Filthy Pervert Claims 12 Year Old Girl He Impregnated Raped Him

There is absolutely no end to the perifdity of sexual predators. Those that victimize children to fulfill their base sexual desires take sadistic pleasure in maligning the innocents who they abuse. In a recent case a man who repeatedly raped a 12 year old girl has had the audacity to claim the girl forced herself on him! From

The 12-year-old girl told deputies the man entered her bedroom as she slept and had sex with her, threatening her not to tell anyone. When the girl’s mother took her to a doctor, she learned her daughter was five months pregnant and reported him.

But the Immokalee man gave a different story: The girl was flirtatious toward him as he watched TV at her home, unzipped his pants and then straddled him as he tried not to become too aroused.

Oh, yeah that sounds probable. A 12 year old girl straddles a grown man while he struggles in vain to not become aroused. As if a child climbing on you is so arousing.

Right, she straddled him you see so he couldn’t get up or push her away. This monster’s story is basically that he was raped by a 12 year old. He’s claiming he’s the victim!

On Tuesday, faced with evidence the baby is his, 23-year-old Antonio “Tony” Alvarez Maldonado pleaded no contest to lewd and lascivious battery, lewd and lascivious molestation, and carrying a concealed weapon.

I guess after his ordeal he didn’t feel safe.

Before he’s released, Tetler will be evaluated to determine whether he falls under the Jimmy Ryce Act. If he does, he’d have a civil hearing to decide whether he’s at risk of re-offending and should be put in a hospital for sex offender treatment before being freed.

On the weapons charge, the judge sentenced him to time served in the county jail since his arrest on Nov. 1, 2006.


Sheriff’s reports say investigators questioned Alvarez the day the mother reported him and he admitted having sex with the girl in May or June of that year. But he blamed the girl for coming onto him as they watched the movie “Team America: World Police” on the living room couch.

He was 21 at the time.

Disgusting. He raped that girl, threatened her with violence and then has the gall to humiliate the child by claiming she’s some sort of sex fiend.

Child rapists constantly try to convince others that their victims are in some way responsible for the sadistic perversion that drives the pedophile. They never admit that this is a sadomasochistic power fetish, that they victimize children not because they “love children” but because they hate people and wish to victimize them. Children are the easiest victims and that is why these cretin attack them.

This man not only raped this little girl but his last contemptuous act is to try to impugn her character. He reminds me a lot of Robert Lindsay, who after heavily editing some very temperate criticism I left in the comment section of his pedophillic anti-semitic blog revealed this little gem of a story:

At the same time, when I was 20 (a few months earlier) I had made a little girl friend at a school where I was a custodian. I think she was in 6th grade. She used to follow me around on my rounds and tell me about her life and that of her Mom. Nowadays a 20 year old guy can’t even talk to a 12 yr old girl, God forbid actually make friends with her and hang around with her.

I never really thought about it too much. She was Hispanic, good looking, and pretty darn smart. That summer I was jogging in the park and I saw her there jogging too. She was now 12. She was some kind of star athlete runner for her age, competing in contests. She started talking about sex: “I’ve been thinking about sex a lot lately.” Me: “Um, ok.” Her: “Yes, I’ve been thinking about trying it.” Me: “Uh, ok.” Her, smiles: “I think I’d like to try it with YOU.” Me: “Uh, well, I don’t think that is going to work.”

I had to admit that I did give it some thought though, and still do…

Damn. I mean, just Damn.

3 thoughts on “Filthy Pervert Claims 12 Year Old Girl He Impregnated Raped Him

  1. Just… wow…
    Who the hell in their right mind would believe that a 12 year old little girl could rape a 21 year old adult “man”???

    He must have been feeling pretty desperate at the time to try that one out. Really. Sick freak.

    And that guy who posted that story… I hope he has found his way onto FBI watch lists.

    You know, sometimes I think I catch glimpses into the thought processes of these sick bastards, but I just can’t wrap my mind around adults actually being attracted to children. Stories like this make me feel sick.

  2. What a dirtbag! Don’t these guys remember ever being kids themselves at one time. Most of the men and on occassion, women who commit unspeakable sexual acts upon children are sociopaths. For those of you lesser inclined folk, well, it simply means,”DOESN’T FEEL FOR OTHERS.” The ones who do feel the ever so slight, barely distinguishable concience, well…those, according to statistics show an alarming rate of drugs and/or alcohol abuse during the predator’s attack. I was reading the stats on Sex offenders who enter the country via our borders today.This one study taken from 1999-2007 shows that most of the sex offenders are Mexican immigrants. Less than 2% of which didn’t have a sex offense or similar charge on their record prior to crossing into the United States. Crime nationwide is on the rise. There is most definitely a connection between Child porn and sex offenders as well as several thousand Sex Offender’s failure to register their home address, phone number and place of work with the State. This leaves a multitude of unaccounted child predators, lurking in our neighborhoods, working in local stores, living with neighbors closebye our homes, teaching in our schools and alas many of which are occupied as common day laborers.It takes a village to raise a child. In this case, it will take a nation to protect one too.

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