Sex Offender Tries to Grab 9-Year-Old Girl Off Her Parents’ Porch

Once a rapist always a rapist, especially when we’re talking about child rapists. This story is yet more proof of that:

DAYTON, Ohio — A Montgomery County grand jury has indicted a convicted sex offender on two charges of abduction.

Dayton police said Kim Abney, 52, is accused of trying to grab a 9-year-old girl off her front porch last week. The girl’s family shares a duplex with Abney on McLain Street.

The child’s mother, Kathleen Washabaugh, said she ran outside when she heard her daughter screaming.

“I didn’t know what was going on, so I grabbed her up and asked him what the hell he was doing,” Washabaugh said. “He just stood back and looked at me like he was stunned that I came outside and caught him in the middle of it.”

Police said Abney tried pulling the child over the wall that divides the duplex’s porch. They said their initial investigation showed that Abney also may have licked the girl’s face.

“He said he was sorry and that all he did was lick her,” Washabaugh said. “He apologized and asked me not to call the cops because he said he had priors.”

Dayton police said Abney’s sex offender status stems from a conviction in San Diego in 1992. Officers said he was convicted on a charge of committing a lewd or lascivious with a child under 14.

Abney is in the Montgomery County Jail on $150,000 bond.

Only a life sentence (or a death sentence) will end this monster’s terrorism. Rapists cannot be cured and they do not reform. Whio has video.

h/t Stop Child Molesters.

4 thoughts on “Sex Offender Tries to Grab 9-Year-Old Girl Off Her Parents’ Porch

  1. As you know, this story has my blood boiling. So many things I want to say but won’t. A couple of things have been going through my mind since you posted this.

    One is that so many parents see nothing wrong with leaving their child outside alone to play, even with all the warnings out there. I’ve known parents who will watch TV, cook, even shower and nap while their young one is playing alone outside – front or backyard. Myself, I have run inside to answer the phone or use the bathroom thinking my daughter would be okay in the fenced in yard for “just a few minutes”. Never again. I think I may have done that in the past two or three times, but even the first could have ended in tragedy.

    As seen in this post, it only took a few minutes for him to get hold of the girl and start dragging her over. What if she hadn’t screamed? What if she wasn’t loud enough? What if he’d thought to cover her mouth first? So many variables could have worked against the mom and her daughter. It terrifies the mind and wrenches the heart.

    Something that has really pissed me off about this whole thing, even more than that sick freak, is where is the landlord in all of this??? The landlord would have HAD to have known about the prior convictions! Yet, he allowed this man to share a duplex with a small child?!?! Oh, honey, LAWSUIT!!! BIGTIME!!! And if there are any laws he broke by doing this, he deserves to be charged with them all! Negligence is a given.

    I mean, one believes that the landlord of a property would alert those with small children if there is a sexual deviant living there. One believes a landlord would do so even if new tenants don’t have children – not all sexual abusers are child sexual abusers, after all. And if a convicted sexual abuser comes to apply for residence, all tenants should be notified if the landlord allows it.

    And wait a minute! This guy shouldn’t have even been legally allowed to live beside this girl! There is a mandatory distance and he was sharing a duplex with a child???

    Let this article be a lesson to all those glass-is-half-full, rose-colored-glasses-wearing liberals that sitting back expecting the system to watch our children does NOT work!

  2. What kind of a sick **** would think for even a second that begging a mother NOT to call the police on him after he tried to abduct her child would work?

    Just goes to show how far removed from reality these sick freaks are.

    Seriously, those people who think that we’re being “scare mongers” about child safety only need to do a search on child rape and child abductions. One case that happened in Boston years ago sticks out in my mind… the parents of an infant woke up one morning to find a man standing over their child’s crib, with the baby’s diaper off. They left their front door unlocked, and left the baby’s stroller on the porch. The pervert took that as an advertisement and an invitation.

    If only being a “scare monger” would work, I’d be more than happy to kick it up a couple notches.

  3. In other news, two of my best employees are sex offenders. Both have convictions that are more than 15-20 years old. Both are tenants of rental property I own (which helps me pay them less than market value as I understand housing is hard for them to come by). I have started tracking these issues because I have worked with these two men and watched them cope pretty well with the ever-increasing laws. Where else can I find good U.S. programmers for $10/hr? My other choice is to hire outsourced overseas people.

    Keep the laws coming. You are saving me money.

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