English Elites Finally Realize British Civilization is Crumbling

The high profile death of up-and-coming actor Robert Knox forced the British media to admit that England is in fact a much more violent country than America. The grandmother of the murdered actor sums up the problem in England best:

Any idiot can have a baby but bringing them up well is tough,’ she said.

‘It’s hard work for parents. It’s 24 hours a day, seven days a week. There is no rest. You have to put your life on hold.

‘But the trouble is, people today want an easy life. There are babies being born to people-who are children themselves.

‘These parents challenge the teachers, challenge the police. It’s always someone else’s responsibility.’


Mrs Knox added: ‘Society in Britain today is spiralling out of control. Knife crime is not an innercity-problem, it’s everywhere. It’s a problem for all of us, all of society.

‘We must start tackling this issue head on now to prevent anyone else suffering like my family and I.

People need to be taught respect. It shouldn’t be up to schools to instill respect. It must start with the parents at home before that.

She’s right of course, but how do you teach personal responsibility to generation upon generation of people who were born into a society where it is considered a human right for the government (with the money they take from taxpayers) to care for them like a second set of parents? In many cases the government is the primary parent for households, providing for the needs of several generations of emotionally stunted ne’er-do-wells who’ve never had to work a day in their life.

In a country that eschews assimilation to such a degree that they in essence allow Muslims to keep child sex slaves, where they allow Muslims to wrest control of the streets from the police, how do you make a serious case for demanding those parents teach their children to respect English law?

You don’t. It’s all over for England and all that’s left for her is a decades long slide into anarchy and ultimately revolution. If demographics is destiny as Mark Steyn argues, than the coming revolution in England will be an Islamic one.

Perhaps sensing the English decent into barbarism TimesOnline analyst Richard Ford penned this hopeful piece trying to spur the society years of politically correct buffoonery and Fabian Socialism has destroyed into some sort of action. Typical of the modern Brit, he starts out by minimizing the problem:

Hardly a day passed over the Bank Holiday without a violent incident involving young people. No wonder there is concern about youth crime. Five key pieces of legislation and an estimated £2.9 billion have been spent on trying to curb youth crime.

It is worth remembering that it is only a small number who are involved in serious crime. And the clustering of many fatal knife attacks in London has fuelled disproportionate media coverage.

Alf Hitchcock, deputy assistant commissioner of the Metropolitan Police, said: “Statistically, knife crime remains a rare event. However, there are two trends that have been observed over the last few years: the severity of injuries has become more serious, and the age of offenders and victims has decreased from mid-teens to early twenties, to early to mid-teens.”

They go on to report figures that contradict their “rare event” hypothesis:

There has also been been an overall surge in offences of violence against the person committed by 10 to 17 year-olds. While overall offending by youngsters has remained broadly stable since 2002, out of about 300,000 offences committed by young people, 56,200 were violent attacks on others – up from 40,000 four years ago.

As others have pointed out to the author in the comments, his own statistics would put violent knife attacks by 10-17 year-olds at around 154 a day. One every 9 minutes or so. And that is only reported attacks by 10-17 year-olds. The crime rate would be dramatically higher if you included all age groups and were able to figure out a way to determine a rough estimate for how many attacks go unreported.

It also doesn’t include stomping deaths, like poor Sophie Lancaster.

With that in mind, his appeal to his countrymen is almost laughable:

Overcoming violent youth crime will require more than simply places in youth jails. It will require intervention with families and schools because often these youngsters have never been given boundaries, never been taught how to behave and have never had a role model to explain things to them. The work does not fit in with the politicans’ usual timeframe of the next general election, but everyone working in youth justice recognises there is no quick fix

If only parents would teach their children personal responsibility, respect for law and the difference between right and wrong.

Of course then those parents wouldn’t be English would they? They’d be Republicans.

Just who does Ford think are raising these thugs? Just what sort of boundaries does English society foster? Those parents had their chance, as did the rest of the English who allowed a glad-handing nanny state to disarm them, criminalize self-defense and then let liberal crime policies produce criminals who fear nothing.

Now there is an uproar by the very people who helped make modern Britain what it is today. Now academics, a leftist media and all the people who were happy to promote neo-Marxist values as a replacement for traditional British culture want to turn back the clock and make a generation of people raised in a state of permanent semi-revolution put down their arms and accept their proper place.

It isn’t going to happen. England is awash in blood and soon the rivers of it will become an ocean. There is no going back for England, they must now deal with their new reality and the reality is that criminals literally rule the streets.