With predictable results of course. The worst part about this story is the history the judge has with filthy pervert Jeffery Biddle. Read this and weep for the children of New Mexico:
A judge allowed a 28-year-old man on probation for failing to register as a sex offender to live with his 4-year-old cousin, and now the man is accused of raping the girl before the judge gave the OK for him to live there.
Jeffery Biddle, 28, is charged with four counts of rape. Capt. Arturo Baeza of the Luna County Sheriff’s Department said Biddle admitted to raping the girl on four different occasions between 2008 and 2009.
Investigators said he told them he was sorry and wants to apologize to the girl when she gets older.
In 2004, Biddle was sentenced to a year and a half in prison for molesting a 3-year-old boy. He was supposed to register as a sex offender when he was released, but never did. The prosecutor in that case was Daniel Viramontes.
In October, Viramontes, now a judge at Luna County District Court, sentenced Biddle for probation for failing to register, then gave him permission to live at his uncle’s house where the girl lives.
The judge claims family members promised to keep Biddle away from children in the house, but clearly they either turned a blind eye to his depravity or facilitated it. That doesn’t matter since only a moron would believe that the people who helped raise a child-raping degenerate could protect children from him. Biddle has lucked out running into Daniel Viramontes for his cases. He was basically given permission to keep raping children in New Mexico.
The New Mexico Judicial Standards Commission has a complaint form you can fill out. I suggest readers make them aware of the nationwide disgust the outrageous actions of Judge Daniel Viramontes has generated.
Rob Taylor,
What!!? What is wrong with that Judge? Did he actually believe that family members would be able to keep him away from the child? Why isn’t there more of an out cry?
Disgusting. Sadly, it’s not that unusual for judges to fail children where sexual abuse is concerned.
Thanks for posting that link. Of course I’ll be filling that form out, too.
Daniel Viramontes is a dishonorable piece of garbage
The voters need to get his worthless butt out of office
It is a shame that the other District Court Judges have not taken
steps to remove him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am organizing a campaign to force the resignation of or recall the corrupt and incompetent 6th District Judge Daniel Viramontes. Apparently he did not learn a single lesson from his malicious release of pedophile Jeffrey Biddle back to a home with a 4yr old boy who Biddle then raped, an act which will destroy the life of that child (Google the story/video). Or his next lesson recently taught to him by the NM Supreme Court which publicly reprimanded/humiliated him for not responding to a petition filed OVER ONE YEAR AGO for action on assembling a grand jury by Deming hero and resident Gordon Mast. Then on 7/29/10 Judge Viramontes released a known-witnessed pedophile, elder exploiter and courtroom perjurer, yes I have the recording and witnesses, back into the life of my frail, elderly mom with Alzheimer’s. My mom has made repeated explicit formal statements to Deming physicians, nurses, police, lawyers, the Guardian Ad Litem personally appointed against my wishes by VIramontes – his close buddy David Gorman, and you know what, my mom told EVERYONE that she DOES NOT WANT TO BE WITH OR RELEASED TO HER SISTER PAMELA PALMER IN NM, THAT SHE WANTS TO BE WITH AND RELEASED TO HER SON, ME. Based upon all law including NM probate law, the Judge is to honor the desires and wishes of the “ward” or protected person, my mom, in the least disruptive and restrictive way based on her most recent explicit wishes. Hes, Judge Viramontes IGNORERED THE COURTROOM TESTOMONY OF THE CITY”S ONLY LICENSED PSYCHIATRIST WHO TESTIFIED THAT IT WOULD BE IN MY MOMS BEST INTEREST TO BE RELEASED TO ME HER SON! Well, after all this and lots of other witnesses/evidence was presented in open court or through legal affidavits or reports, what did Judge Viramontes do after he asked for it and hand selected its messengers to make sure he got the answer that would best suit the case of my crazy aunt and her lawyer, Viramontes old buddy – convicted criminal Charles Kretek: HE IGNORED IT ALL AND THE LAW AND PRECEDENT AND HIS LEGAL DUTIES AND HE RULED AGAINST MY MOMS AND MY AND HER EXHUSBANDS AND THE DR’S WISHES – HE RULED FOR MY MOM TO BE RELEASED BACK TO HER PEDOPHILE ELDER ABUSER-EXPLOITER SISTER WHO MY MOM HAS TOLD VARIOUS PEOPLE WHO RECORDED HER STATEMENTS AS SAYING IS ‘AN ABUSER, EVIL, PSYCHO, SELFISH, A SOCIOPATH”, ALLOWING THIS MONSTER TO LIVE WITH MY MOM, FEED AND CARE FOR HER AND HANDLE HER FINANCIAL AFFAIRS. AND I HAVE A COLLEGE DEGREE, NO CRIMINAL RECORD AND I OWN MY OWN HOME!!!!!! PEOPLE THIS IS CALLED JUDICIAL B-I-A-S-, ABUSE OF POWER, ABUSE OF DISCRETION, VIOLATION OF DUE PROCESS. JUDGE VIRAMONTES MUST BE LEGALLY REMOVED FROM OFFICE ASAP – BEFORE HE HARMS, INJURS OR DESTROYS THE LIFE OF ONE ADDITIONAL PERSON, HELPLESS CHILD, OR ELDERLY WOMAN!!! If this story brings outrage to your heart and soul as it does ours, YOU CAN HELP MAKE A DIFFERENCE – our website will be up soon: http://WWW.RECALLJUDGEVIRAMONTES.COM.
When a judge “fails” this many times he needs to be removed. Judge Daniel Viramontes needs to be removed as soon as possible.
Seems that the Headlight should be investigating this and running some stories on the connections between the cases and interests of lawyer Charles Kretek and Judge Viramontes. Expose the corrupt and the criminals!