Justin TV: Providing Live Sex Shows for Pedophiles?

According to this piece in The Inquisitr, on July 16th at around 10:00pm that’s exactly what happened. Apparently a group of 13-year-old girls were “live-streaming” onto the web during what I assume was a slumber party of some kind when the 800+ degenerates who showed up to watch them began asking for them to disrobe. Unsurprisingly, the girls did, to the point of nudity. To their credit JustinTV banned the girls’ accounts as soon as they were alerted, but since screen shots and video grabs of those girls nude will circulate on the web eternally, this incident demonstrates how dangerous allowing your kids on the Internet can be.

I’ve blogged before about YouTube and their tolerance of borderline child porn, but with pre-made video uploads it is not unrealistic to demand that companies work to keep child exploitation off their sites. With live streaming there is no reasonable expectation that companies can stop people from trading child porn as long as unsupervised children are allowed to interact with adults online.

When I saw Trench Reynolds’ post on this, I went to the JustinTV site the next day to make sure that the reported incident wasn’t simply an aberration. Within seconds of going to the site at around 2:00pm I saw that one of the top watched streams was of what looked like two 12-year-olds. I won’t post their pictures, but I will post the comments I saw being sent to them:


These girls were at best 12. And this was 2:00 in the afternoon. I can only imagine what kind of people are on the site at night.

Parents need to learn that there is no reason for teens to have web cams, that video sites are pedophile magnets and that you cannot allow your children to be on the Internet alone. Most of all, your 13-year-old doesn’t need to live stream on the web, period.  A decade from now those little girls will realize that when some child raping pervert is caught with pictures of children undressed on his hard drive some were pictures of them. When some pervert couldn’t find a victim, he masturbated to the fantasy of molesting them. These children have no idea just how many pedophiles are even now using those shots to arouse themselves, or how many are looking for the girls in the shots themselves.  JustinTV was in no position to protect them from that, only their parents were so it’s time for parents to wake up.

125 thoughts on “Justin TV: Providing Live Sex Shows for Pedophiles?

  1. http://www.justin.tv/nerdsandmonsters 15 year old girl on cam with a channel full of pedofiles chatting adult content to her..I tried to talk sence to her but guess efforts of logic dont matter when kids need attention so badly thier will ing to cam wh0re out thierselves to who ever will watch

  2. http://www.justin.tv/natalieandrew123/b/264585447 9 year old girl on cam..and http://www.justin.tv/francesca34 two 10 & 11 year old girls…YET..jtv dosnt do a thing when many pedofiles in channel asking to see this and that..and asking where they live and other personal info..this site has truely gotten out of control and should just be shut down and all that work there sent to prison for contributing to children being used by pedofiles for thier own sick needs ..there is no hope for this site

  3. http://www.justin.tv/kajallovesw adult film on JTV daily..theres usually about 2 or 3 channels showing porn off and on all day long..I cant believe jtv staff cant handle this problem…they say jtv is for 13+ year olds..but should those same minors be exposed to this porn?..I’m an advocate of actual porn sites..for adults only..but jtv is exposing chilldren to it..this can lead to serious developemnet issues in thier lives

  4. http://www.justin.tv/safi_anna total cam whore for JTV..Anna Williams..this pathetic 37 year old wish she coulda been dances around and teases for all the young peeps that she can get…its rediculous..she trys to play half op[hra winfrey/srip girl/radio DJ..lol..its truely hilarious and digusting same time…shes showed boobs many times in the past but is so called “protected” by jtv staff and admins..its lame cuz the woman has a hubby and kids and yet strips for kids on jtv for attention…what ever happen to reporting for “sexually se3guestive”?..does that not matter?..JTV is week in the extream for this

  5. THESE LITTLE GIRLS EVEN GAVE OUT THIER PHONE NUMBER ON CAM..OMG HOW STUPID CAN THEY BE? funny that blondie is hiding now to avoid the channel from being banned cuz shes under 13..but the archive videos show her plenty for jtv staff or admins to check..lmao

  6. heard justin tv is for sale..so now thier is no monitoring of the channels..nothing seems to be getting done at all now http://www.justin.tv/61emre61 man jerking off on cam ..ban asap this guy is still on his channel..and no admin or staff member showed up even though many of us on channel reported him

  7. http://www.justin.tv/skypergurl12# little 12 and 11 year old on cam with a room full of pedophiles..they all ready have the girl showing bra for them and she dosnt have a clue how thier playing into the pedos chat..also just showed her belly button to the sickos

  8. lol..I reported the channel..yet I get banned by jtv for talking anywhere for 24 hours…and probabbly get banned from jtv for the 8th time…now how is that right?

  9. yep..as I figured..I try to help by reporting that channel and I got banned for the 8th time by justin tv staff or admins…wow…how retarded is that?

  10. http://www.justin.tv/girls_peektimestudio yet as we speak heres the true cam whore that is pimped out by her man to other pay sites for private camming…shes busy acting it up for all the kids and men alike on justin tv right now..lol..shes been banned several times for getting naked on cam …yet her she is..right back at it….but Im banned for just reporting a channel to help protect some kids?…its official..jtv staff and admins have zero morals…all that matters is filling thier sick needs

  11. http://www.justin.tv/1312haleykay/videos shes banned now..but heres her video archive…just amazes me I would get banned from jtv when all I did was report this kind of channel…whats justin tv staff or admins excuse for my ban this time?..what TOS did I violate?..I only reported…I just dont get it…why wouldnt staff want someone to report this sort of underage filth on thier site?

  12. why?..I dont see any point to even careing anymore..jtv dosnt appreciate me trying to help..and I just get punished for it…I have a ton of friends on that site I love chatting with while watching movies…and everytime Im banned I have to try and relocate them to readd them to my friends list…Ive had it…thanx for your help and support Rob..but Im done trying to help …btw..always ask befor emailing me..I was pretty upset when I got your email befor and thing is I didnt have a clue who you were at the time..lol..I value my privacy big time

  13. Alright. I was going to suggest that rather than putting these channels here were only you and 50 other people a day see them you A) send them to The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children so they can start an investigation B) write a post detailing your experience that I’d put on my crime blog.

    I was also going to ask you refrain from putting actual child porn on my site, but thought I would do that in private. Please send the screencaps you posted here (of the young kid with his pants down) to the proper authorities and not to me.

  14. reason I was posting here though is cuz I been banned 9 times now on jtv..and it seem the staff and or admins seem to check this now cuz they know I post here…this was a last resort to try and get channels banned and help protect the kids being pedo’d…but no probs..thier on thier own now as far as my help…its on the parants now and jtv staff and admins..anything happens its thier fault…buhbye

  15. which TOS rule did I violate?..I havnt chatted anywhere…havnt reported anything on jtv…my profile pic isnt indesent…so whats your reason?…this is by far your worst ban of me because you have absolutely NO evidence of me doing anything wrong…I think its time to notify my team of lawyers in los angeles…and trust me..they are far better than any of yours in san fran..lol…you finally fucked up sooo bad I got you jtv punks by the balls…thank you

    From: Justin.tv
    Sent: Sat, June 12, 2010 7:33:14 PM
    Subject: Your Justin.tv account has been suspended

    Your account shauna__1981 on Justin.tv has been suspended for violating the Terms of Service.

    If you feel that this is in error, please contact the Justin.tv staff: http://www.justin.tv/contact
    You can read about the Justin.tv terms of service here: http://www.justin.tv/user/terms_of_service

    heres the dealio peeps…I made a new acct on jtv…from the time I made it..I was banned from talking in any channel…I also couldnt report any channel or user on jtv….so how did I violate any TOS of justin tv?..I didnt..period…on twitter I sent a message to jtv letting them know of a channel of 2 little girls casting again that had been banned befor for cam whoring for adult men…nothing negative said to jtv…just let them know it was happening ..and I wasnt on jtv when I sent the message…so whats thier reason for banning me on jtv?…just this…THEY CANT STAND THE FUCKING TRUTH…I’ve had it with these losers..and Im going to rake them over the coals…lets not forget about the admin that hacked my account in the first place to start all this…I still have allllll the info on that..and will gladly go to court with my kick ass lawyer team to smash these bitches for all the hardship theyve caused me…your DONE Justin TV…DONE

  16. Hey Rob…I jes wanted to let ya know one more thing…thatphoto link of the guy nude?..thats not child ponography..the guy that posted that of himself IS of age..I deffy wouldnt ever post anything illegal..anyways..take care..I’m out….will leave all with a link to justin tv staff and admins caught on film NOT doing thier jobs…enjoy..lmao…yea..Ima BRAT 😛 http://nobrain.dk

  17. http://www.justin.tv/kel_ the annoying aussie bitch…talking about how she likes facials..telling all the young boys on her channel about sucking cock..and THIS is one of justin TV’s top channels they protect..LMAO

  18. Oh, he looked young. Never the less no nude pics. I don’t mind posting links to people who are on JTV but no pictures of the people from other websites.

    Have you considered joining Perverted Justice? You spend so much time doing this if you linked up with them maybe you could do so good. Red Alerts switched from being a crime and politics blog to merging with my survivalist blog a while ago, so while you’re getting a few people here seeing the updates (mostly at this point, judging from the ips, people I know to be pedophiles who are using your posts as a guide to JTV) you’re hitting the wrong audience.

    Do you have a blog? Your research is excellent, if you started a crime blog I’m betting you could get a lot more accomplished. You’re always welcome here, but you seem pretty passionate about this and I’d like to help you out.

  19. Hi shauna our paths have crossed a few times on jtv but like u I have now been IP blocked from using jtv for reporting channels and trying to clean up the filth on jtv. After days of asking why I was banned they finally told me it is becauuse I was banned from 18 channels in the last month and they claim that I am a perv. I called them liars and told them if they were actually looking at the chat logs.they claim to have they would see all I do is ask to become mod so I can ban the perverts, which as u know that gets the pervs really mad when they see that so they proceed to spam the broadcaster to ban me until the broadcaster finally does. Also of those 18 accounts once I saw the broadcaster break TOS I reported them and they are all banned now. So what difference does it make that I was banned from there chats?

  20. my only advie to not getting banned on a channel is this….NEVER chat..just watch and then report when needed…also open viewer list and when a admin or staff member gets there…LEAVE..cuz you may be thrown into the pedo bans by being there..other than that?..IDK

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