this poor kid never stood a chance.” part could go ;]

    oh and also, i bet you couldn’t of guessed that I’m 15 years old.

  33. I never edit but it’s nice that you care about Kodies feelings.

    I assumed you were in high school, but I don’t think teens need to be spoken down to. Having discussions with adults is how we all learned to have adult conversations.

    Gotta go!

  34. how the hell are you going to tell me. First of all I CANT STAND THAT WORD ROBERT. And second yes i am black and where does it say i am not

  35. were does it say im not black………… FIRST OF ALL YOU BITCH, I WAS BORN AND RIAISED BY TWO BLACK UNEMPLOYED HIGH SCHOOL PARENTS. i am black and am proud of my color so before you ever come to me like im not b^lack i think you might want to look at your info again. besides how am i suppose to talk IF SINCE IM “NOT BLAKC”

  36. I’m Black and I just don’t think you are. We can tell. Sorry. Try again.

    And what’s up with the whole “my parents were unemployed” stuff. Have you no pride?

  37. First of all, yes Robert i do have pride. I am proud of you i am and where I come from. Second of all, yes, that is a true story. That is my life though we are doing much better now. And finally I dont never have to prove to anyone who or what i am i know im black and i dont have to prove it you BASTARD

  38. Whats up everyone. Things seem pretty hostile seeing how everyone that says they “know”(not to discredit anyone). No, I’m not here to post about legalizing marijuana or how everything is better when your high, but was wondering how Kodie came out of the ordeal. I had the experience of a live in meth addict when I was young and know how disturbing and destructive it can be. All I can say about it is hopefully he had some real family and friends worth more than their ability to roll. P.S. I might be a teen to( just turned 18) and I have to ask how you can be a mature pot smoker if you’re calling people “niggers” in the twenty first century. I despise stoners like you. I least the ones I choose to talk to utter obsenities to replace the missing brain cells.

  39. I least the ones I choose to talk to don’t utter obsenities to replace the missing brain cells*

    damn typos, must be getting a secon hand high off this blog

  40. I don’t know how he’s doing since there hasn’t been much in the news about him but hopefully this experience will be a catalyst for him to begin to weed out (no pun intended) the things and people keeping him down.

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