Just Doing the Jobs Americans Won’t: House of Horrors Edition

An immigration hold has been put on a couple accused of horrendous abuse of a young boy which led to his death by hypothermia. Abelina Zalazar abused her son for years it is supposed, culminating in a horrifying torture session where the boy, Uriel, was alternately forced to exercise and made to stand under an ice cold shower until he died alone in the stall of heart failure. The woman didn’t call 911 until two hours after discovering his body. Her boyfriend, Jorge Vilchez, is accused of allowing the child to be abused:

Kenosha — A woman and her boyfriend were charged Tuesday in connection with the death of the woman’s 8-year-old son over the weekend.

Abelina Zalazar, 25, is accused of forcing her son, Uriel Zalazar, to run around their apartment and then stand in a cold shower Saturday morning as punishment for hitting his younger brother, according to a criminal complaint filed Tuesday by Kenosha County Deputy District Attorney Michael D. Graveley.

Taking a cold shower immediately after vigorous exercise induced heart failure in Uriel, who was found unconscious in the bathtub by his mother and died of hypothermia, according to the complaint.

Police officers who examined Uriel’s body observed signs of abuse, including bruises to the forehead, chest and upper arms and marks from a cord or similar strap, according to the complaint.

Abelina Zalazar first called her boyfriend, Jorge L. Vilchiz, to tell him that Uriel was unresponsive at 11:25 a.m. Saturday, but no one called 911 until nearly two hours later, according to the complaint.

Abelina Zalazar was charged with first-degree reckless homicide and physical abuse of a child. Vilchiz, 33, who lived with Zalazar and told police that he had seen Zalazar abuse Uriel in the past, was charged with failure to act to prevent bodily harm to a child. Both were being held on $100,000 cash bail.

Nice couple. WTMJ is reporting that authorities think they’re illegal. Dreamin’ Demon is reporting that a hold was placed on the couple and has a picture of the evil cow who murdered this innocent boy.

The sad part of this is that nothing would have saved this boy, unless Jorge had cowboyed up and went to authorities to get the kid placed in foster care. He would have faced deportation but it would have been the right thing to do, instead he watched this child suffer while dating a murdering psychopath. He should be less worried about being deported to South America and more worried that after death he gets deported to Hell.

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