Mother Forces Teen Daughter to Abort Baby … At Home!

From Bad Breeders comes the case of Leticia Perez (who is referred to as Letica Zamora in this article) who upon learning her 16-year-old daughter was pregnant demanded she have an abortion. Perez Zamora didn’t want to take the girl to a clinic because she didn’t want the girl to be anesthetized.

She instead purchased some pills from a woman she knew from the neighborhood and forced her daughter to take them. Lovecraftian degeneracy ensued:

GALENA PARK, Texas — Police made a disturbing discovery in the yard of a Galena Park home Thursday night.

A 16-year-old girl who lives there said her mother forced her to abort a fetus and then buried it in the yard.

Cadaver dogs and an anthropology team were called to the scene and found a mass of what appeared to be biological material in the ground.

Police said they were taking that material to the Harris County Medical Examiner for testing. Those results were not expected to be released until Saturday.

Meanwhile, the girl’s mother, Leticia Perez, has admitted to police that she buried the fetus.

She has not been charged with a crime, but police said she could potentially be charged with abuse of a corpse.

Initially, investigators told 11 News that Perez had been taken into custody. After talking with the district attorney’s office, however, Galena Park Police Chief Robert Pruett clarified that despite her admission, Perez was not in custody.

Carla Perez told 11 News that her mother found out she was five months pregnant about three weeks ago and demanded that she have an abortion.

She said her mother did not want to take her to a clinic because she did not want her to have anesthesia.

“So we ended up going to a lady and she ended up buying some pills,” Perez said.

Perez said her mother forced her to take the pills that caused her to have contractions the following day.

“It went on for, like, four or five hours and then I ended up having the baby,” Perez said.

When she says she ended up having the baby that may be literally true, as the teen is unsure if the baby was born dead or alive. This was not so much a home abortion as a nightmarish infanticide:

She said she gave birth inside their home and her mother immediately took the fetus away.

Perez said she wasn’t sure if the fetus was dead or alive at birth.

“Whenever the baby came out, my mom, she just grabbed it,” Perez said. “I just went straight to my room and I was crying.”

Her mother came in and showed her the fetus, then buried the it in their yard, according to Perez.

There’s video of the teen telling her story, complete with several inappropriate smiles when asked about the baby. Perez/Zamora screwed this kid up something fierce and I just hope now she’s in a loving home that can undo the damage of living with a ghoul who thought nothing of burying her own grandchild in the backyard she looked at every day.

33 thoughts on “Mother Forces Teen Daughter to Abort Baby … At Home!

  1. Those who have contact with Chief Robert Pruett must beware; anything is fair game if it promotes his political career. He loves the camera and microphones.

    Just as in this case, Robert is telling the media the story without all the facts. I have yet to hear that a body was found. They may be guilty but that is for a jury to decide not the Chief of Police.

    Robert is currently running for Brazoria County Sheriff, after losing several times at running for JP in Galena Park. He will do anything to get his name out there for people to read about.

    But here is my true:

    I am a former police officer who was involved with a capital murder case in which Chief Robert Pruett was accused of perjury and tampering with evidence. While I do believe that the suspects are guilty as charged, the tactics and actions of the police officers involved cloud the case.

    The appellate court seems to believe that JM’s confession was not exactly legal, here are a few excerpts:

    “the evidence of (JM’s) illegally obtained confession”, “evidence of specific instances of their untruthfulness”, “Evidence that police obtained (JM’s) confession in violation of his rights”, “Evidence of violations of (JM’s)s rights”. The court appears to believe there is validity in the allegations of perjury by Pruett.

    Regarding the facts I have stated, the appeals court basically ruled that the fact that perjury was committed, and that JM’s statement was possibly tainted, did not have bearing on SB’s case, but did on JM’s, that is why he was given life in prison instead of the death penalty. Further, my allegations were never disproved, to the contrary they were confirmed by a former police dispatcher who I was not aware of as having heard the chief and assistant chief talking about O’Malley being deputized and a tape being destroyed, SB’s defense attorney (who testified outside the presence of the jury, that they received more than 5 phone calls from an anonymous source regarding JM being deputized and a tape recording being destroyed.). I testified under oath to the allegations, yet no investigation was done against me or was I ever charged with perjury. The DA’s office did an “investigation” of Pruett. But the DA’s office to keep their conviction intact, choose not to present the perjury case against Robert Pruett to the grand jury.

    As for me, Robert fired me after I had talked with the DA’s office, the defense attorneys, and several other law enforcement and officers of the court. I was fired for not wanting to just hand over my firearm to a bailiff at family court, I was there to testify on behalf of the state, I was in full uniform, and questioned why I should hand over my firearm. and questioned where my weapon was going to be placed (in an unlocked desk drawer)

    I do not regret telling the truth, and unlike Robert, I have no political agenda.

    However, I would not trust him to investigate anything, much less a murder of any type.

  2. Sour grapes it seems, but what has this attack on the Chief of police have to do with the Perez case, a case in which the mother admits to burying the child’s baby and the child told police what happened. A decayed mass of “biological material” was found in the yard and as far as I know the theory that that was the remains of the body was never disproved.

    Though I’m happy to publish anyone’s opinions, since you’re accusing a public official of corruption how about you provide case file numbers, newspaper articles or some other reference to we can use to confirm that this is true?

  3. Rob,

    Do you know for sure that there was a baby buried there? No!!! Why? Because no body was found. You have a Police Chief who’s only desire is to make a name for himself, speaking out before all his ducks are in a row. Why does he speak out? To make a name for himself..

    Here is my story. and the facts to support what I have said:..

    Perhaps you didn’t read the excerpts fromt the court? You also could have searched yahoo or google, AOL by using my name and found the court documents as well.

    Some of the info you would need to go down to the Court to get, the testimoney which occured when the jury was not present. You can also contact the defense attorneys to verify what I am saying.

    I am a former police officer who was involved with the capital murder case invovling Suzanne Basso. While I do believe that the suspects are guilty as charged, the tactics and actions of the police officers involved cloud the case. First, I find it strange that I received a call early in the morning the day after the entire gang was taken into custody; the call was for me to take a statement from James O’Malley. Strange because statements had been taken from every other suspect except James. When I arrived at the police dept, I found it strange that other officers were sitting around, joking, not doing anything, yet I had been called in on my day off to come to work, and take a statement from James. James was sitting there joking around with the officers. Uncuffed, very relaxed looking. After taking a statement from James, I was escorting him back to a cell, he told me he was suppose to go into a special cell, when I asked why, He said he was a deputy police officer. I said what; he said that the Chief and Assistant Chief Robert Pruett had deputized him. I didn’t believe him at the time, but later I heard from other officers that James had been deputized a recording was made by the chief and assistant chief. When I asked the Assistant Chief about James being a deputy, he laughed, and said “they’ll get what they deserve”, never denying the allegation. After struggling with this, I called the defense attorney, anonymously, and told them the above info. It would come out at the trial, which the defense attorney did receive the info, but thought they were being set up, so they didn’t act on it. Several pretrial motions required me to go to court. Despite giving the defense attorney info, including the names of officers who knew info, my name included, I was never asked a question. I know Assst chief Pruett was, because following a pre trial exam, after testifying, he walked into a room where I was sitting waiting to testify, he told the Chief, in front of me, “if they think, I’ll ever admit to there being another tape, or deputizing him, they’re full of sh-t.” The chief said that “there is no other tape now.” Later, all the participants in the trial which was upcoming were asked to come to the DA’s office. I rode in a police car with 3 other officers to the meeting.

    The two assistant DA’s went over the entire case telling everyone what each person was testifying to. At the end, with everyone present, the Chief, Assistant Chief, all the police officers, the assistant DA’s asked if anyone knew anything about James being deputized. None answered. I was scared for my job. So I didn’t speak up. After leaving the meeting, myself and the other officers were riding back to the department. The question came up if anyone was asked about the deputizing what would they say? The officers with me were Officer Bates, now Assistant Chief, Officer Hearne and Officer Radar. Each said they had heard from James that he was deputized, or knew direct knowledge, but the conversation concluded that who ever spoke up with most likely be fired and out of law enforcement. I told them that I would not commit perjury for anyone. After getting back to the station, I left. I went to a pay phone and called the DA’s office. I spoke with the lead assistant DA and told her the above info. She told me not to say anything, to only answer questions asked by the attorneys not to volunteer info. I was never asked any questions about James being deputized. The lead assist DA later admitted under oath the same info I wrote above. Within weeks of talking to the DA, and a short time after James trial ended, I was fired by Assist Chief Pruett. At the trial, under questioning by the defense attorney, officers admitted that they felt Pruett had it in for me, and wanted me fired, they would not elaborate on why, they said they didn’t recall or didn’t know, the same answer they gave about James being deputized.

    Basso and her gang deserve the punishment handed down by the jury of their peers, but this case does bring to light the improper conduct of the Galena Park Police Dept and that particularly of Chief Robert Pruett. As keepers of the law, we must act with integrity and honesty, without that we are no better than those who break the law, for perjury is a crime.

    1) Pruett is accused of brutality

    Evidence to support these alleged activities by the Galena Park PD:

    10/27/2005 – Galena Park Police Chief Robert Pruett denies there was any abuse of a jail inmate in his care and is anxious for a grand jury to hear his case.

    The allegations stem from a case in August of this year when a business owner on Holland Ave. in Galena Park asked for help with a customer who was assaulting him.

    Eugenio Garate was arrested on Aug. 15 at approximately 3 p.m. for allegedly assaulting a mechanic.

    According to the officer on the scene, the business owner did not want to press charges because he just wanted him to leave and never come back.

    Police records indicate that Garate was handcuffed and was going to be transported to Ben Taub Hospital when he kicked out the back window of the police car.

    “The officer didn’t want to transport him any further without the window for fear he might escape or jump out and so he came to the police station,” said Pruett.

    During the booking process, Pruett said Garate was combative.

    “In the booking area he was told to sit down and he kept jumping up and down off the bench,” Pruett said.

    “He was told several times to sit down and calm down, but he didn’t follow the officer’s instructions.”

    Pruett said he sat him down and Garate spat in his face. “I held my right hand in his face to keep him from spitting on me again and asked for help from nearby officers so we could take him to a cell.”

    Pruett said he spat on him again and then he spat back on Garate.

    “It probably wasn’t professional on my part, but he quit spitting on me and it worked.”

    Da, Robert, you don’t think it was professional? If any other officer would have done that you would have fired them on the spot.

    The assault claim wasn’t brought by Garate, but by another Galena Park police officer who Galena Park Mayor Bobby Barrett believes has aspirations of becoming chief.

    2) Pruett is accused of perjury

    ———-Court Documents:

    Before the appellant’s (Basso vs The State of Texas) trial, her son and co-defendant, J.D. O’Malley, was tried and convicted for Musso’s murder. During O’Malley’s trial, questions were raised concerning the circumstances surrounding and the voluntariness of his confession to police. O’Malley, who suffered from mental deficiencies, claimed that officers from the Galena Park Police Department had “deputized” him in order to gain his cooperation and confession. Several officers, in turn, testified that they knew nothing about the “deputization.” As a result of O’Malley’s confession, police recovered evidence from a dumpster linking the appellant to the crime.

    A former Galena Park police officer, Floyd Sanson, later spoke to the prosecuting attorney and expressed his belief that the officers, primarily Assistant Chief Robert Pruett, had committed perjury during O’Malley’s trial by claiming they were unaware of the “deputization.” Sanson provided this information also to F.B.I. special agents and an investigator with the public integrity division in district attorney’s office. Prosecutors did not inform the appellant’s defense attorneys of Sanson’s allegations, but at some point, defense counsel learned of his claims and hired an investigator to locate Sanson. On the Friday before the trial was scheduled to begin, Sanson met with the appellant’s attorneys to discuss the information. In addition to his allegations of perjury, Sanson suggested to the appellant’s attorneys that police had recorded O’Malley’s interrogation but had withheld or destroyed the audio tapes. This was supported by statments given by former police dispatcher Keys.

    I agree that this did not effect Sue Basso’s case, but what you may not know is that no other person is on death roll for this crime, “why”? Because the DA’s office could not pursue the death penalty due to these facts.

    I did forget another fact which I told the defense attorneys, the day I took the statement from James, Assistant Chief Pruett sent myself and Off Heren over to Basso’s house to secure the residence. Once there Off Heren entered the residence to lock the door. I waited outside. He asked Assist Chief Pruiett to go to another channel on the radio. I switched over as well. Pruett asked Herren to “check it out, let me know what you find.” After 10 minutes, I got concerned because he had not come out, I went to the door and called in for Off Herren, I got no response, I then ented the house where I found Off Herren looking at a computer inside the residence. He was going through files. When I asked him what he was doing, he said seeing what was on the computer, he told me to go back outside. A short time later he came out with papers in his hand, it looked like computer print paper. We then went back to the police station where he met with Pruett. This was prior to the Galena Park Police dept obtaining a warrant

    The appellate court seems to believe that O’Malley’s statement was tainted, here are quotes from them, “ Evidence that police obtained O’Malley’s confession in violation of his rights”. “disclosure of the means by which police obtained O’Malley’s confession”,

    “the evidence of O’Malley’s illegally obtained confession”, “the allegations of perjury related to the credibility of certain officers, evidence of specific instances of their untruthfulness”, “O’Malley’s confession was improperly obtained by police”

    The appellate court affirmed her conviction. I do believe she was guilty, but originally the Harris County DA office was seeking the death penalty for all the defendants, but after it came to light that O’Malley was deputized, questions arose, so the death penalty was not sought in their cases. Only in Sue Basso’s.

    My concern is the integrity and honesty of the police officers conducting the investigation.

    If police officers are sworn to up hold the law, yet intentionally break it or violate the rights of a suspect, not just a “technically”, but a real violation of the persons rights, does this cloud the verdict handed down?

    Once a person gets away with one crime, it is taught that they will continue to commit crimes until caught, and even then depending on their conscience or the consequence, may continue in their actions. This is based on criminal psychologist and crime stats.

    If that is true, a police officer who commits perjury/lies, destroys evidence, has done this before and/or will continue to do this.

    I would not want to be questioned or investigated by an officer who would do anything to get a conviction, Would you?

    What if this officer so much believed you were guilty that he lied about you or destroyed or fabricated evidence?

    That is my concern.

    Regarding the facts I have stated, the appeals court basically ruled that the fact that perjury was committed, and that O’Malley’s statement was possibly tainted, did not have bearing on Sue Basso’s case, but did on O’Malley’s, that is why he was given life in prison instead of the death penalty. O’Malley’s attorney, as did O”Malley, believed that he was best served with life in prison with a chance of parole, then being released. Further, my allegations were never disproved, to the contrary they were confirmed by a former police dispatcher who I was not aware of as having heard the chief and assistant chief talking about O’Malley being deputiezed and a tape being destroyed, O’Malley’s defense attorney (who testified outside the presence of the jury, that they received more than 5 phone calls from an anonymous source regarding O’Malley being deputized.). I testified under oath to the allegations, yet no investigation was done against me or was I ever charged with perjury. The DA’s office and FBI did investigate Robert for perjury and tampering with evidence, but the DA’s office wanted to keep their conviction intact, so they choose not to present the perjury case against Pruett to a grandjury.

    As for me, Robert fired me after I had talked with the DA’s office, the defense attorneys, and several other law enforcement and officers of the court. I was fired for not wanting to just hand over my firearm to a bailiff at family court, I was there to testify on behalf of the state, I was in full uniform, and questioned why I should hand over my firearm. and questioned where my weapon was going to be placed (in an unlocked desk drawer)

    Why am I concerned? I’ve moved on with my life, started another career, and nothing to do with Pruett or the police in general.

    I want to make sure that the police do a good and complete investigation that there are no loop holes or any questions. Second the police need to follow the law and need to be of high integrity and honesty need to enforce the law. The corrupt need to go.

  4. Rob,

    Do you know for sure that there was a baby buried there? No!!! Why? Because no body was found. You have a Police Chief who’s only desire is to make a name for himself, speaking out before all his ducks are in a row. Why does he speak out? To make a name for himself..

    Here is my story. and the facts to support what I have said:..

    Perhaps you didn’t read the excerpts fromt the court? You also could have searched yahoo or google, AOL by using my name and found the court documents as well.

    Some of the info you would need to go down to the Court to get, the testimoney which occured when the jury was not present. You can also contact the defense attorneys to verify what I am saying.

    The case I am refering to is the capital murder case invovling Suzanne Basso. While I do believe that the suspects are guilty as charged, the tactics and actions of the police officers involved cloud the case. First, I find it strange that I received a call early in the morning the day after the entire gang was taken into custody; the call was for me to take a statement from James O’Malley. Strange because statements had been taken from every other suspect except James. When I arrived at the police dept, I found it strange that other officers were sitting around, joking, not doing anything, yet I had been called in on my day off to come to work, and take a statement from James. James was sitting there joking around with the officers. Uncuffed, very relaxed looking. After taking a statement from James, I was escorting him back to a cell, he told me he was suppose to go into a special cell, when I asked why, He said he was a deputy police officer. I said what; he said that the Chief and Assistant Chief Robert Pruett had deputized him. I didn’t believe him at the time, but later I heard from other officers that James had been deputized a recording was made by the chief and assistant chief. When I asked the Assistant Chief about James being a deputy, he laughed, and said “they’ll get what they deserve”, never denying the allegation. After struggling with this, I called the defense attorney, anonymously, and told them the above info. It would come out at the trial, which the defense attorney did receive the info, but thought they were being set up, so they didn’t act on it. Several pretrial motions required me to go to court. Despite giving the defense attorney info, including the names of officers who knew info, my name included, I was never asked a question. I know Assst chief Pruett was, because following a pre trial exam, after testifying, he walked into a room where I was sitting waiting to testify, he told the Chief, in front of me, “if they think, I’ll ever admit to there being another tape, or deputizing him, they’re full of sh-t.” The chief said that “there is no other tape now.” Later, all the participants in the trial which was upcoming were asked to come to the DA’s office. I rode in a police car with 3 other officers to the meeting.

    The two assistant DA’s went over the entire case telling everyone what each person was testifying to. At the end, with everyone present, the Chief, Assistant Chief, all the police officers, the assistant DA’s asked if anyone knew anything about James being deputized. None answered. I was scared for my job. So I didn’t speak up. After leaving the meeting, myself and the other officers were riding back to the department. The question came up if anyone was asked about the deputizing what would they say? The officers with me were Officer Bates, now Assistant Chief, Officer Hearne and Officer Radar. Each said they had heard from James that he was deputized, or knew direct knowledge, but the conversation concluded that who ever spoke up with most likely be fired and out of law enforcement. I told them that I would not commit perjury for anyone. After getting back to the station, I left. I went to a pay phone and called the DA’s office. I spoke with the lead assistant DA and told her the above info. She told me not to say anything, to only answer questions asked by the attorneys not to volunteer info. I was never asked any questions about James being deputized. The lead assist DA later admitted under oath the same info I wrote above. Within weeks of talking to the DA, and a short time after James trial ended, I was fired by Assist Chief Pruett. At the trial, under questioning by the defense attorney, officers admitted that they felt Pruett had it in for me, and wanted me fired, they would not elaborate on why, they said they didn’t recall or didn’t know, the same answer they gave about James being deputized.

    Basso and her gang deserve the punishment handed down by the jury of their peers, but this case does bring to light the improper conduct of the Galena Park Police Dept and that particularly of Chief Robert Pruett. As keepers of the law, we must act with integrity and honesty, without that we are no better than those who break the law, for perjury is a crime.

    1) Pruett is accused of brutality

    Evidence to support these alleged activities by the Galena Park PD:

    10/27/2005 – Galena Park Police Chief Robert Pruett denies there was any abuse of a jail inmate in his care and is anxious for a grand jury to hear his case.

    The allegations stem from a case in August of this year when a business owner on Holland Ave. in Galena Park asked for help with a customer who was assaulting him.

    Eugenio Garate was arrested on Aug. 15 at approximately 3 p.m. for allegedly assaulting a mechanic.

    According to the officer on the scene, the business owner did not want to press charges because he just wanted him to leave and never come back.

    Police records indicate that Garate was handcuffed and was going to be transported to Ben Taub Hospital when he kicked out the back window of the police car.

    “The officer didn’t want to transport him any further without the window for fear he might escape or jump out and so he came to the police station,” said Pruett.

    During the booking process, Pruett said Garate was combative.

    “In the booking area he was told to sit down and he kept jumping up and down off the bench,” Pruett said.

    “He was told several times to sit down and calm down, but he didn’t follow the officer’s instructions.”

    Pruett said he sat him down and Garate spat in his face. “I held my right hand in his face to keep him from spitting on me again and asked for help from nearby officers so we could take him to a cell.”

    Pruett said he spat on him again and then he spat back on Garate.

    “It probably wasn’t professional on my part, but he quit spitting on me and it worked.”

    Da, Robert, you don’t think it was professional? If any other officer would have done that you would have fired them on the spot.

    The assault claim wasn’t brought by Garate, but by another Galena Park police officer who Galena Park Mayor Bobby Barrett believes has aspirations of becoming chief.

    2) Pruett is accused of perjury

    ———-Court Documents:

    Before the appellant’s (Basso vs The State of Texas) trial, her son and co-defendant, J.D. O’Malley, was tried and convicted for Musso’s murder. During O’Malley’s trial, questions were raised concerning the circumstances surrounding and the voluntariness of his confession to police. O’Malley, who suffered from mental deficiencies, claimed that officers from the Galena Park Police Department had “deputized” him in order to gain his cooperation and confession. Several officers, in turn, testified that they knew nothing about the “deputization.” As a result of O’Malley’s confession, police recovered evidence from a dumpster linking the appellant to the crime.

    A former Galena Park police officer, Floyd Sanson, later spoke to the prosecuting attorney and expressed his belief that the officers, primarily Assistant Chief Robert Pruett, had committed perjury during O’Malley’s trial by claiming they were unaware of the “deputization.” Sanson provided this information also to F.B.I. special agents and an investigator with the public integrity division in district attorney’s office. Prosecutors did not inform the appellant’s defense attorneys of Sanson’s allegations, but at some point, defense counsel learned of his claims and hired an investigator to locate Sanson. On the Friday before the trial was scheduled to begin, Sanson met with the appellant’s attorneys to discuss the information. In addition to his allegations of perjury, Sanson suggested to the appellant’s attorneys that police had recorded O’Malley’s interrogation but had withheld or destroyed the audio tapes. This was supported by statments given by former police dispatcher Keys.

    I agree that this did not effect Sue Basso’s case, but what you may not know is that no other person is on death roll for this crime, “why”? Because the DA’s office could not pursue the death penalty due to these facts.

    I did forget another fact which I told the defense attorneys, the day I took the statement from James, Assistant Chief Pruett sent myself and Off Heren over to Basso’s house to secure the residence. Once there Off Heren entered the residence to lock the door. I waited outside. He asked Assist Chief Pruiett to go to another channel on the radio. I switched over as well. Pruett asked Herren to “check it out, let me know what you find.” After 10 minutes, I got concerned because he had not come out, I went to the door and called in for Off Herren, I got no response, I then ented the house where I found Off Herren looking at a computer inside the residence. He was going through files. When I asked him what he was doing, he said seeing what was on the computer, he told me to go back outside. A short time later he came out with papers in his hand, it looked like computer print paper. We then went back to the police station where he met with Pruett. This was prior to the Galena Park Police dept obtaining a warrant

    The appellate court seems to believe that O’Malley’s statement was tainted, here are quotes from them, “ Evidence that police obtained O’Malley’s confession in violation of his rights”. “disclosure of the means by which police obtained O’Malley’s confession”,

    “the evidence of O’Malley’s illegally obtained confession”, “the allegations of perjury related to the credibility of certain officers, evidence of specific instances of their untruthfulness”, “O’Malley’s confession was improperly obtained by police”

    The appellate court affirmed her conviction. I do believe she was guilty, but originally the Harris County DA office was seeking the death penalty for all the defendants, but after it came to light that O’Malley was deputized, questions arose, so the death penalty was not sought in their cases. Only in Sue Basso’s.

    My concern is the integrity and honesty of the police officers conducting the investigation.

    If police officers are sworn to up hold the law, yet intentionally break it or violate the rights of a suspect, not just a “technically”, but a real violation of the persons rights, does this cloud the verdict handed down?

    Once a person gets away with one crime, it is taught that they will continue to commit crimes until caught, and even then depending on their conscience or the consequence, may continue in their actions. This is based on criminal psychologist and crime stats.

    If that is true, a police officer who commits perjury/lies, destroys evidence, has done this before and/or will continue to do this.

    I would not want to be questioned or investigated by an officer who would do anything to get a conviction, Would you?

    What if this officer so much believed you were guilty that he lied about you or destroyed or fabricated evidence?

    That is my concern.

    Regarding the facts I have stated, the appeals court basically ruled that the fact that perjury was committed, and that O’Malley’s statement was possibly tainted, did not have bearing on Sue Basso’s case, but did on O’Malley’s, that is why he was given life in prison instead of the death penalty. O’Malley’s attorney, as did O”Malley, believed that he was best served with life in prison with a chance of parole, then being released. Further, my allegations were never disproved, to the contrary they were confirmed by a former police dispatcher who I was not aware of as having heard the chief and assistant chief talking about O’Malley being deputiezed and a tape being destroyed, O’Malley’s defense attorney (who testified outside the presence of the jury, that they received more than 5 phone calls from an anonymous source regarding O’Malley being deputized.). I testified under oath to the allegations, yet no investigation was done against me or was I ever charged with perjury. The DA’s office and FBI did investigate Robert for perjury and tampering with evidence, but the DA’s office wanted to keep their conviction intact, so they choose not to present the perjury case against Pruett to a grandjury.

    As for me, Robert fired me after I had talked with the DA’s office, the defense attorneys, and several other law enforcement and officers of the court. I was fired for not wanting to just hand over my firearm to a bailiff at family court, I was there to testify on behalf of the state, I was in full uniform, and questioned why I should hand over my firearm. and questioned where my weapon was going to be placed (in an unlocked desk drawer)

    Why am I concerned? I’ve moved on with my life, started another career, and nothing to do with Pruett or the police in general.

    I want to make sure that the police do a good and complete investigation that there are no loop holes or any questions. Second the police need to follow the law and need to be of high integrity and honesty need to enforce the law. The corrupt need to go.

  5. Floyd-
    This case is pretty tight so it looks like sour grapes on your part. If you have real info send me links to actual documents and news articles, not long comments. Your first comment, in the exact same wording, appears in several places in the Internet. This indicates it’s a campaign to defame the man before his election.

    Give me some evidence or knock it off.

  6. Rob,

    You have the court document, you can’t read? I’ve quoted it, clipped it, pasted it, to me it sounds like you find it hard to believe that a police officer is corrupt. You should be able to find it.

    I choose to leave law enforcement after seeing that there is no justice, only political agenda’s. I received 12 commendations and 39 merits during my 9 yrs as a police officer in San Antonio. I was involved in a shooting, in which the suspect shot a cafe owner 5 times, shot at another worker, and was preparing to shoot a teenager. I proudly served my country in the U.S. Army from 1982-1986, during the Cold War years, was stationed in Germay, when it was 2 countries. While in the service I received an Army Commednation Medal and 4 Army Achievement Medals. I was honorably discharged.

    How many people stand up for what is right? It would be easy to shut up, just let it go, but you see, I know what went on, I saw it first hand, I saw violations of the law, I saw that the DA stuck their head in the sand, because they wanted the death penalty, so they could prove they were tough.

    Why don’t you do more research, not just internet searches, go down to the court, take a look at the documents, call the defense attorneys, do something!!!

    I’m doing something, I am letting people know about the character of the man who is running for a public office, an office which should be run with intergrity, honesty, professionalism and justice. I can’t just sit by and no tell the truth.

    If after looking at the court documents, not just those on line, if after talking with the defense attorneys, you find evidence that I am wrong, call me on it.

    Otherwise you knock it off. You do not knoiw me or the circumstances surrounding this case or the character of Robert Pruett. I do.

  7. Rob,

    The problem is not the case, but the way law enforcement officals conducted themselves and their investigation. In this case it did not really matter, except, rather than 6 people on death row, there is only 1.

    If you do not see the big picture, which is if the police conduct their investigations in this manner, this opens the doors for guilty people to walk out. It causes reasonable doubt.

    After this, I do not trust law enforcement. Why, because I saw them lie, then worst than that, the DA knew and did nothing. They left me unprotected for their gain.

    If you want to call it sour grapes, bitterness, what ever, but if given the choice again, I would do the same, tell the truth. I stand by the truth. I was never investigated, and for sure was never convicted.

    I’m speaking out now, because we do not need a sheriff like Pruett. The man defamed himself when he destroyed evidence and lied on the stand.

    I stand by my words and actions.

  8. Cutting and pasting an unreferenced document wouldn’t pass muster in a high school English class. Send the link to the actual document or news articles referencing it, for all I know this is all stuff you made up while sitting home alone drinking.

    You do understand that most people know that just because you type something out on the Web doesn’t make it true. You need to provide the readers a way to verify it. It’s like when you wrote papers in high school and college and you had to site your sources, back up you claims etc.

    Since the very first comment you provided was left on other websites verbatim, I’m suspicious that you care less about this case and more about smearing some guy. These people killed a baby. This is not the kind of story to use to further a personal vendetta.

    You saw this; you saw that, yesterday I had a threesome with Vampirella and Que’la Queen of the Space Amazons. Oh what’s that? You want proof? Can’t you read? I just sited my memoirs.

    You see how that works Floyd? I can’t just take your word for it. I’d like a little evidence of the corruption you speak of. Or should I email your former boss and get him to fill in the blanks instead. I’m sure he’ll corroborate all this nonsense. Alternately why don’t you scan these alleged docs and send them to me via my contact form? Because they don’t exist?

  9. This is a sad case. But what’s even sadder, the Chief of Police telling the media what he’s gonna do before he even knows what he has?

    Why did he speak to the media about the charges he was gonna file? he even admitted that he didn’t know what he had. So Why speak, for publicity. Why not wait until you get the results from the ME’s office, to determine if you have a body or what?

    I want to ensure the truth prevails. Just as in the Buddy Musso murder, where Pruett commited perjury by saying he knew nothing about the suspect being deputiiezed, and destroying a recording of the suspects interogration; we were lucky that the suspects were convicted, despite sloopy police work. What was on the tapes that Pruett had to get rid of them? What did he say to O’Malley that he didn’t want others to hear?

    You obviously didn’t read or research too much, because it the Texas Judiciary Court of Criminal Appeals Opinion # 73,672 is easy to locate, and that is what I often quote.

    Basso and her crew were guilty, no doubt, but why did the police have to lie? Why not just say, we did it? Because they knew they were wrong.

    Rob, you oughto research what I’m saying, not the 9th grade way, just searching the internet, how about getting off your ass and going down to the court and reading the transcripts? You’ll find that Prosecutor Collen Barnet had to testify, why? She had to testify that I told her about the Chief and Assistant Chief deputizing O’Malley and the tape. She had to testify that she told me not to tell anyone, if I was asked on the stand to tell the truth, but otherwise to keep the information to myself. I did. Bad idea for me. Up until my dealings with Collen Barnet, I trusted the DA’s office. All my years of dealing with the Bexar County DA;s office, seeing them work, I trusted the Harris County DA office, and guess what I should not have.

    You see Rob, I was raised to tell the truth no matter what the cost. Even though I stand alone, even though I am critized, I will tell the truth. The easy thing Rob would have been for me to keep quiet. Not say a word, but that would have been wrong. A few months after the trial ended, my son and two daughters were involved in serious automobile accident. My son ran a red light. His friends, his grandfather all were telling him to say he didn’t know, he didn’t see the light, he thought it was green. But I told him no matter what the cost, he needed to tell the truth. He did. That is what I took out of the situation, I came out with the ability to stand up for what is right, not be worried about what you or anyone else thinks or threaten me with.

    Tell Pruett, I already know what he is going to say. I told you, he fired me, because I would not turn over my weapon to a baliff who wanted to put it in an unlocked drawer. Testimoney which occured without the jury present, had officer after officer testify that they didn’t know the facts surrounding the incident when I was fired, but when Pruett suspended me, they knew without a doubt I’d be fired. That it ddint’ matter what really occured, or what happened that Pruett was after me following my talking with the DA’s office and the FBI.

    Rob, if you knew someone lied, destroyed evidence and was trying to be your sheriff, what would you do?

    When you obtain, if you really care to know the truth, the actual court documents will clearly show you that whatr I am saying is true.

    When you go down to the court house, the court documents for Suzanne Basso’s trial that I testified about my conversations with Pruett, O’Maslley and the other police officers.

    Jim Leitner was Basso’s defense attorney see what he says. Ask him for O’Malley’s defense attorneys name, call him and see if what I’m saying is not true. I have got rid of most of that information because it has been 7-8 years since the trial.

    The documents exist, you can go get them at the court house. There are a few on line, but not a whole lot. It takes one person getting the information out, who would have ever thought that 1 person, deep throat would have brought to life all that Nixon was involved with. I bet you people didn’t believe him? Check it out, go read the transcripts, expeciallyt on the day I testified, you’ll see what happeed, check with Attoreny Leitner, and O’Malley’s defense attorney, if you want to know the truth, check it out for yourself.

    I know the truth, and I feel free because I told it.

    All the information I’m stating I testified to. To verify it, you need to go to the court and look at the transcripts of the trial.

    Again I was never investigated or charged with anything, despite saying these exact things under oath before Judge Kneel.

  10. Rob,

    I don’t think you understand the police culture. There is a ‘Code of Silence’. This feeling of loyalty and brotherhood sustains a slilence code, which protects the interest of the police, but not the public. Major investigations iinto police misconduct in the US, the Knapp report (1972), Mollen report (1994), Commisions in New York City (1999), the Christopher Commission in LA (1991) and the National Institude of Police Ethics (2000) have all singled out the “Code” is an obstruction to their inquireis into police misconduct.

    Other studies on the abuse of power, primarily, ‘The Clearinghouse on Police-Perpetrated domestic violence”, talks about “The Brotherhood”. In the study, it describes how over time police become cynical and corupt due to the culture which is instilled, the culture tends to instill a sense of entitlement to power and authroity over others. A don’t ask me questions, do what you are told.

    Police training especiallly is designed to strip a person of their previous identity and make a police officer out of him. It fosters a “us versus them” mentality. The cops are the good guys and everyone else is presumed to be a bad guy. There is this constant struggle between the good and bad guys, and the police believe that the good guys have to win, at any cost.

    Whether the officer is testifying in court or smoothing things out at home, these are the simple rules which apply:

    -say as little as possilbe
    -answer only the questions asked
    -don’t give too many details
    -deny any and all accusations
    -when in doubt say “I don’t remember, I ddint’ see that, or I don’t know or can’t recall”.

    No matter how may times police deny the existence of this code, the rank and file knows it’s still a reality. To break the code is to betray the brootherhood, to demonstrate weakness and disloyality. The consequences of this type of infidelity is to be ostracized, to be ex-communicated from your church.

    Officers were survey in the National Institute of Police Ethics report, when asked at the time of the incident what do you think would happen if you broke the code and report misconduct. The officers gave these 4 main reasons for not breaking the silence: 1) they would be ostracized 2) they would be fired 3) they would be black balled 4) noone would do anything.

    The new Yourk Commision found that the code of silence allowed the unacceptable practice of the police breaking the law in order to secure convictions. Something which was concluded to happen all across the US on a regular basis.

    I could go on and on, but the fact is, I knew what the consequences of my actions would be for breaking the ‘Code of Silence’, I must admit in my past, I have kept silent on certain things I should not have. Maybe my returning to my faith, convicted me to do what I knew was right. I tried every measure possible to avoid having to step out on my own. I called the attorneys, I talked with the DA, but in the end, I had to stand alone.

    I knew that there would be people like you, who doubt the truth, who say I’m bitter or it’s sour grapes. But I know what happened, I was there, I saw it all, and the facts are there for those who want to research it out. They may be deeply hidden inside the court transcripts, but they are there.

    The whole reason the ‘Code of Silence’ works so well, is because when those of us who step forward and speak out, we are told we are disgrundled ex-employees, we have a vendetta, or what ever else you want to say.

    In reality, we just want the truth to be out there. Go ahead, call me names, poke fingers in my chest, what ever, but I stand by what I have said, and if you research the cases our, by getting the court documents, talking with the defense attorneys, you will find out that what I’ve said is true.

    I have kept my mouth shut, because I was afraid for so many years, afraid that Robert would smear my name, because he has the authority to speak out, the office which allows him to never be questioned, but you know what, I’m not scared any more, maybe that is why I’m trying to get the information out.

    I saw this case, did my own research, found out that Pruett called the media out to the scene. Told them what would make him look good. Sent something that he knew was not a body to the ME’s office so he wouldn’t look like a fool. Same thing he did before… so I had to speak out, sorry if you don’t believe me, but the truth will prevail.

  11. O.K. so now that you’re crossing the Blue Line provide me with your evidence. Or was this tiresome history lesson your way of saying there is no evidence to back up your claims?

  12. Rob,

    The evidence is in the court file documents. I was there during testimoney, I was there for the entire trial. I’ve given you the info you should need to go to court and look at the transcripts, I’ve also given you the name of Basso’s attorney who will be able to help fill in the blanks, he should also have the name of O’Malley’s attorney.

    I can tell you from sources within the Galena Park Police Department, there was no fetus found. This is a tragic story for the girl, but the police, primarily Pruett were too eager to get his name in the media as is his habit, that he spoke before the facts were there. I have yet to see evidence to support anything he has said except he dug up somones back yard.

    If there was a fetus, by now the ME’s office would have confirmed it as well.

    You believe his story without any facts except what he told you, but it hard for you to believe that the there is police misconduct.


  13. Rob,

    The evidence is in the court file documents. I was there during testimoney, I was there for the entire trial. I’ve given you the info you should need to go to court and look at the transcripts, I’ve also given you the name of Basso’s attorney who will be able to help fill in the blanks, he should also have the name of O’Malley’s attorney.

    I can tell you from sources within the Galena Park Police Department, there was no fetus found. This is a tragic story for the girl, but the police, primarily Pruett were too eager to get his name in the media as is his habit, that he spoke before the facts were there. I have yet to see evidence to support anything he has said except he dug up somones back yard.

    If there was a fetus, by now the ME’s office would have confirmed it as well.

    You believe his story without any facts except what he told you, but it hard for you to believe that the there is police misconduct.


  14. Um I would have to say Floyd, you are selfless person who left your family and you dont give a dam about anyone but yourself, and as in saying that you are just as bad as him

  15. Floyd
    A) Stop double posting.

    B) I don’t live in the same area as these supposed cases, I blog from home. Are you really telling me to go to some court house in Texas (hundreds of miles from where I live) and look up documents? Why don’t YOU do it and email me scans of them?

    C) How about we remember that this is a horrible case where a teen was made to “abort” her baby. You’re a bitter guy who dumped his family, I don’t care. But this also ain’t the place to bad mouth your family. Let’s stick to the plight of Perez Zamora, huh?

  16. This is indeed a horrible story. Pruett ran to the media with this story, after his rival was in the media for an unrelated story about a deputy who was shot. He ran to the media to keep his name out there.

    This is a sad story, horrible, but the fact is, the police have nothing. No body, a difficult to try case. Pruett put this girls plight out for everyone to read about, not me.

    This is indeed sad.

    I’m not bitter, and in no way did I dump my family.

    So like you said, let’s stick to this case. Call Pruett ask him where the body is, and what charges are going to be filed?

    Better police work would have been to find out the facts, get the evidence in line, make an arrest or file the case, not run to the media for publicity.

  17. Why don’t you call Pruett? What do I have to do to convince you I’m not interested in any of this unless YOU, not Pruett, can provide some documentation?

    Or why don’t you just start an anti-Pruett blog on blogger or something?

  18. My name is Sharon Sanon, I am Floyd’s ex-wife. I want to clairfy something that Jen posted. Floyd was the one who petitioned the court for a divorce.. Jen makes it sound like Floyd abandonned us, he did not. He loves his children, and was a good father and husband.

  19. Well “Sharon ” that’s nice. You do know he emailed me your phone number, right? And that shows some pretty bad decision making skills, since you have no way of knowing if I’m a serial killer or not?

  20. Sir, I do not know you, but I do know my ex-husband. As far as his bad decision making skills, he should have spoke up sooner about Robert Pruett. As far as my phone number, if he gave you any number it would be my cell, so it would be impossible for you to obtain my home address, since it is unlisted. And let me clarify this, are you threatening me? Because, when we divorced, I kept the gun, and know how to use it if you are a serial killer..

  21. Don’t be foolish “Sharon” I’m saying that your ex-husband gives out his ex-wifes phone number to random people he doesn’t know on the Internet. If you are the “real Sharon” you’d probably be disturbed by this.

    It certainly doesn’t prove him to be a good father and (ex)-husband.

    Let me be clear. Floyd Sanson was told to stop emailing me. He threatened me with a lawsuit and I am willing to go to the courts if he wants. I am also, despite your “defense”of him going to report him to the authorities if he and his sock puppets, oh sorry I mean friendly ex-wives, don’t move on and find some other way to entertain themselves.

    Read the above story. It isn’t about Pruett, Sanson or you, it’s about a DEAD BABY. It shows what kind of degenerates you all are that a post about this poor child is being used for Floyd Sanson’s psychodrama.

  22. Sir, I was disturbed, and I have already spoke with Floyd, instructing him not to give out my number again. But it is equally alarming that someone, who calls themselves, Jen, who is not part of my family nor Floyd’s, makes such outlandish statements.

    I find you to be Ignorant and injudicious.

    Tragic story.worst that people like you who know little about the investigators and do not live in this area, post the story. Both the teenage and her child deserved better. I just wish someone would be able to be punished for this attack on the saintity of life.

  23. This is a sad and heart breaking case.

    But you called me out, asked for evidence, and I have sent you evidence, but you have chosen not to respond to it, instead you have dismissed it and ridiculed the credible evidence and people who want to do what is right, and those of us who stand up for what the constitution guarantees. I am critical of you and others who revel in the muck of your prejudice and degeneracy under the guise of free speech. Your blog is really not very interesting, matter of fact it is boring and lacks class. You know so little, but act like you know a lot. Arrogant and ignorant are your words that best describe you, well let me throw in stupid as well. Your hysterics in this matter are unseemly, unmanly and I’m sure par for the course with you. Your not a real man, you have no credentials other than a web page, where you blog. Unlike you, I actually served my country in the U.S. Army receiving decorations for my service protecting people like you; I served my community, my state and country as a decorated police officer, Just so you know, I have had a chance to read your many blogs, not just on your web site, but others, and I have a question are the Drones and dead-heads like you just stupid, arrogant, naïve or what? The arrogant and intolerant few who think they are above all the other people seem to be people like you, who are not only arrogant but stupid. and in this instance. … pretty arrogant and remarkably stupid about the issue and the investigator. But perhaps you are not arrogant or stupid, but rather evil. I heard it once said, and perhaps Rob you should take this advice to heart “If you are going to be stupid, be quiet. If you are going to be arrogant, be right. Being arrogant AND stupid is ridiculous”

    So with that I bid you farewell selfish and ignorant (root word means ignore, because you ignore the facts) ridiculous one, perhaps you are neither only evil, like the terrorist who hide behind their religion, you hide behind your blog, spouting words, but having never done anything for this country or your fellow man, you are indeed a flea, not leech, which feeds off the blood of us who have served our country and our fellow man.

  24. I have no idea who you are Sammie, but I never worked for the Bexar County Sheriff’s Department, and in no way threatened a judge. I worked for a more professional department and prestigious department at the time, San Antonio Police Department from 1986-1994. For someone who doesn’t know me or have any of the facts straight, your sure have blow a lot of hot air. I left SAPD in 1994, to try to salvage a marriage which should have ended a long time ago, because of issues I will not go into, and it wasn’t because of me. Second, Galena Park is a good old boy system, where corruption runs deep and wide. When I left Galena Park, I was given a severance package, insurance for 3 months, pay for a month, and pay for my PTO, vacation days and sick days, which was unprecedented for an officer who had not completed his probationary period. I wonder why? Perhpas the City Attorney didn’t want any further action. I do not work for Alvin or Brazoria County, matter of fact, after serving as a decorated serviceman and police officer combined for 20 yrs, I decided to do something which was more worthy of my time, I’m a nurse,a nd have been for the last 8 yrs. So perhaps you oughtto get your info corrrect, because it’s obvious you don’t know what yuou are talking about. I’ll be amazed if Rob leaves this post up, because he doesn’t like what I say. I hope he does, but if not……..

  25. I know you and Sam Davis are the same person “Floyd” so knock it off. Unless you want me to tell the Hospital your comments are being made from what you’re using their computers for.

  26. Rob,

    Sam and I are not the same person. If you want to ban me that is fine. But I ddin’t respond since Aug 23, until I saw Sam’s comments which were not factual.

    Sorry for any inconvience I amy have caused you. Thank you for a place which allows people to express their opinions.



  27. No, I’m not the same guy as Floyd. I do know someone who is acquainted with Sanson’s past and what I said is accurate (DNK he is no longer with Alvin PD). He has some kind of bizarre fixation with Pruett. I talked to Robert and he said that Floyd was simply a bad hire by Galena Park.

    Basically I’m just trying to let Floyd Sanson know that I will be monitoring and responding to his wild and false claims.

  28. Monitor and respond, they are not wild and false claims.

    Back to the facts at hand regarding this particular case.

    Despite what Police Chief Pruett loudly and boldly told the media, there was no body found. A body is needed to determine the cause of death, so no charges of murder, abuse of the corpse, neglect can be filed in regards to the alleged forced abortion. Matter of fact, now 2 months after the allegations were made, no arrest is made, no indictment, and so far no case.

    Instead an over zealous police chief, calls the media, proports information which can not be verified all for his campaign publicity.

    The smart and wise thing to do would have been to not talk to the media, complete the investigation, forward to the DA’s office, and wait for an indictment or arrest warrant was issued.

    Tragic that media was called by the police chief, the teenager had to endure the public scrutiny of the media circus surouding this case. Tragic that a baby was killed, in a forced abortion. This situation stinks, and what’s worse, no one may ever be punished for this crime.

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