Hypocrisy Thy Name Is Spitzer


Eliot Spitzer is hard on crime, especially prostitution rings apparently.

The man who once floated the idea of an Internet Tax and has an 80% disapproval rating among his constituents has shed the last vestige of his law and order credibility when it came to light that he patronized a high end prostitution ring.

Spitzer was until now more infamous for his failed attempt to provide driver’s licenses to illegal aliens, a transparent ploy to empower the Democratic party.

Now he’s reportedly about to resign his position for indulging in the same behavior that he prosecuted as Attorney General. It was once said he was a modern day untouchable, a man of such moral strength that he could never be corrupted. Like all such claims they were overstated and didn’t factor in Spitzer’s megalomania and narcissism.

A scandal ridden fascist, Spitzer’s exit from politics will bring New York state one step closer to normalcy and hopefully further away from the criminal enterprise Democrats have turned N.Y. politic into.