2 thoughts on “Palin Was Cleared in Troopergate

  1. And where’s the apology by Oamaphiles whom stated she abused her power…?

    What if a governor whom supported Obama did this? I’m sure they’d be more than outraged if that ever happened. Just another double standard of MSM. Someone like Bobby Jindal better be careful about something like this. Even if it means he knowingly obeyed and followed the law like Palin did.

  2. This lowlife strategy has been used over and over by the public relations arm of the Obama campaign (the entire MSM.) They print whatever foolishness they want about Sarah Palin and her family on the front page above the fold, then a few days later they slip in a retraction or correction on page 14 that no one ever sees. At that point, the smear is already part of the public narrative and Obama supporters are more than willing to spread the lies.

    mah29001: I’m betting Bobby Jindal will keep his nose clean, if only to improve his chances of becoming a presidential candidate in 2012. He’s extremely media savvy and acutely aware of the pitfalls of political life.

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