But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! It Does Make You A Really Bad Parent However…


Just ask Kodie Callaway who was busted with his dad for growing and selling pot in a school zone. In the house they ran their drug business from they also arrested Dad’s old lady, who was on probation, had warrants out for her arrest and was caught with meth. I guess there’s some new competition for Father of the Year.

Fox12 Oregon:

CLACKAMAS, Ore. — Three people were arrested and about 40 pot plants were seized when a search warrant was served, police said.

Officers said they raided a house in Clackamas at about 5:30 a.m. Wednesday and arrested three people: a woman, a father and his son.

Clackamas County sheriff’s deputies received information from a teenage informant who said marijuana was being distributed from a home at 13080 SE Almond Court, in Clackamas, and that both father and son were actively involved in the crime, police said.

Larry Callaway, 42, and his son Kodie Callaway, 18, who both live at the house where the search warrant was served, were arrested and charged with possession and distribution of a controlled substance within 1,000 feet of a school, police said.

Larry Callaway was also charged with manufacturing of a controlled substance, police said.

Also arrested in the raid was Andrea Jo Lugar, 28, of Portland, who had a prior warrant out for her arrest, police said.

She was also charged with probation violation, frequenting a place where drugs are sold, possession of methamphetamine and manufacturing of a controlled substance, police said.

At least one of the Callaways’ marijuana customers is 15 years old, police said.

Wow. That’s good parenting. Nothing says pot heads are harmless like finding one in his 40s dealing pot to kids as young as 15 in conjunction with his 18-year-old son who pops has living in a house with his meth addict “girlfriend” who is wanted by the law. Legalize it!

And is there anything that says “long term user” like naming your son Cody but spelling it K-O-D-I-E? It’s barely phonetically correct! By the gods this poor kid never stood a chance.

115 thoughts on “But Pot Doesn’t Hurt Anyone! It Does Make You A Really Bad Parent However…

  1. this quite possibly takes the cake for most insulting article i have ever read. this is fucking ridiculous. do you know the callaways personally? i’m pretty fucking sure you don’t. so whoever wrote this has absolutely no right to post this kind of nonsense bullshit online. in fact, none of this is even any of the publics fucking business. so fuck you ignorant bastards, who sit here on the stupid fucking internet and post nasty rantings about random people that YOU DON’T KNOW. keep your fucking mouths shut. and by the way, alcohol is extremely worse for you than weed anyways, and it can be scientifically proven in many ways. the only reason marijuana is illegal is because of the hippy movement in the 50’s and 60’s. it’s like everyone in the media makes it seem like they do fucked up things because of the weed. just people who smoke are the same as any other people.

  2. Oh, “Racheal” I was planning on going to bed but now I’ll have to set you straight on some things.

    1) Rachel is spelled like this.

    2) I have every right to write articles on the Internet. It’s called the 1st Amendment.

    3) It’s not nonsense or bullshit. Larry Calloway should have been helping his son lead a good life, not growing pot with him. And selling it to 15-year-olds? You think that’s O.K.? A man in his 40s dealing to children?

    4) Name this study where it was proven alcohol is worse than drugs. I’d love to see it. But until you do maybe you can tell me what that has to do with raising your son to deal to children and live with some chick who was caught with meth on her? Are you saying there are more people who drink beers that get arrested with their son and are found to have had that child living with a meth user? Or are you saying Pot is harmless?

    5) Pot was made illegal before the 60s.I believe it was made illegal in the 30s but I could be wrong.

    6) If people who smoke are just like everyone else why do so many get caught with meth addict girlfriends? Why aren’t they holding down regular jobs? Are you really going to claim that a 40-year-old man who smokes pot is as mature as a person who put that sort of juvenile nonsense behind them? Do you think that a man who is in his 40s and teaching his son to deal, despite the fact that it will lead to the son getting arrested, and has his son living with a meth user is as good a parent as anyone else? Really?

    7) If you weren’t high you might be able to type in English, or maybe you’d have a job to go to tomorrow so you wouldn’t have the time or inclination to vomit forth this tiresome comment which would be immature coming from a 14-year-old. Time to grow up, kid.

  3. i swear you have to be the biggest douche bag on the face of the earth
    grow up
    personally i know the calloways and they are awesome people
    and who cares how kodies name is spelled
    its more original than spelling it c-o-d-y
    you should really find better things to do then make other people look bad
    it makes you look like an ignorant retard

  4. i also know kodie personally and i feel that this article is hurtful, which it shouldn’t be. personal attacks are unnecessary. and just because you read the news doesn’t at all mean that you know everything. so why don’t you just keep your mouth shut? it’s none of your business. and what is with the insults “grow up”? um excuse me, but who is the one wasting their time writing stupid articles about people you don’t know and probably never will. obviously someone is striving for power. this whole article is pitiful on the writers part end of story. way to be mature.

  5. Andie you’re right. There’s nothing more awesome than getting your kid arrested and guaranteeing him a stint in the joint. There’s nothing more awesome than raising your son to deal drugs, or shacking up with a meth user in the house your son lives in.

    I must be a real douche to not see how awesome that is.

    And you’re right it’s me, not Larry making him look bad. Why, if only I didn’t blog this story he’d come out of this smelling like a rose.

  6. Is Elisa easier to spell?

    A) Why isn’t newsworthy items my business; drug stories like this are literally my business, as in what this blog is partially about.

    B) Are you saying a person who thinks a 40 year old man hooking up 15-year-olds with drugs is acceptable doesn’t need to do a little maturing? Are you saying that thinking a father has no more responsibility to his son, or society, than to hook his kid up with drugs and meth addicts is not a childish, naive viewpoint?

    C) Do you really think blogs are striving for power by commenting on public stories? Really?

    D) I spelled Callaway the same way the article and you yourself did. Put down the bong, kid.

  7. elisa doesnt have a bong to put down
    she doesnt smoke weed
    dumb ass
    dont say shit if you dont know the people its effecting
    all im saying is dont be an asshole when you write stories
    i mean come on is it really necessary to diss his dad on the spelling of kodies name?
    yeah he was in a bad enviroment
    so what?
    you act like youve never smoked marijuana before.

  8. I smoked pot before-when I was 14. Then at around 141/2 I realized it was kind of immature as in the 20-40-year-olds who hang around kids smoking pot are screwed up perverts who hang around kids because adults their own age want nothing to do with them.

    But I’m actually “straight edge” though I don’t listen to god-awful modern punk. Everyone doesn’t do what you do, it’d be nice if they did then whenever you were criticized you could just claim that you were being attacked by hypocrites, but most adults who have their lives together don’t sit around getting high. And they especially don’t do so with teenagers.

    If Elisa doesn’t smoke weed however you’d know that. Hmmm.

    And really? So what if a teen is in a bad environment? That’s what you think? The “so what” is that he’s going to jail because his father loves dealing and meth addicts more than him. So what? Would you teach your kid to deal? Would you leave them in a house with a meth user? How about a crack head?

    You may like Larry (no doubt because he deals to you) but does that mean he’s a good father? Is Kodie really better off than if he was raised by people who avoided drugs?

  9. hahahaha are you serious ?
    larry has never dealt to me
    and elisa doesnt smoke weed and i know it because we are friends
    and i dont smoke either
    kodie probably wouldve been better off with different parents, but he has the parents he has and nothing can change that
    and kodie isnt in jail
    get your facts straight

  10. and you know what?
    my step dad was a meth user
    and im glad
    because i learned from it
    i would never do any of that shit
    just because of the shit ive seen him go through
    ever heard of james dale lourwood?
    yeah he was my dad
    google his name.

  11. Reach for the stars Andie. And Kodie is likely to go to jail, that’s the point. Even if Kodie gets off, he’ll be in the system and cops will be looking at him whenever they need a suspect. Kodie should be getting ready for college not looking for a lawyer.

    If you learned anything from your step-dad, it should be that bringing a meth user into a child’s life is wrong, right?

  12. yes
    and kodie is getting ready to go to school
    hes turning his life around
    thats why this article pissed me off

  13. The article pissed you off but not the father’s attempt to sabotage his future?

    Why blame me for Larry making Kodie’s life difficult.

  14. andie is right. and who the hell cares how anyones name is spelled? just because kodies name is spelled different doesn’t mean he’s any less of a person. and no one is blaming you for larry or kodies shit thats going on right now. we are, however, saying that a persons name is a persons name, and how much more hypocritical could you be? yeah i smoked weed, but just because they got caught their lesser people. kodie was in an awful situation and is trying extremely hard to get his shit together. even now, while he’s still in trouble he’s still trying to better himself. so can you tell me why it’s necessary for you to sit on your computer and make fun of shitty things that are going on in other peoples lives? i’m not trying to fight with anyone, i’m just honestly curious.

  15. This is a joke right?

    1) Kodie’s troubles are all directly related to his scumbag father never growing up and putting Kodie first. By the gods woman, he had his son living with a Meth addict. A METH ADDICT.

    Meth addicts are violent and unpredictable (and steal) but they make great hookers. Or did you think the 40-year-old Larry was “in love” with his Meth user girlfriend. You and I both know that Larry is a dealer who kept a drug slave, who is addicted to a drug that can make her violent, around his son. Are you really still going to pretend that you have no idea that Larry was a scumbag?

    2) I’m not sure you know what a hypocrite is. Explain to me how my stance is hypocritical?

    3) You really think Larry is a “lesser person” because he got caught? Not because he dealt to 15-year-olds? What the hell does a person have to do for you to realize their not good people? I mean besides own a blog on the Internet?

    Why do you think Larry deals to kids anyway? And why do you think someone close to his age (I’m 36) is disgusted by that? Is it possible that I’ve seen this show before? Is it possible that it ends like this?

    4) The name spelling bothers me because it indicates a person who cares more about being “cool” than making sure people don’t pre-judge his son as the off-spring of a drugged up hippie/redneck. I have a relative who named his son “Dejon.” Yeah, it’s pronounced like the mustard. Guess what, the kid takes a load of crap and people assume he’s stupid because they assume his parents are stupid.

    Naming your kid something “unique” is selfish, immature and usually done by bad parents. It’s just another thing “adults” do when they need to impress the world because they’ve never outgrown the need to draw attention to themselves and they’ve never made any effort to accomplish anything.

    5) Do me a favor, re-read your comment later, when you aren’t high. Is that the person you are? You seem like a smart kid, but are you 12-13? That’s what age I assumed you were. I’m not trying to be mean but if you’re older than that, which I know assume you are since you’re friends with Kodie, tell me why you want to do something that inhibits you from relating your intelligence to others?

    6) This blog is a business, and the business is commentary on crime and politics, and how they intersect. Larry isn’t unique unfortunately, and worse there are many people who think what he does is no big deal. I disagree. Stories like this prove, in my mind, that long term pot smoking interferes with a person’s mental and emotional development. Larry was less a father and more a friend, largely I suspect because his juvenile lifestyle kept him from feeling that he had to be a father.

    But you know them you tell me. Who was the one that was more mature? Kodie or Larry?

  16. hahahaha “rob taylor” sucks dick. by the way, it’s cool how you have two first names. rob….. taylor? what the fuck? maybe your parents were long time weed “abusers”.

  17. Only a stripper would think Taylor is a first name. I guess you’ve never heard of:
    Zachery Taylor (The 12th President of the U.S.)

    Robert Taylor (Famous actor in the 40s and 50s)

    James Taylor, Elizabeth Taylor, etc.

    Maybe instead of smoking pot and working the second shift at the local strip club you should read a little, and you’d realize that names like Taylor are old names that go back to when people’s last names reflected what they did. The original Taylors were…Tailors.

    Coming from a Black family however Taylor is the name my slave ancestors ended up with. I’m glad that you think that’s amusing.

  18. Yes I’m no where near as mature as the person who thinks Taylor’s a first name and who leaves comments that say I suck dick. You got me Andie, I’m the one who’s immature not the troll telling me I suck dick and have two first names.

    Thank you for pointing out how I’ve caused the debate to degenerate with my vulgarity and asinine comments. Thank you for pointing out that maturity is allowing people to insult you, belittle the history of your family and smile and ask for more.

    Oh wait, that’s not “maturity” that’s self-loathing. Sorry kid I don’t let people who are beneath me insult me unanswered.

  19. obviously your below them if you will insult them back

    an adult would just leave it alone

    ive never seen a grown man fight with a child…except you

    grown ups walk away instead of fighting with little 15 and 18 year old kids

    that just shows your level of maturity right there

    and how did they belittle your family?

    if i remember correctly you’ve been belittling people since the beginning of this whole ordeal

  20. How do you know they’re 15 and 18?

    But that aside, is your thesis that young people should be allowed to believe they are entitled to insult anyone they want and people will just take it from them?

    Isn’t that sense of self-entitlement part of the Callaway’s problem? Are you really making the case that people should be allowed to tell people to suck their dick or similar and expect no response? That they in essence have the right to attack others but never to be attacked? That others have no right to judge them, debate them or challenge their assumptions?


    How will that work out for these supposed teens when they’re 20? 30? etc.

  21. Rob you are just like every other ignorant nigger. They know what they are talking about because they actually know Kodie as do I. You on the other hand don’t have any idea what you are talking about and got every little bit of information you put on here off of a different website which also most likely blew it out of proportion before you did.

    and btw. Larry wasn’t selling to kids, and your 10 paragraph responses show your a nerdy 36 year old who sits at home on the computer and fights with freshman/sophomores in high school. does that make your e-penis grow?

    GOOD LUCK, have fun sitting at home watching porn blogging and arguing with children because we all know that is what you do all day. Because you damn sure don’t do anything productive with yourself.

    never heard of a straight edge nig before

  22. Proof that all pot smokers are white trash. Hey, I though pot smokers were so mellow and cool? Oh, no just like any garden variety addict they can’t stand the thought of being criticized for their drug use.

    Thanks for showing your true colors (Klan White)

  23. Pot doesn’t cause people to be idiots… -_-
    It’s just unfortunate that some idiots happen to smoke weed too.
    Weed doesn’t cause idiots… Idiots just tend to be stupid enough to abuse drugs.

    Don’t be ignorant, it’s pretty obvious that weed doesn’t cause bad parenting.

    It is perfectly possible to be a responsible user. Just as possible as it is to be a responsible alcohol user. There is no magical property of it that creates irresponsibility.

  24. I’d like to point out, that the vast majority of Pot users, are responsible and successful.
    Everyone in my family smokes, my 57 year old mother has been smoking since her college years, and she makes enough money to afford a huge house, working for an international Swiss company. My father is a gourmet foods/cheese expert. And I make $20 an hour as an IT consultant for many large companies, which you might even have heard of.

    There is simply no inherent quality to cannabis, which screws up people’s lives… As long as they’re responsible and practice moderation. The same goes for Alcohol, a more harmful drug I might add.

  25. $20 an hour! By the gods and you work for these “large companies” while your international financier mother jet sets around the world with your father Emeril. How awesome. Couple of problems though:

    A) I made $15 bucks an hour working at non-profits and that was five years ago, so $20 an hour for a IT pro working for large companies is a bit low, no? You basically make under $40,000 a year. So does a manager at Starbucks. Viva La marijuana!

    B) Your father’s a gourmet food AND cheese expert? Wow! Why don’t you just go from blog to blog telling people he’s a ballerina? Does THC suppress testosterone? You can ask your dad next time he’s plating his creme brulee.

    C) Do you live in your mom’s “huge house?” I’m betting you do. But why? Can’t you afford an apartment on $38,000 a year? Where’s your money going?

    D) No matter how you feel about drug use, isn’t it weird to talk about getting high with your mom? Is it possible that the lack of boundaries that speaks to is indicative of less than successful parenting?

    But all those would only be problems if I believed you, which I don’t. You’re successful? Prove it. On the Interwebs we have a saying: Pics or it didn’t happen. So show me a picture of your mighty $1600 dollar pay stub or something that proves YOU make the pauper’s wages that you believe are so impressive.

  26. everyone quit the internet fights
    we all know that rob is going to find a way to slander whatever accomplishments you and/or your parents have made
    just let him fight with himself

  27. Yes, it’s slander to say that some dude getting high with his mom is creepy. Interesting that ol’ Smokes with Mom and his dress wearing dad can’t prove they make any money.

  28. Dude this is the trippiest thing i have ever read haha thank you for that.

    id just love to add something though,
    smoking pot doesnt fuck you. smoking pot is one of the great things about our earth. if everyone was like this rob character the earth would be boring. high school would be boring. imean seriously, alot of people smoke weed. sure, your succesfull and shit, you probably bring home good paychecks but potheads can do that too, the pot heads know how to have fun. so yeah save your extra cash and die with if that sounds cool. pot was sweet when you were fourteen so why the stick up your ass right now man?

    Obama Should LaegalizeBlanksajaib

  29. Dude Rob, Pull The Stick Out Of Your Ass

    Im Just saying getting high is fun.
    You enjoy your life the way you want without weed. I enjoy mine with weed. I Just think its stupid that everyone says Smoking dope is such a horrible thing. some people become succesful and still smoke weed. not all the time but two er three times a week. Just chill out dude, go write a diary

  30. A) Name three people who you know personally that are pot smokers and successful.

    B) When I was young I thought beating up hippies was fun. I’m sure huffing glue is fun, so what? Just because something is fun doesn’t mean there are no consequences to it. Drinking beer is fun until it makes you fat, makes you throw up or somebody slips a ruffy in your drink. Fun doesn’t equal right.

    C) Write a diary? Really. Apparently pot smoking turns people into 12-year-old girls.

  31. Rob! Dude you Are So Right!
    Its kinda weird talking in bulletins about weed to a pedophile who spends all of his time on the computer fighting with kids in high school! You Must be Soooo Happy with your life and how successful it is .

    Im not gonna put names on this im not stupid

    1. my best friends dad smokes pot everyday and still manages to support a five person family living in a four hundred thousand dollar house.

    2. My moms good friends husband smokes four or five times a week and he lives in a beautiful home on a lake in brighton. supports six people.

    3. A good friend of mine takes his weed from his parents. both of his parents work five days a week and bring home pretty big paychecks.

    i never said getting high is the right thing to do dude. drinking isnt the right thing to do but people do it every day. but really what is so horrible about smoking weed. its not the best thing to do, but i can do alot worse with my extra time.

    wow man, you smoke pot at age fourteen and you dont even find it the least bit hypocritical that you beat up other kids for smoking weed.

  32. How am I a pedophile but not the old people you hang around getting high? Why do they want kids to know they’re “cool” anyway? For the awesome company?

    I mean if they existed, but they don’t. Pics or it didn’t happen!

    It would be hypocritical for me to be a pot smoker who told others to not smoke. I grew up and stopped. And none of my posts beat up on children, in this case it points out that this Kodie kid has gotten fucked over by some immature dick who couldn’t be bothered to try to keep out of jial for his son’s sake

    Why do you think Kodies dad liked giving drugs to 15-year-olds anyway? Think about it for a second. When I did drink I never gave beer to kids, I didn’t drink with kids and I didn’t hang around kids. But Larry Callaway did. Why?

    Because just like your supposed adult friends he likes to get kids high so he can have sex with them. Here’s a tip, if an adult want you high, it’s because they want you to lower your guard and be willing to do things you wouldn’t do sober.

    If you’re going to get high at least stay away from 40-year-olds.

  33. I Understand where you are coming from and you are totally right
    the three people i named off actually are not fictional
    but they do not give their kids weed, and its not like they just announced to their kids that they smoke weed or announced it to me.
    my friends dad hides it but we still manage to find it
    my mom always used to be around the guy when he did it
    the parents kept the weed hidden in the basement

    i totally understand what you are saying about larry callaway and i understand by the way you make it sound that kodie had no chance. and i agree that isnt fair.

  34. u are an awsome instigator. dude u wanna come over and somke some good shit, because u need to get high find a chick stop playin with ur roosters out back and get laid….hahahahah u are a cum guzzling dumster slut that needs to get a fukin life!! beat to that bitch face……

  35. Text speak? What are you a 12-year-old girl?

    I guess you must have a better life than me since you come home from school and type out childish insults while I make a living sitting at home with my wife running websites. I’m so jealous of you, oh if only I wrote on a second grade level threw around words like “dumpster slut” (the name of a porn site isn’t it?) when I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

    I don’t have any roosters though, just another reason I should get high I guess. Not work or live my life, just get high. That’s genius.

    So are you angry because you think someones parents SHOULD get them arrested in a drug buy?

  36. “dumpster slut” (the name of a porn site isn’t it?)….hey thats the same site i saw your wife and mom on dude it was fuckin great, “literally”..haha..hey speakin of your mom she told me you were a mistake…haha…theres one batch she should have swallowed….haha…and you keep wondering where your wife goes at night well i need to tell you the truth shes fuckin your uncle….haha…look at your uncle fucker…and the kids not yours its your best friends…ohh and tell your wife quit calling me everytime she is under heat its not my fault you choke the chicken everytime the buger king commercial comes on….hahaha….beat to that bitch face!!!!!

  37. Beat that? O.K. I used all those same jokes when I was 12.

    Also, I have no kids or uncles and the term is “in heat” not “under heat.” I guess if you weren’t retarding yourself with a drug habit you’d know that.

    How’s the job working out? You making enough money to move out your parents house? I ask because most people have better things to do than troll 6-month-old posts on the Internet at 1:00.

  38. well most people have better things to do then make this motherfucken website don’t you think?
    And if your so fucking straight-edge yourself then why don’t you find a real job. STOP starting stupid petty ass shit and fighting with so called 12 or 14 year old girls as you say …. Wouldn’t you think, someone thats well off ” like yourself” would have more important things to do?
    I guess thats the world today ….everyone talking about things that need to be changed but not doing shit about it!
    Matter a fact i don’t like what your doing right now , Should i start up a website about you or about creepy old guys debating about how people need to raise there kids you have no right to say how anyone should raise there child when you have no kids of your own …..!!
    you have no right to be soo personal with the whole ordeal
    when you don’t even know them the slightest.

  39. As I’ve said before, in this thread probably, this is my job. This and websites like it are how I make a (very comfortable) living.

    “Sam” is likely my age so let’s get real, you pot smokers are crying over the fact someone criticizes drug use. You’re doing what addicts do when someone bad mouths their drug of choice, but supposedly pot isn’t addictive so what’s your deal.

    Part of it’s clearly immaturity. Time and again someone like “Sam” will come and insult me or in his case my wife etc and if i dare answer back suddenly I’m the meanest man in the world. Is it your position i should simply allow people to insult me? Is that how you treat people in your everyday lives?

    But another part of it goes beyond immaturity. Why shouldn’t I write about cases that interest me and my audience? Why shouldn’t you? Why shouldn’t all of us do ad say what we want?

    It’s a effeminate thin skinnedness that I see in many of you, an inability to have a disagreement with people without feeling personally attacked or personally attacking others. Why do you care what I think if you think I’m stupid?

    Because you were raised to believe you deserve deference from others. You’re spoiled. It is unseemly and unmanly to be this upset by another’s opinion. Just as it is to post from the same IP address under different names to make it look like you’re more than one person.

    Maybe it’s you who need to find something better to do.

  40. A) Name three people who you know personally that are pot smokers and successful.

    B) When I was young I thought beating up hippies was fun. I’m sure huffing glue is fun, so what? Just because something is fun doesn’t mean there are no consequences to it. Drinking beer is fun until it makes you fat, makes you throw up or somebody slips a ruffy in your drink. Fun doesn’t equal right.

    C) Write a diary? Really. Apparently pot smoking turns people into 12-year-old girls.

    Usually I don’t bother posting my views on random blogs I come across , swimming through the vast universe of the Internet but I just had to stop and say my bit here , in lieu of the fact that there are people like you who have given Marijuana the bad name it has and this blog will be read by many unsuspecting(And Gullible to a very large degree) people and the net of misinformation will keep expanding. You see , it has become a vicious circle and I try to do my little part in undoing some of that damage , however trivial my contribution might be.

    First , let me answer the three questions you have put for somebody else.

    A). First off , I would like to think myself to be pretty “successful” , as successful a 25 year old Electrical Engineer with Two years experience in the Industry can be. I make good money(In my own currency), I have already started paying the first installments for the new Two Bedroom flat I have booked. I have a College Degree , A steady Job , a House(Well, nearly), A Smallish car , etc etc . Basically , I have a decent life by any standard and “successful” although I’d rather not use that particular word as I have always found it to be a little elitist.
    And here is the fun part. I started smoking Weed recreationally during my second year in college. I only did it on weekends and that too alone(I don’t like to smoke socially).It became a kind of routine , a hard week followed by a weekend of Mellow relaxation on Weed. I only stopped about two weeks before my semester exams commenced and carried on after the conclusion of exams.

    Same thing now , Work hard during the week , then relax completely to freshen up for the week ahead.

    B) Its a common misconception that people smoke marijuana to appear cool. Well, the young and misguided may do it due to peer pressure etc etc but most adult smokers do it to relax and enjoy the experience.

    Sure , there are consequences. Any one who does not recognize that should not be using it in the first place. Yeah , Marijuana is bad for your health , the same way Alcohol is bad for your health , the same way cigarettes royally screw your lungs. But the point I am trying to make here is the fact Alcohol is legal , Cigarettes are legal while a herb which is no worse for your body than alcohol or Cigarettes or any other legally available substance for that matter.

    The keyword here is “responsible” use. You can go on and state thousands of examples where people have destroyed their lives using Marijuana but I’ll still say ” Those people were going to end up as failures even WITHOUT marijuana”.

    C). That, my sir , is not even funny.

    Lets put it this way:

    Marijuana+ Responsible Use= Improvement in the quality of life

    Marijuana+Reckless Use= Disaster.

    But then again , the second equality holds true for all substances , Including Alcohol, Tobacco.

    So why is Alcohol ok and Marijuana is the devils drug?. Think.

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