The Pauper to Princess Kidnapping Scandal


A fly by night reality T.V. production company is being accused of luring young girls to a Central Florida house where they were held hostage according to local media. Dream House Productions is the company that created Pauper to Princess, a show that promises to turn poor, desperate young women into “princesses” that will be role models to young girls everywhere.

This dream come true reality show turned into a nightmare as the girls were locked away and terrorized by the shows “manager:”

APOPKA, Fla. — Police in Apopka raided a home being used for a Central Florida-based “princess” reality show after accusations the women participants were being held against their will.

“(The women) said their cell phones were taken away from them so they were not able to make any contact with their family or friends,” neighbor Lori Thompson said. “So, they said they were fearful and they were just trying to get out.”

The “Pauper to Princess” reality show was created with the apparent idea of taking eight young ladies and putting them inside a home to transform them into princesses.

Neighbors near the Apopka home said they called police after hearing that the girls were unable to leave.

“I’m going to use the word escape because both of the girls said they couldn’t leave the house,” another neighbor said.

Local 6 showed video of Marc Brilleman, a head manager of the show, being put into a police patrol car after being charged with false imprisonment.

Four women were seen leaving the home and standing outside after the house was opened.

“Marc Brilleman is crazy,” one of the women said.

A show participant, Alisha Waizmann, also offered a warning to women after leaving the house.

“Watch out for schemes,” Waizmann said.

“Was there anything sexual going on?” Local 6’s J.R. Stone said.

Local 6 also has a video report which shows the harried women leaving the scene as well as the news that Brilleman posted bond and was out of jail already.

Steve Huff dug into the background of Dream House Productions and discovered the outfit is an online porn company trying to cash in on the reality craze. Huff also has a pretty complete list of all the major players in Dream House and their involvement. The pornography revelations make Alisha Waizmann’s reluctance to answer questions as to whether there was anything sexual going on seem more sinister.

Dream House CEO Jim Johnson has stated to the media that the allegations are false:

Executive producer Jim Johnson denies the allegations. He says the women had been allowed to leave the house on recent weekends. He also said their cell phones were confiscated as part of the 13-week contract they signed.

Johnson said the women were taken to the opera, fashion shows and modeling and etiquette training.

Johnson says he doesn’t have a television deal yet to air the show.

I’ll bet there isn’t a television deal in the future either. We’re going to follow this story.

Update: Despite the protests of “Jackstar” Marc Brilleman doesn’t seem to have been a nice man, or an honest one. WDBO is reporting that the girls were led to believe that the show was already picked up by Fox. Jim Johnson is on record as saying that the show wasn’t picked up.

Brilleman and Johnson have said they’re going to sue the women.

The Orlando Sentinal has details of the events leading up to Brilleman’s arrest:

Lori Thompson, who lives across the street from the house the women stayed in, said she and other neighbors had been watching the house for weeks because when they regularly saw young women getting out of a van, they feared pornography was being filmed inside. A few weeks ago, she heard screams coming from the house and a neighbor called 911.

At about 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Thompson said, she saw a man taking belongings out of the yard and when she confronted him, he told her he was trying to help his friend get out of the house on April Lane in the Lake McCoy Forest subdivision. As Thompson was talking to the man, she noticed several women peeking over the gate on the side of the house. When the man drove away, one of the women ran out to the front of the house and told Thompson that she was trying to get out of the house.

As Thompson was talking to the woman, she said, Brilleman drove up to the house. When the woman saw him, Thompson said, she got scared and ran into the yard. According to the police report, as Brilleman walked into the house, the four women told him that they were leaving. He then stood in front of the door and locked it. Brilleman told them they could not leave because they were under contract. One of the women then pushed Brilleman out of the way, and all four ran out of the house. Brilleman, of Windermere, denied preventing the women from leaving, the report said.

Yeah Jackstar, sounds like a nice guy.

Update: More reports are coming out which show Dream House Production to be nothing but a group of slipshod degenerates who got in way over their heads:

The show’s Web site promised the winner would receive $50,000, the use of a BMW sedan for a year and a modeling contract.

“Our goal is to make these girls somebody. To help them grow physically, mentally and spiritually,” intones an adult male voice on a promotional trailer on the show’s Web site. “It is about changing our eight paupers’ lives so that they can change the world.”

Metropolitan Bureau of Investigation officials say the house on April Lane had been on their radar for months.

“We got a tip about four months ago that this was being peddled on the Internet as the X-Rated Dream House,” said MBI Commander Paul Zambouros. “It had Web cameras all over the house,” which could be viewed for a fee.

The site shut down almost as soon as MBI undercover agents subscribed to it, Zambouros said. Shortly after that, the production company decided to shoot the reality TV show.

Whatever was being filmed in the residence was violating city rules, according to Apopka police.

Dream House Productions apparently never approached Apopka City Hall, which routes all requests to film in the city through the Economic Development Commission of Mid Florida Inc.’s Motion Picture and Television divisions, said police Chief Chuck Vavrek.

The promised payments to the girls never came, which caused havoc in the lives of the desperately poor women they preyed upon:

Brittany Pranther, the show’s youngest contestant, thought a bit of good luck had graced her when she was chosen for the show. She was promised $500 a week during the 13 weeks of filming, she said.

Pranther, 19, wanted to win the prize money to help her disabled mother, Natalie, get better health care, she said. Her mother has suffered four strokes and two heart attacks in the past five years, leaving her unable to work.

Because Pranther and the other contestants were never paid the $500 a week she said they were promised in their contracts, she lost her car. Her mother’s eviction notice gave her until today to get out of her rented Orlando home.


Pranther said the contestants became wary of the show’s legitimacy in recent weeks after inadvertently discovering a sex tape on a memory card in one of the production company’s cameras. Until then, the women had attended modeling classes, etiquette training and worked out with a personal trainer at a Bally’s gym near Orlando. They even performed community service at the local Ronald McDonald House.

Sex tape? How’d that get there? Oh, right this was an on line porn company. They apparently were recycling their actors because the girls chaperone for Pauper to Princess, Tamika Jackson, was performing on the discovered tape having sex on the kitchen counter.

The girls were promised money the company didn’t have and were filming illegally because the Dream house coundn’t be bothered to pay the fee for a filming permit. This was worse than a scam.

35 thoughts on “The Pauper to Princess Kidnapping Scandal

  1. I must say that I have met with all these YOUNG ladies and have had them all at my home just two weeks ago here in kissimmee.The YOUNG girls were supposed to go to seaworld but when they could not get the whole group into the park they came over to go swimming!
    I also have met marc on a different ocassion were him and I took or sons to wrestlemania,I feal I must state that in no way am i affiliated with this company.Just felt the need to inform some of you about the facts!! Marc is a good father from what I saw while we sp[ent time at wrestlemania and time at my home .non of the girls came inside my home just simply to swim many of my neighbors can testify to this as a group of Young ladies in vans is enough to spot.
    all of the remaining ladies were upset at not getting there checks on time so they could go out for the weekend ,thus the plan to get out the house by any means went into affect…As for the neighbor and her comment they ar ethe same that you see everyday supplied by people who do not have a clue as to what is going on around them yet somehow feal the need to open there mouths and spout out a bunch of rubbish.For those of you who do not care to take the time to get the full story then please do not post nonsense instead wait and get the facts!
    The FACTS!!!
    Im open for comment and will reply if any of you a have any legit questions you care to ask.
    Thanks all for the time and please get the facts first then decided.

  2. But all the facts you present are anonymous nonsense about a man who just got arrested being a good father.

    Why should we believe you “Jackstar Powers?” Tell me why I should take the word of an anonymous person with a really bad porn name over no less than 5 news reports which include the statements of police involved and the victims?

    Are you seriously saying that eight women got together and accused a man of kidnapping because they didn’t get their checks on time? And what does “thus the plan to get out the house by any means went into affect” mean? Your own comment implies that they were told they weren’t allowed to leave, which is exactly what they charge.

    If you want to answer questions, why not start with a real account of what happened? Why do you think all these people are making false reports and what have they to gain?

  3. in response to you mr taylor u are jus tlike those who spend time not in the know but rather relying on an outside source to get educated..
    Please get a clue then respond !
    a name is just that you clown and its people like you and your close minded attempt at what ever you call that post that sicken me so very much!
    Get a clue take the time to learn the facts then judge that is all my post represents.

  4. Oh. I get it. You’re high.

    Do you have any idea how retarded you sound? Of course I’m relying on an “outside” source like the news. All information comes from outside of you and is processed internally.

    But I assume you mean I’m listening to second hand sources. Which is also incorrect since the video taped statements of the victims and the L.E. statements released to media are first hand accounts that are given to us.

    If you have other facts, aside from how nice some dude you went to Wrestlemania with was, then by all means share. Sober up first, but share.

    It isn’t the sign of an open mind to decide that every media report and all the witness statements are lies; it’s the sign of paranoia. I have no reason to believe that the story is false, and you calling me a donkey doesn’t change that.

    How about this. You list three things that are “wrong” with this story and the evidence. I’ll gladly follow up.

  5. please dont waste my time with your rubbish.
    at this Point you sound Just as YOUNG as all these girls.

  6. How am I wasting your time? You’re trolling my blog. You’re in fact wasting my time.

    It’s interesting that you have no real information though. Just another groupie defending scumbags. If these gals are so young why deal with them?

  7. Update: Despite the protests of “Jackstar” Marc Brilleman doesn’t seem to have been a nice man, or an honest one. WDBO is reporting that the girls were led to believe that the show was already picked up by Fox. Jim Johnson is on record as saying that the show wasn’t picked up.

    Is this how you blog the facts?
    The report also stated that all the girls were under contract and in the contract it reads plainly that they were trying to have the show picked up for air .So regardless of your pathetic reporting skills and so very quick to judge attitude There were no lies told to the girls about this topic. If you are so good at this blogging thing that plainly is running your life get the facts first.
    find the contract and read it as you are obviously taking excerpts from other stations and trying to put together this blog,why not take from the contract and state the facts?
    Very poor attempt at reporting a story !

  8. You do under stand that there isn’t a legally enforcable contract that makes a person a prisoner don’t you? They may be penalized for leaving the house as per a contract with being left out the show or not being paid for the days they weren’t there, but they can’t be PREVENTED from leaving physically. That’s false imprisonment.

    Why don’t you send me the contract? Why don’t you go to the WDBO forums and tell them they suck for not seeing the contract?

    And while you’re added show me a lawyer who’ll tell you it’s legal to write a contract that gives a person the power to physically prevent a person from leaving a place. This isn’t Saudi Arabia. Women can’t be “contracted” into having no rights.

  9. Now go back and re-post all that the media outlets are stating now! that there was no wrong doing in the house as for sex with these girls get the facts and blog them correctly!
    the production you are talking about happen before all this the only thing marc is guilty of is not getting the permit to film in the city of apoka.
    again I say to you state the facts and then blog them dont judge as you know nothing but what is reported and even that has now change so change your blog,steal the news from the other media outlets and report it correctly just as you did before.
    get the facts!

  10. Nothing in the story has changed except aspiring porn star Tamika Jackson came forward to say the girls weren’t held against their will, but Marc Brilleman has yet to provide evidence that he did not attempt to block the girls from leaving, which is what false imprisonment is. Tamika’s statement says nothing about that incident, which is what Brilleman is charged with.

    “Only” skipping over getting a permit to film in a city is not some innocent mistake, but evidence of a complete lack of professionalism.

    Do you know how blogs work? Excerpting reports isn’t stealing, in fact most of the news reports you read are all filed by AP stringer and picked up by the various media. But a blog isn’t a newspaper it’s a blog. It is sourced mainly online.

    If you have information that contradicts the story send it to me, but at this point you haven’t contradicted the story, just spent two days telling me I’m a dick. For that reason I assume my post has struck a nerve with you and your friends.
    Why don’t you tell me what’s changed?

    The only new development I’ve seen was Tamika Jackson trying to cover her ass. Not literally of course…

  11. Mr. Taylor. I will address your request as I understand the need for anonymity, and understand Jackstar’s desire to remain anonymous.
    First I will go on record as divulging a truth. I am not an English scholar nor do I care about spelling or grammatical errors. That being said: You asked for 3 items that were not true that were easily proven.

    1. As a means of psychological torture we were tied up and forced to go to the bathroom together. I have released the tape that shows the girls laughing and giggling as they were bound to the girl they had the most trouble getting along with. They were indeed tie with a pink shoestring made into a bow. They were tied one wrist to one wrist. To use the restroom they simply reached over and untied the bow.
    2. We were held against our will and our cell phones taken way from us, so that we could not contact friends and family. Where do I start; the cell phones were taken away during filming. The girls went home every weekend and returned Sunday night or Monday morning whichever was more convenient for them. An Example Filming will show Alisha attending and placing second in the Apopka idol contest. Where she sat with her family and boyfriend, Scott. You will also see that Christie, competed and was almost late for day two because she was not with the production company she was home. You will see here talking with Luz Mary whom arrived at the same time I did. This she did in support of her friends. As for not able to communicate? There are six computers with internet access in the house, Not to mention most filming was done on location. If you are kidnapped please stop coming back on Monday.
    3. Our make over week consisted of a visit to Mary Kay, and we only went out to eat one time, to Burger King. I can easily show the receipts for the $800.00 I spent at Chef Stepano’s Ristorante. Where the girls ate right after having, hair, nails, and makeup done at the “Cut and Color Room”. Not to mention each girl was awarded a gift of over $400.00 in value. Perhaps John Ratzenburger will remember meeting us that day. These pictures are already posted on the website.
    4. Just for giigles one more that I just love: “We were punished” There was structur in place and rules to follow. When the rules were broken the girls formed a panel and decided the fate of the rule breaker.

    Keep watching as this truth unfolds. Perhaps Jackstar did come off a bit distant but, his story is true. The girls along with Tamika, and Marc Brilleman did indeed go to his house and swim the day that Sea World Adventure was postponed.

    As the Executive Producer of this show I am here to set the record straight. Keep watching the news as this has just gotten started. I have decided not to continue to release video footage to disprove every allegation but I will do so very soon. A specific episode will show Debbie Wisner of the Maile School siiting next to me when I am Asked by a contestant “What channel will this be on”, My answer was “ It hasen’t been sold yet we are working toward getting it on a chanel like fox reality or bravo.” . Immediately preceeding that statement you will hear testimony of Debbie Wisner stating that us being a fox show strongly influenced her decision to join up with us.

    A final note to all the fair weather fans / Sponsors that left us because of these lies. I don’t blame you, but you will not be welcome back when the truth is revealed. To the girls I am sorry you made this decision it was never our intent to hurt you, but you will be held accountable for your lies. A special thanks to the one contestant whom has decided not to try and run with this ridiculous claim to fame. Stay Honest it is a wonderful attribute.

    Mr. I believe I have more than met your request so here is one of Mine:
    Show ONE, just ONE item, of negativity that these girls have claimed, and show proof of that. It simply can’t be done.

    Jim Johnson
    Executive Producer Pauper to Princess

  12. We have already submitted to the DA and to the proper Authorities all the information regarding permits.
    Tamika has made a great stand and a wonderful change in her life. I find it pathetic to continue trying to hurt that lady, at request of little girls throwing temper tantrum.

    Brittany: You cannot get evicted in 6 weeks, so I guess you shouldn’t have left your poor defensless Grandmother to fend for herself.
    Stop Lying you asked to leave, we said fine. You breached your contract there is no compensation due.

  13. Oh Another Item The company Dream House Productions, Inc NEVER engaged in any production that was NOT rated G.
    How ever another company did lease the house and did run a website, with voyer chatrooms.

    No body ever filmed porn. Also the girls were made aware of this at the onset and letters they have hand written proving htis have been given to the DA.

    Keep Watchin.

    I will try to disprove what I can but if you want the Truth Watch the Show.

  14. Your first post was a good defense; the second came off a little immature. The third seems like nonsense.

    What you haven’t addressed is the actual incident where the girls claim that Brilleman stood in front of them attempting to block them from leaving. Did he do that and if so why would he think that appropriate?

    That incident, in my estimation, is key to the case.

    I’ve worked in real estate mgt and I can tell you that I’ve seen people evicted quicker than Brittany. Remember, before leaving what will look like heartless comments, that you’re talking about someone people my age (36) will see as a “kid” and we won’t expect her to have made good sound financial decision, but will be affected by the very emotional story of her going of to what still seems like a scam to make money to help her Grandmother. In that light, snarky comments about the girls Grandmother will come off as unseemly, to say the least.

    Was she stupid to rely on a contest to pay her bills? Sure. Will she still receive sympathy for her plight? No doubt. So poor form my friend to go with the cheap shot.

    Steve Huff went to your site, investigated your company and found that you produced porn. Is it possible you are affiliates of porn? Or are you saying Steve Huff, an extremely famous and well-respected True crime writer, is lying? You seem to be saying that another company rented that house and ran a porn website using the name Dream House Productions. That being the case why would you use the name of a porn company to run your G-rated business?

    Somebody filmed some porn, and in a strange coincidence made porn in that house with your girl Tamika and with one of the cameras you were using to film. Either you’re unlucky, or you’re covering up. Which is it?

  15. Thare was no denial of Mine or Tamikas involvement of a Coyer Chat room and staged photographs to intice men into those rooms and Yes it was done at this hous. However a small oversite. Dream House Productions , INC Had no involvement at all other than myself having changed the way I chose do business. SO yes I have been apologizing for that 4 – 6 wk bad decision but to drag all those innocent people in without doing a thorough investigation was more wrong than the act itself.
    Evictions being blamed on us is rediculous She would have a 3 day notice, then five days to respond a hearing, or notice of default, notice of final judgment and time to vacate. This all happens after your landlord is fed up with you. Last tiem i will address it. I just keep hearing all this crap and it just simply isn’t true. There was no film found. It was a Flash drive with still photos that were not shot with the same caeras at all. The drive was found in one of the six computers that our socalled prisoners had full access to. this was my fault , my mistake. as I own the house and left it behind, when I thought that had all been destroyed. It isn’t a coverup it is simply not the same company I am one guy and tamika one woman. our pasts should not be used to strengthen a lie. 22 people are out of work from this. Every Girl in that house was aware and wrote letters to prove they were aware. To keep going back to this is an obvious ploy to try and keep this a sexy story. When the real story should be how the media spun four little tantrums into a hurricane against my company. Now ther is a crime.

    Brittany would certainly have been paid for the she spent with us that was written out in the contract. She breached. it is simple. We were planning on paying her anyway until she breached a second and third section of the contract. She was advised to consult an attorney. She is an adult. The wording is very clear you will start to be paid after 6 weeks and we have 14 days grace. She never made through 6 weeks. So for her to rely on the show to pay her past due bills would cerrtainly be foolish. The reason this bothers me is because Brittany knows in her heart she could have come to me at any time and I would have helped her. Have any of these girls strapped into a polygraph and say one ,legal thing they asked for and were denied. Oh , except alcohol, We forbid Alcohol in the house. The were allowed wine at dinner out. Having it in the house raised liabilty issues for those underage.

    I also don’t want you to think I am trying to attack you your bog, or any of the girls. I am throwing out defenses. Defenses only. I have no intention of attacking anyone. That doesn’t mean it wouldn’t be asy to do.It just wouldn’t really do anything for me. With that in mind I just wanted to say I appreciate these blogs because they give me a chance to answer some of these allegations. The media didn’t give me that opportunity until recently. You maight have noticed the momentum shifting away from the girls as the truth unravels. These rumors are coordinated attempts to substantiate a claim of false Imprisonment. These girls stand to be charged with falsifying police reports these are serious crimes. There are propbably some other things as well. I am not a DA but I know it is illegal to conspire to have someone arrested for a crime they Did NOT commit.

    So Mr. taylor I ask again do you have proof of any allegation about Dream House Productions, Inc. Or The Pauper to Princess show. I ask this because I am not challenging you to pull skeletons out of my personal closet. they are there and I don’t deny it. There are no recent ones though.

    Thnak you for allowing me to post here . Keeping it fair.

  16. Mr.taylor
    seeing how this is a site that people can go on anonymously and blog there feelings about this so called scandal.I think its funny how the producer or ceo or whatever he is, is still trying to cover himself if he didnt do anything wrong why go on and on about it.Also what about the false advertisment? lets ask about that saying this was a FOX reality show and we will be filming here at this local ballys from this date to this date. YA i saw that and secound come on do you think these girls are making this stuff up all of them and even at seperate times there stories match and if they so called just wanted there 15 minutes of fame well they got alot more then that and as for his comments among the girls independentlly you just sounded younger then them there not asking for money in return of all this they just want here story heard and it is and not its all about catch creepys and doing something about it before he does try and make a season 2 like he stated on the media.
    oh and lets ask about how you can say that they werent involved in any porn at all them how come the pictures they found according to the media as well stated that the girls found them on a company camera with 8 other girls in that same house how is not contecting them to porn and there videos of them were on that same camera if i or anyone else were to see that i would believe those were the 8 girls in the pictures as well and a diffrent company jim ?? dream house productions were the same production company that put on ex rated dream house internet porn in that house god only knows what there intentions were with these girls guys if you have daughter what would you do i you heard your daughter was involved in this and now her repputaion is ruined because people think shes a potenial porn star?? common get real this thing is going way out of proportion and right now its just a constent battle or he said she said back and forth both parties broke contract one party was because they were over the lies and mis leading words they were told and others were and the other because they left past production in connection with current poduction such as pictures a stripper pole etc…..
    oh and for the record all the girls were in the house till at least week 7 two were there the monday morning of week 7 which is tech. after week 6 i might add and the rest till sat morning minus one who was there till friday thats another thing on contract the other party broke but in the end dont play the game if you can pay the price ….

    and as for the tying them together to teach them team work?? well i usually make my kids play a sport or something not make them use the restroom together ummm alittle weird?? oh and for the big shoot lawyer guy you have only known brillimen and johnson for a week or two when the girls meet him then they thought he was nice to but its kool you can get brainwashed to no hard feelings on my part also how is it sanatary to have girls eat off a counter were there host and others were haveing a forplay party on woo makes my tummy rumble NOT groosssssss.
    and for the girls yes what makes u think a former pron star was allowed on fox a family station common this isnt playboy or mtv.
    and as for the evidence and stuff they found like dresses and a stripper pole like previously why would you keep that or film that show in the house dont you think when it did air someone out there in ALL or america would put the 2 and 2 together that it was the same house geezzz be smart people

    yea thanks Mr.taylor for keeping it fair!!! YOU GO GIRLS LOVE DADDY
    yea thanks for keeping it fair and who are you mr.taylor for all we know you could be jim johnson grow up people let it go if not actually do something about this i tired of hearing about it.

  17. Mr.taylor
    seeing how this is a site that people can go on anonymously and blog there feelings about this so called scandal.I think its funny how the producer or ceo or whatever he is, is still trying to cover himself if he didnt do anything wrong why go on and on about it.Also what about the false advertisment? lets ask about that saying this was a FOX reality show and we will be filming here at this local ballys from this date to this date. YA i saw that and secound come on do you think these girls are making this stuff up all of them and even at seperate times there stories match and if they so called just wanted there 15 minutes of fame well they got alot more then that and as for his comments among the girls independentlly you just sounded younger then them there not asking for money in return of all this they just want here story heard and it is and not its all about catch creepys and doing something about it before he does try and make a season 2 like he stated on the media.
    oh and lets ask about how you can say that they werent involved in any porn at all them how come the pictures they found according to the media as well stated that the girls found them on a company camera with 8 other girls in that same house how is not contecting them to porn and there videos of them were on that same camera if i or anyone else were to see that i would believe those were the 8 girls in the pictures as well and a diffrent company jim ?? dream house productions were the same production company that put on ex rated dream house internet porn in that house god only knows what there intentions were with these girls guys if you have daughter what would you do i you heard your daughter was involved in this and now her repputaion is ruined because people think shes a potenial porn star?? common get real this thing is going way out of proportion and right now its just a constent battle or he said she said back and forth both parties broke contract one party was because they were over the lies and mis leading words they were told and others were and the other because they left past production in connection with current poduction such as pictures a stripper pole etc…..
    oh and for the record all the girls were in the house till at least week 7 two were there the monday morning of week 7 which is tech. after week 6 i might add and the rest till sat morning minus one who was there till friday thats another thing on contract the other party broke but in the end dont play the game if you can pay the price ….

    and as for the tying them together to teach them team work?? well i usually make my kids play a sport or something not make them use the restroom together ummm alittle weird?? oh and for the big shoot lawyer guy you have only known brillimen and johnson for a week or two when the girls meet him then they thought he was nice to but its kool you can get brainwashed to no hard feelings on my part also how is it sanatary to have girls eat off a counter were there host and others were haveing a forplay party on woo makes my tummy rumble NOT groosssssss.
    and for the girls yes what makes u think a former pron star was allowed on fox a family station common this isnt playboy or mtv.
    and as for the evidence and stuff they found like dresses and a stripper pole like previously why would you keep that or film that show in the house dont you think when it did air someone out there in ALL or america would put the 2 and 2 together that it was the same house geezzz be smart people

    yea thanks Mr.taylor for keeping it fair!!! YOU GO GIRLS LOVE DADDY
    yea thanks for keeping it fair and who are you mr.taylor for all we know you could be jim johnson grow up people let it go if not actually do something about this i tired of hearing about it.

  18. and i dont feel sorry for anyone any more then i do the people at events that you guys attended for getting involved under lies and for the children at the charity events poor kids just like these girls have been let down b4 whats one more time huh marc jim?? oh and from what i know for being a producer you sure werent evolved or witness anything that the girls did with brillemen ummm?????? yea exactally again thanks Mr.taylor

  19. Dreamhouse is nothing but a big porno ring! How dare those so called 3 t.v. producers use those innocent girls. Why didn’t Marc tell the girls about the porn house that the girls were going to live in? Why didn’t Marc tell the whole truth to the girls and then let the girls decide if they still wanted to be part of this scam. Why did Dreamhouse lie to all of the sponsors also? And lie to all of the girl’s parents and family. They need to be stopped
    before they ruin some other girls life. If there is a lawyer out there that can help these poor girls, please help them stop MARC. JIM AND DIANNE Now!!! Don’t let Dreamhouse do this again!!!!

  20. Ok let me say my point of view. 1. I was never involved in any sexual acts with anybody in that house, the pics the girls found were staged. there was never any video 2 it was a Voyer chat site NO PORN, there was live video feed, the same things millions of people do from thier home web cams. 3. the charges were dropped and I am left with no job, no savings, and now this idea that I am some sort of porn star. If i in fact was a porn star I might still have a job. I regret ever trying to change my life and do something positive instead of doing what many girls do, trying to make quick cash to pay bills. Thank you so much for reporting your side of the story but if some body is really interested in what happened in that house ASK ME. I was there. And as for the people that feel so sorry for these girls, they are much better of than I am!! And if the girls read this I just want to say you all knew what went on in that house before you moved in, and to look me in the eyes and say that you still respected me and didnt judge me, just helped to prove the whole reason why I agreed to do the site to begin with YOU CAN NOT GET HELP FROM OTHERS ONLY YOU CAN TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!

  21. Wow…..very interesting. I am Alisha, one of the girls who stayed in the house. Let me start off by saying Tamika, you staged having girls put their faces in your private area??? No, I am sorry….THAT IS PORN!!! The question I get most is “why didn’t you just leave??? I lost my job, my home, my school to do this show. I didn’t exactly have anywhere to go. Marc convinced all of us that we WERE getting paid “soon”. He even got our voided checks!!!! And that fact they say that we knew we weren’t picked up by a station yet is complete crap! We were told WIth our parents in the room at our first interview that FOX had picked us up and we would be going on in 6 weeks from that day. Marc is a smooth talker and has a very powerful brain. He can get people to believe the most insane things! Marc, Jim, Diana, and Tamika…..I am embarrassed and ashamed that I let you 4 do what you did. You lied, you cheated, you took 8 already “broken” girls and made it even worse. You have no clue what integrity means and I only pray that you all grow up and act your ages. I have to build my life back up now because of you. I was better off before I started your show. If I sound bitter, perhaps it is because I am 23 and got screwed over. I hope you NEVER get the chance to hurt anyone else the way you hurt us!!!!!!!

  22. “And if the girls read this I just want to say you all knew what went on in that house ” ok Tamika those are your words…Now if the girls knew “before” they moved into the house, why were they so shocked when they found the pictures? They did not know before they went in…I am so tired of all this why don’t everyone take a lie detector test and lets see how that turns out..Marc lied to my face telling me Fox Reality tv had picked up the p to p and everything that went on the internet web site had to go through fox first… that is why there was never anything new on there…he said the girls had to sighn a new contract because fox did not like some of the wording in the other one,,,he also told me on April 29th that he had to start paying the girls their $500.00 dollars!!!!!! the next week, which would of been week six. Why did he lie??? He just kept stringing the girls along.. I was not in the house but my daughter was and I thank God she did get out, I watched her change every week and it was not into a confident “princess”, I was really geting worried. She became more withdrawn and didn’t want to talk. It just didn’t seem right. ok I am done I just had to say my piece too…..there are 8 girls and all the things they say are the same….i can’t see how they can say the same thing over and over and the story never change for it to be all lies…think about it… Diane Waizmann ( Alisha’s Mom)


  24. and the reality is WE WERE NOT GOING TO GET PAID! you all used us…and you got nothing and will get nothing from it. the contract was bogus, the show was NOT reality, and you are all liars. As far as “get over it” goes….it will take a LONG time to get over what happened in that house. I wish it were that easy….

    you 4 are nothing to me, but I still have to get over the fact I was manipulated, used, and abused emotionally. thank you and have a great life.


  26. Not caring if anybody actually reads this, I need to vent so here goes…. First and foremost I wish everyone that was ever invovled in the project that ruined my life, the best and many blessings! UPDATE ON TAMIKA– AKA THE “ASPIRING PORN STAR-CHAPPERONE OF PAUPER TO PRINCESS— i have been through many hard ships in my life. Proving to me nearly from birth that life would not be easy. ive been beaten, raped, lied to , surrounded by drugs and violence, robbed twice in a year, lost the one person who ever made me feel okay, started over numerous times, used my body to get things, and all while knowing things would one day change for the better. Well I am still waiting on that day. many of you invovled with pauper to princess have probably moved, started new projects, got back money you lost, started a new career, went home to your parents, and moved on. As for me not so lucky, I have a part time job that barely gives me enough hours to pay fot the truck that Marc left here when he fled the country, which diana so graceously offered me. i don’t talk to Jim or marc or any one else from the show and only hear from diana when payment is due! i am still living out of the truck, which my friends call my closet trying to laugh with me and lighten the fact that I have no home. I just want to let everyone or no one know that I was the single most hurt person by this whole things, I had NO fall back, No back up plan, NOTHING!! And to the ppl out there that said “dont worry Tamika no matter what we will help you out” WHERE ARE YOU NOW?? The one thing I gained from the show is a greater trust in God because everyday that I look myself in the mirror and think “Just kill yourself!!” God finds some small way to remind me that I am here for some purpose. So Anybody out there that feels like life is hard, i am living proff that eventhough it might not get better tomorrow, YOU DO HAVE THE STRENGTH TO FACE IT!! peace

  27. Tamika I’m sorry that happened to you. I was going to cover this story more but there were other stories that seemed more pressing. Get in touch with me and we’ll set up a way to get your story out and plug any projects you have upcoming.

  28. I dont have any upcoming ANYTHING!! But I do think ppl can be inspired in some way by my experience.

  29. Everyone Needs to Vent –

    Tamika – I’m honestly sorry to hear that things have gone so badly for you. As someone that I once considered a friend, and remember laughing and playing Cranium with, I would have never wished for your life to fall apart any more than it has. I was mad at you for a long time, don’t get me wrong. We all considered you part of “them” and held a lot of the wrong that happened to us by them against you. Now, I’m not sure how much you were really a part of, or if you really knew what you were getting into. You weren’t the only one hurt by this whole thing though, and probably not the most affected. Once things turn around for you, I am sure that you will never think about P2P again. Ten, twenty years from now, when you look back on your life and the struggles you went through, you’ll remember this time, but won’t be affected by it. Thank God for that.

    As for me –

    I can’t say that I don’t have a great amount of joy in hearing that Marc has left the country. I don’t feel that all of North America, Canada, Central and South America is enough space to confine the two of us within. Maybe the world doesn’t even have enough space. Of all the people in my life that have hurt me, even my own biological father, Marc is the one who did the most damage.

    Not everyone has simply “moved on” from that experience. You aren’t the only one still living with it. When I first came “home” (not that I had a home to come back to) I spent several weeks doing nothing but laying on my friends couch. That was all. I layed on the couch and stared at the ceiling and cried, I layed on my side on the couch and stared out the window and cried, I layed on the couch and listened to the reporters knock on the door and cried, and I layed on the couch and watched the news, which we were on every single night, and got angry…then cried. I didn’t see friends, I didn’t want to explain to them what happened. I still don’t, and haven’t…I’ve never been able to get to explaining it. Everyone who knows me knows not to bring it up anymore though. I did begin to explain it to my mother, because after crying an obscene amount and not sleeping and watching yourself plastered all over the news in a bad light, your judgement gets a little wacky. She disowned me. I embaressed her.

    So finally I got a job. I acted normal. I didn’t feel normal. I felt like a veteran getting back from war, shell shocked. I decided that I still hated people too much, and ended up quitting. So I got another job…still didn’t feel right. Then I got robbed at that job, so that’s how that one ended. I thought about ending my life a lot, dared myself to just do it, wondered if that would really end my problems. Who knows? How do we know that our problems don’t follow us after death, especially when you end your life prematurely? I’m not sure if I want to run the risk. I would hate to feel as empty and massacred as I do now, but in never ending darkness.

    There are days now that I go through and feel relatively normal, although not the same. All of my friends keep telling me that I’ve changed so much since coming back; that I’m different now. They tell me it’s not for the better. I’m not sure what exactly has changed. I’m a lot more sad these days. There are a lot of days that P2P sets in on my mind, and I can’t shake it. It angers and saddens me at the same time, and both to their most extreme levels. I feel empty, hollow, not human, hopeless… It’s the worst feeling in the world. The worst part is, I don’t have any control over it, it’s just there. I can be in the middle of driving and singing with the radio when it takes over, or out with friends, or in the middle of any busy day. I feel like a genuinely insane person.

    I find myself thinking of the good times a lot too. Almost constantly. It’s hard to have all these memories that are so compartmentalized from the rest of my life and everyone I know. I can’t share them with the people I talk to day-to-day. I still talk to some of the girls every once in a while, and I thank God for that. I miss those good times. When they were good, they were the best. For being the worst experience of my life, I’ve gotten from it some of my absolute fondest memories. Remembering them kill me almost as much as remembering the bad parts…I’m not exactly sure why. Even now I’m crying. I don’t think that will ever change.

    P2P is a chapter of my life that sits neatly in the back of a closet in a school folder. That’s where I have newspaper clippings, on-line articles, hurtful blogs from people who have no idea, tickets from outtings, my name tag from the audition…I have it all filed away. My skeleton: “A Walk Down April Lane”. I never take it out, and I never look at it. Someday when I die, I’m sure someone will find it, and if it happens to be years from now, I’m sure it will be a shock. It’s there if I ever feel like facing it though. I’ve surcumbed to the fact that I will never escape P2P. It will never stop hurting me, and I will never feel OK about it. And I hate that. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it..I don’t want to cry every other day because of something that happened nearly a year ago. I don’t want to feel so used, so alone, so different.

    I think Tamika’s quote is a great one…”Even though it might not get better tomorrow, YOU DO HAVE THE STRENGTH TO FACE IT!”…even when you don’t think you possibly could.

  30. Everyone Needs to Vent –

    Tamika – I’m honestly sorry to hear that things have gone so badly for you. As someone that I once considered a friend, and remember laughing and playing Cranium with, I would have never wished for your life to fall apart any more than it has. I was mad at you for a long time, don’t get me wrong. We all considered you part of “them” and held a lot of the wrong that happened to us by them against you. Now, I’m not sure how much you were really a part of, or if you really knew what you were getting into. You weren’t the only one hurt by this whole thing though, and probably not the most affected. Once things turn around for you, I am sure that you will never think about P2P again. Ten, twenty years from now, when you look back on your life and the struggles you went through, you’ll remember this time, but won’t be affected by it. Thank God for that.

    As for me –

    I can’t say that I don’t have a great amount of joy in hearing that Marc has left the country. I don’t feel that all of North America, Canada, Central and South America is enough space to confine the two of us within. Maybe the world doesn’t even have enough space. Of all the people in my life that have hurt me, even my own biological father, Marc is the one who did the most damage.

    Not everyone has simply “moved on” from that experience. You aren’t the only one still living with it. When I first came “home” (not that I had a home to come back to) I spent several weeks doing nothing but laying on my friends couch. That was all. I layed on the couch and stared at the ceiling and cried, I layed on my side on the couch and stared out the window and cried, I layed on the couch and listened to the reporters knock on the door and cried, and I layed on the couch and watched the news, which we were on every single night, and got angry…then cried. I didn’t see friends, I didn’t want to explain to them what happened. I still don’t, and haven’t…I’ve never been able to get to explaining it. Everyone who knows me knows not to bring it up anymore though. I did begin to explain it to my mother, because after crying an obscene amount and not sleeping and watching yourself plastered all over the news in a bad light, your judgement gets a little wacky. She disowned me. I embaressed her.

    So finally I got a job. I acted normal. I didn’t feel normal. I felt like a veteran getting back from war, shell shocked. I decided that I still hated people too much, and ended up quitting. Still to this day, everytime I meet someone new I wonder, I have absolute anxiety, over whether or not they’ve heard of P2P and seen me on the news. So I got another job…still didn’t feel right. Then I got robbed at that job, so that’s how that one ended. I thought about ending my life a lot, dared myself to just do it, wondered if that would really end my problems. Who knows? How do we know that our problems don’t follow us after death, especially when you end your life prematurely? I’m not sure if I want to run the risk. I would hate to feel as empty and massacred as I do now, but in never ending darkness.

    There are days now that I go through and feel relatively normal, although not the same. All of my friends keep telling me that I’ve changed so much since coming back; that I’m different now. They tell me it’s not for the better. I’m not sure what exactly has changed. I’m a lot more sad these days. There are a lot of days that P2P sets in on my mind, and I can’t shake it. It angers and saddens me at the same time, and both to their most extreme levels. I feel empty, hollow, not human, hopeless… It’s the worst feeling in the world. The worst part is, I don’t have any control over it, it’s just there. I can be in the middle of driving and singing with the radio when it takes over, or out with friends, or in the middle of any busy day. I feel like a genuinely insane person.

    I find myself thinking of the good times a lot too. Almost constantly. It’s hard to have all these memories that are so compartmentalized from the rest of my life and everyone I know. I can’t share them with the people I talk to day-to-day. I still talk to some of the girls every once in a while, and I thank God for that. I miss those good times. When they were good, they were the best. For being the worst experience of my life, I’ve gotten from it some of my absolute fondest memories. Remembering them kill me almost as much as remembering the bad parts…I’m not exactly sure why. Even now I’m crying. I don’t think that will ever change.

    P2P is a chapter of my life that sits neatly in the back of a closet in a school folder. That’s where I have newspaper clippings, on-line articles, hurtful blogs from people who have no idea, tickets from outtings, my name tag from the audition…I have it all filed away. My skeleton: “A Walk Down April Lane”. I never take it out, and I never look at it. Someday when I die, I’m sure someone will find it, and if it happens to be years from now, I’m sure it will be a shock. It’s there if I ever feel like facing it though. I’ve surcumbed to the fact that I will never escape P2P. It will never stop hurting me, and I will never feel OK about it. And I hate that. I hate it, I hate it, I hate it..I don’t want to cry every other day because of something that happened nearly a year ago. I don’t want to feel so used, so alone, so different.

    I think Tamika’s quote is a great one…”Even though it might not get better tomorrow, YOU DO HAVE THE STRENGTH TO FACE IT!”…even when you don’t think you possibly could.

  31. I didn’t mean to double post, I apologize. It’s also amazing how many spelling and grammar mistakes you make when you’re typing as fast as you’re thinking. I apologize again.

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