According to authorities 17-year-old Linzy Earles “smoked a bowl of Marijuana” and slept through the sound of her 2-month-old son being eaten alive by a 10-12 week old black lab puppy that, according to reports, hadn’t been fed for an extended period of time:
TULSA, Okla. (AP) – The family of a 2-month-old boy couldn’t remember when anyone last fed a Labrador puppy that was euthanized after it killed and partially devoured the infant, authorities said.
Tulsa County prosecutors have charged Linzy Earles with second-degree manslaughter in juvenile court for the July 28 death of Zane Earles. The count involves culpable negligence – an omission to do something that a reasonably careful person would do or failure to use ordinary care and caution.
Linzy Earles is accused of leaving Zane alone in a baby swing located on the other side of the house from which the teen was sleeping. The dog was allowed to run around the residence unsupervised during that period.
Zane’s father and grandfather left the house about 8 a.m., according to a police report. When the grandmother, Holly Earles, got up about 10 a.m., she found the boy and began screaming. Linzy Earles then got out of bed, police said.
A police report filed in the case included grisly details of the incident and interviews with family members that suggested the puppy was hungry when it mauled the baby.
“Everyone thought that someone else had taken care of the puppy’s feeding,” according to a report.
After being asked why she left her infant in the living room and went across the house to sleep, Linzy Earles said she had been up until 4 a.m. with the baby, a police officer reported.
“She appeared more concerned about herself and her sleep than about the baby’s safety,” the report read.
Zane had multiple bite and claw marks. A diaper was connected to the boy by tissue and blood, according to a detective’s report. Missing parts of his little body included the lower abdomen, front upper left thigh and lower left buttock, a report states.
The Labrador was taken to the Tulsa Animal Shelter, where it was euthanized at the request of police so that evidence could be recovered. No cooked meat, vegetables, grains or starches that would indicate the presence of commercial dog food were present, a police laboratory report states.
Linzy Earles has a history of drug use, no surprise. So any legalization advocates want to take this one up? How would legalizing pot have stopped this from happening? Or would legal marijuana guarantee that we see more incidents like this in the future?
True Crime Report has video.
Isn’t this story about Liberal Socialist Subsity drawing Democrat Obama Voters ?
There you go again, with the strawman that legalization would stop these types of incidents. Nobody I know would suggest that.
Liberty: Yeah sort of.
Del: Actually many, many legalization advocate claim legalizing pot will reduce crime because pot smokers are essentially harmless and benevolent. I’m putting forward an example to show that getting high isn’t a victimless crime, certainly when there are children involved.
Or as I said in an earlier post, isn’t it true that most pot smokers have other failings, most people who use do so because they are the kind of people who use. They have an inability to cope with some pain in their life, they’re selfish, uncaring about others. The romantic view of drug use is that well adjusted hip people do so recreationally but the truth is that most drug users, pot or alcohol or otherwise, are more like Linzy Earles than they are willing to admit.
Pingback: What happens when you smoke dope and don’t feed your dog
I used to smoke when I was younger, now I am in healthcare and see the effects of drug use. This story is riduculous! She probably had other substances in her system and this is being used as a ploy to denounce marijuana use. What about the cancer patient who can’t eat because of nausea? How about glacoma patients? I think we need to focus our attention on the drugs that do the real harm. Meth, Crack, and alcohol. Having 10 years E.R. experience, I have never seen a pot O.D. or someone kill someone over pot. However the Meth and alcohol stories could be put in to a very large book!
Spoken like someone who smokes pot and doesn’t want to take responsibility for their own drug use. If you work in an ER you’ve seen plenty of people who got high and hurt themselves after falling asleep. You’ve done it yourself I’m sure. Fallen of a couch, fell asleep while playing Halo etc. Pot isn’t different than alcohol in the level of affect on a person and a medical professional not in the throws of the world’s lamest addiction (by the gods man, most Pot smokers can admit that it’s entirely possible to sleep through crying babies while high) would be able to admit that chronic pot smoking does have effects on people’s decision making ability and in fact marijuana is habit forming, thus how angry you are about this story.
If pot is so good, why don’t you smoke it now? You claim that you used to but why not say you do? Because you know pot smokers are untrustworthy, immature and shouldn’t be responsible for the safety of others.
I don’t now because the powers to be made it against the law. However, we give Marinol to patients which is Marijuana. For the record, I don’t play Halo, I graduated from college with honors (While smoking marijuana), made The Who’s Who List in 1995, had a 3.87 GPA, and I have not found anything in the Bible against marijuana. I am upset with your one sided uniformed story because there are people it helps. I notice you brushed over alcohol which causes more deaths in this country than any other drug. Please do some research before you speak of things you know nothing about. It is so easy for you to preach, but you don’t have to see the people suffer whom this drug could help. In your vast intelligence, did you know that President Kennedy smoked marijuana in the White House for back pain? I guess he was just another doper to you. And I have never had a pot related injury in over 10 years of ER experience. I challenge you to spend a shift in an ER and see what the real problems are. Maybe the people you like to use as examples had other problems to, but it is so much easier to blame on pot.
In addition, I cannot release specifics because of where I work, but your facts on this particular case are not accurate. Do a follow-up and see what drugs were actually found in the mother’s system. Shame on you!
A) I’m not a Christian so what’s the Bible have to do with this. Take your Jesus-freakery elsewhere.
B) I don’t drink and I have said much the same thing about alcohol abuse as I do about any drug abuse. The difference is there are few people being honest about pot. No one claims chronic alcohol uses is harmless.
C) JFK didn’t smoke pot, pot smokers claim he did to make some point about something or the other. Possibly that smoking pot makes you a great anti-Communist (I love that guys hard line with the Reds) but a piss poor husband.
D) The college Who’s Who is a scam that means nothing. I’m in it too. So is my old lady. So’s everyone that had at least a 3.0 which ain’t nothing to be proud of. If you’ve worked in an ER for ten years shouldn’t you have something more impressive on your resume to jerk off to than PAYING a company like $90 for a copy of a book of names nobody ever reads? Why was your last “great accomplishment” in college? Because you’re a lazy doper?
E) “And I have never had a pot related injury in over 10 years of ER experience.” You’re a liar. The last time I was in an emergency room there was a pothead in the waiting room who got into an accident while high. The time before that there was at least three people who reeked of weed there for various reasons. Fighting, car accident etc. Unless you work in some tiny town with no crime you’re bullshitting to claim in ten years you’ve never once seen a guy on weed either end up in the hospital after an accident or put someone in a hospital.
My challenge to you is to email me the town you work in and I will find at least three pot related injuries in the news there if it’s a town of normal size (20,000+)
Secondary challenge: Replace pot with beer there and tell me how your comment sounds.
You making this personal shows you lack of intelligence. You have contradicted yourself with every reply. Anyone who has taken college statistics knows that any stats can be found to “prove anything”. It is a fact that JFK smoked, not made up stories that you like to throw out as truths. How about a public debate, anywhere anytime. I’ll bring Dr.s and nurses, you bring your fantasies and lets see who wins. You lied about you ‘cover story’ so you word means nothing! Grow up and try to join reality. Further more, I take random drug tests so Im not a doper. And my last great accomplishment in college was being introduced to the Governor of Oklahoma for helping to organize a National depression screening day. You have no knowledge of healthcare, no knowledge of life. You live through making up stories, did you check that girls toxicology reports? NO THC!
Oh and just curious, with all your ER experience and anti marijuana stance, how did you know what pot smelled like? Since they reeked of weed. Your a joke man.
Because I grew up in New Jersey, went to high school in New York and attended both college and Grad school. I know what pot smells like.
I tried pot once…when I was 14. Didn’t like it then, don’t like it now.
As for the public debate. Sure. Set something up and run it by me. But what’s my “cover story” anyway? Am I some CIA agent now? Or does all that dope make you paranoid.?
The article you link to clearly states the woman smoked pot at least the night before, although other reports say the night of as well. How can there be no THC in her system if she smoked pot the night before? Do you get so high that you can’t even understand a blog post?
You met the governor? In college doing charity work? By the gods you’re life is awesome.! How about AFTER college? What’cha got going for you Jimmy? Married? Independent? Not relying on others at all?
Happy? Are you satisfied with where you are? Reading you’re comments I’m going to go with no.
Like I said let me know about this debate forum.
“I tried pot once…when I was 14. Didn’t like it then, don’t like it now.” Guess that makes you a doper too by your standards.
My profession requires that I take regular drug tests, I don’t drink, and I don’t smoke. I shared your comments with my co-workers and they all got a good laugh. For that I thank you, it was a rough night. My business is saving lives, but after checking up on you and your views, it’s obvious you don’t research what you attack, you just attack. You claim that you were in ER with pot related injuries, well the hospital that let you know those things violated a federal law known as HIPPA. Finally, my case is for medicinal use to be regulated like any other drug. Not for kids, not for joy seekers, and not for recreation use. I guess you think other drugs like Haldol, Prozac, Chemotherapy Drugs, Ativan, and Tegretol should be illegal too? I will not have a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Good day to you an your extremist views. Try a little thing called research, stop the childish personal attacks, and then maybe people will actually listen to your views.
““I tried pot once…when I was 14. Didn’t like it then, don’t like it now.†Guess that makes you a doper too by your standards.”
Uh, no. It doesn’t. Just like a person who has tried a beer 20 years ago isn’t a drunk.
“I shared your comments with my co-workers and they all got a good laugh.”
Since I’m not a teenager why would I care about that?
“You claim that you were in ER with pot related injuries, well the hospital that let you know those things violated a federal law known as HIPPA.”
Hippa is less than a decade old and more importantly I was in an ER waiting room taling to people. You realize Hippa doesn’t make it illegal for people to talk in waiting rooms right?
You aren’t making a case for THC use as medicine, you’re claiming I’m wrong for criticizing recreational drug use and chronic or heavy pot smoking. You’re claiming that challenging the romanticization of getting high is outrageous. Halidol and the like are not the same as smoking pot, just as disinfecting a wound isn’t the same as doing shots.
Again I have the research, in studies by several universities that show pot use causes symptoms similar to mental illness. You instead present anecdotes as data and the two aren’t the same.
First of all thank you for stopping the personal attacks. There are also studies that show that Morphine, Prozac, Beta-Blockers, numerous Anti-Depressents, several blood thinners, pain meds, heart medications, and numerous others that are prescibed daily cause effects similiar to mental illness. I never claimed you were wrong for being against recreational use, no drug should bee used for recreation. However, there are also studies that show marijuana can be useful for chronic nausea (Cancer patients), seizure disorders, and some mental illness. If the FDA would regulate marijuana then recreation use could be slowed down, dealers would be put out of business, and it would be harder for children to get it (Not impossible ie alcohol, tobacco). When dealing with illness, we need to explore all options. There is no romance in using or needing drugs, whether for pain or recreation, but at some point we must choose the lesser of two evils.
“If the FDA would regulate marijuana then recreation use could be slowed down, dealers would be put out of business, and it would be harder for children to get it”
Untrue. Recreational use of prescription drugs goes up every year, dealers will never allow shop keepers to set up pot aisles without “taxing them” just as the mafia does with nightclubs that sell alcohol (and the lottery, there’s a legal lottery in every state but the Mafia still runs numbers) and children abusing legal medications is quite common because in our culture where people medicate themselves for anything legal drugs are easier and safer to get than pot. Kids can just skim pills from their pill popping parents (or fake a mental illness to get proscribed anti-depressants as some enterprising dealers do) rather than make a buy from someone who may or may not decide to pull a gun on them for a rape/robbery.
The key to stopping drug and alcohol abuse in our society it honesty. Kids should see former addicts in their school talking about sucking off people in allies for coke, people who killed their best friends driving drunk and supposedly mellow pot smokers starving their babies while playing WOW or more importantly preying on children.
But that’s an aside. You came here claiming that the story was false (it is not) and that I’m some kind of douche for telling the truth. All drug users are like this person, they think the world owes them, they won’t take responsibility for themselves and their perceptions of right and wrong are completely distorted by chronic use. Getting high for months or years has consequences not just for you but everyone around you. When some pot head has children or is driving around on our streets or decided the NWO is sending agents to spy on him it is not a lesser evil to allow them to continue and hope someone doesn’t get hurt.
The key to stopping drug and alcohol abuse in our society it honesty. Kids should see former addicts in their school talking about sucking off people in allies for coke, people who killed their best friends driving drunk and supposedly mellow pot smokers starving their babies while playing WOW or more importantly preying on children. -We have been doing this for years and drug use has gone uo. Especially in rural areas and with kids. It’s just not working.
But that’s an aside. You came here claiming that the story was false (it is not) and that I’m some kind of douche for telling the truth. All drug users are like this person, they think the world owes them, they won’t take responsibility for themselves and their perceptions of right and wrong are completely distorted by chronic use. Getting high for months or years has consequences not just for you but everyone around you. When some pot head has children or is driving around on our streets or decided the NWO is sending agents to spy on him it is not a lesser evil to allow them to continue and hope someone doesn’t get hurt. –
The story states “Linzy Earles may have smoked marijuana the night before her son was mauled, as well. ” They did not mention the meth use and also other sedatives found in her system. I agree with you the word has to get out. I just wish that people would put more focus on meth, crack, and now Oxycotin. We deal with these problems on a daily basis. Finally, as I said, there is no drug that should be used for recreational reasons. Regardless. You have chosen Marijuana to fight against, but it is my opinion that efforts would be better used to fight and bring attention to the above mentioned drugs.
Neither does the supposed evidence you sent. How do you know Linzy Earles had all this in her system?
Marijuana is the only illegal drug people claim is harmless, that’s why the Victimless Crime File is focused on it. You find me a person who claims Meth is harmless and I’ll write about him or her in the file.
Alright Rob I was shocked about how niave ur comments were, untill I read you’ve only tried it once. I bet you got really really high and the same would happen if you had done it again. Now what u need to realize is the ok’ness in pot is the extreme EXTREME tolerance you build. Once you start burnin it 5 + times a day, its a total different story. Nothing like an aclhool tolerance were get just get use to what “drunk” is like, comparing your first 50 times smoking, weeds affect or high drops like 85-95% (from my personal expierence, not factual at all but my most honest guess) Most definitley the same for all my friends who 6 years ago would be laughing at the carpet once they endulged, now if the were shaking your hand for a job interview after smoking a joint u wouldnt even notice, I swear. Example Im such a speeder to school and it pisses my dad royaly, I have to drive all these hours with him, and never have time to burn before the drive. Once I made time my dad said ‘wow’ your not speding and ‘look’ you used your signal(when Im high I seem to care for others more, everbodys different; ) and ‘glad’ to see you not tailating as much. Diffenetly not saying smoke weed to be a better driver just saying with my personality that just happens and i didnt even notice. Thought It would be a good example because my dad has similar views as you and the 3,786,932,987 times Ive smoked(estamite) he still has no idea. Im 16 and IM truley sorry people scarred you into living the way u do(terrorism???) and you pot haters collectviley saying stuff like ‘dog eats kid beause of pot’ is the reason so many husbands, brothers, childern and sisters will sleep in cell right next to the toilet tonight. Cure shouldnt be worse than the disease. And as for the article on top its so bias its not worth thought. But lets say it was true then its not weeds fault, the lady shouldnt be smoking if it has such an effect on her. Muck like its not the Mc Donalds that giving you the cardiac arrest, it was your desicion to eat the burger. Because of a few irresponsable fatties should Mick D’s be outlawed? Lastly, ha sorry im going on forever, but pot was outlawed due to raciall discrimination I swear. Could go on forever but got to smoke a bowl peace love. And rob dont listen to a word I said what you gotta google reasons for maruijana laws u’ll notice there is no stong goverment argument against the radical reasons u’ll hear.
I personally know linzy.
She was a good friend of mine. I love her but I knew she wasn’t ready to be a mom. She was going through a hartd time and drugs were the reason this happen. She wouldn’t of done this if she wasn’t on drugs. S
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