Degenerate Truther German Talis Speaks

The soulless monster who attacked a girl in a wheelchair has a video being posted by other degenerates where he tells a rambling, paranoid story in which he claims to have been attacked by the father of his victim, and the victim was being used as a weapon! He also claims this is a set up orchestrated by the Secret Service in conjunction with the victims family and the NYPD.

You know, because he’s such an important person he’s on “their” radar. That German Talis of WeAreChange is this close to blowing the illuminati/mason/Busco conspiracy wide open.
Watch and be disgusted:


Outrageous! And what’s worse his story contradicts the video they themselves put up, which I posted in my earlier report:


You’ll notice when the brawl breaks out (Around 2:40) none of the things he claims to have happened has happened. There’s no room for the father to push his daughter into “Gary” as they’re all huddled together. His story is a LIE.

Ironic that a “truther’ is scrambling to cover up his own crimes. It’d be funny if he wasn’t a dangerous psychopath who will attack another woman again, let’s hope the next time he gets more than a penny-ante 3rd degree Assault beef.

Update: One of the brave We Are Change scumbags posted the Lovetro’s personal information on a Digg comment. The family has already had to disconnect their phone as deviant truthers have been threatening them. Screw Loose Change has more as well as video of another We Are Change scumbags fighting other truthers at Ground Zero. Seems like they aren’t a peaceful group after all.


The funny part of all this is that the most damning evidence against truthers is so often provided by them. Do they think we’re stupid or are they crazy. I’m going for a little of both.

29 thoughts on “Degenerate Truther German Talis Speaks

  1. Gary Talis is a hero. He doesn’t need to explain his righteous acts to the likes of the Secret Service (aka the Secret Strikeforce) but he do it anyway because he s=is a real american, an american like you all have never seen and will never see the more you all bury your heads in the earth to blot out the truth he brings down to us. 9+11 was ORCHESTATED by George Bush and his wife and family in conjunction with the Clintons, the media elite, the oil barons, banker barons, and barons of government. Well, maybe we are NOT OK any more???????????????

  2. Gary Talis is a horrible and wicked coward – I have known the girl in the story my entire life and I am outraged that anyone would attack or assault her.

  3. no GARY TALIS committed nothing but heroic acts. He is a HERO and what it is really mean o be the AMERICAN. This is the beginning of the truth coming out from under the woodwork and it is ABSOLUTE CERTAINLY that the girl and her family are in a secret operation with a represetnative of the Secret Service (aka Secret Strikeforce) to undermine the campaign for truth, justice, and awareness patriotically lead by the heroes and heroins of WE ARE CHANGE. We now have evidence including at least several documents that confirm the conspiracy between this fakely planted family and the Secret Service operatives to lie and capture the leaders of the WE ARE CHANGE patriots.

  4. it’s true, gary talis is the very definition of an authentic american hero. you can not get to be a better force for america and for the truth of the clinton-bush alliance to mastermind the 9/11 attack in order to bring public support for an invasion of the middle east (and in particular iraq) for oil!!!

    god bless gary talis

    god damn this slummy white bitch and her family who are acting out to put the leaders of the truth campaign out of office.

  5. As if you’re not a “White bitch” yourself Paul. You and Gary both are bitches who think it’s just fine to hit women, and one in a wheel chair to boot, and then make up outrageous and moronic stories about why you did it.

    The video YOU people posted contradicts the story you’re telling. And if the father attacked this scumbag why don’t you show the video of it? There were at least two cameras filming for We Are Change, the video makes that clear, so where’s the rest of the footage?

    Why not just admit that you people LIKE assaulting people, especially women? Why make up this fairy tale of a conspiracy against a person no one has ever heard of until he freaked out and hit a disabled girl in a wheelchair?

    And if this was a conspiracy by this virtual synagogue of Satan whose members were scared you were on to them why make you more visible? Why wouldn’t they just have killed you? No one would know the difference, and according to your crackpottery they’ve already killed like a couple of million people. So why are about a dozen New Yorkers immune to a conspiracy that encompasses tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of politicians, businessmen, scientists etc?

    Let me tell you the truth right now. You and “Gary” and all these shiftless potheads are living out your X-Files fantasy because it’s all you have in those sad, pathetic lives of yours. You truthers are no different from the losers who play live action Vampire: The Masquerade except for the fact that those people can remain productive, civilized and independent.

    How many of you live with your parents? How many have a string of bad relationships behind you? How many have rap sheets a mile long?

    And how is putting money in Alex Jones’ pocket and hanging around other losers changing any of that?

    You’re small people who can only feel better about yourself when you’ve got huge drama in your lives, and the internet hokum you babble on about is just that-drama. If you die tomorrow, is this really what you’ve wanted to leave behind? A comment on a blog not only defending the idea that there’s an acceptable excuse for hitting a woman but calling a woman with Cerebral Palsy a slummy White bitch? Really?

    I grew up in the 70s so maybe I’m a little different than you guys, who I can only hope are kids, but I was raised to respect women, to be kind to the disabled and comport myself like a man. None of you are apparently even capable of pretending to be men, and it’s sad.

    Have fun dying alone Paul and Canales. Have fun explaining to this god you hope is blessing the degenerate you so love how it’s acceptable to attack this ill young woman, how humiliating her and slandering her good name will end in some sort of reward in the next life. My bet, it’s not going to be a comfortable conversation.

    I say that the gods should be blessing Maureen, the girl attacked by one of your role-playing thugs, and a curse on German Talis. May he never kwno happiness or peace until he makes amends with his victim.

  6. Correction. I guess Paul and Canales won’t be dying alone since they post from the same I.P. Seeing the raw fact laid out on my WordPress dahsboard that these two miscreants were in fact one sad lonely cretin makes this whole exchange even sadder.

    You really do suck Paul/Canales/loser with a crush on German. Nice way to spend a Friday nght.

  7. this is to let everyone know that rob taylor who posted above is an operative of the bush administration’s secret strikeforce against their opposition and against the opposition of the oil/media/business conglomerate leaders. the proof is in the puddle and it is here too: as you can see, rob taylor (authentically employed apologist of the bush administration) is fighting on a front against we are change and our organized blogosphere defense team members. it is a covert battle and rob taylor is a commanding officer of the bush administration’s enemy alliance. and we can see this by his own admission: he is able to reveal facts about the location (though their covert tactics are not yet developed to the technological capacity to determine the identities of the heroes allied against their villainous regime, such that rob taylor (which may not even be his real identity) does not realize he was indeed in opposition to a team of our heroes who are in the same location.

    as to his taunts and diatribe intended to obscure the issue from the light to which our heroes work to expose it, he should be aware that we are of many ages, raised at many times, and many of us are happily married (including myself). but we are not so foolish to believe that the tyranny of his employers would not rain down upon our patriotic party and so are children are being raised elsewhere, safely, and away from the violent forces of evil within their conspiracy of government, news, and business war mongers of terror.

  8. I can CONFIRM the words of Paul, as he said to the readers. We have seen evidences FROM HIS OWN WORDS that Rob Taylor is part of the enemy. DO NOT BELIEVE his evil spew. GARY TALIS IS A HERO and he has struck a big blow on the enemies of TRUTH.

  9. it is true, as i said, and i can wholeheartedly confirm the words of canales beyond a shadow of a doubt now.

    do you know gary talis?

    here is what you do not know: gary talis became an american in order to fight for what is right for all americans. today, only white americans prosper. this is about truth and justice. you should hear gary speak to the masses when they gather to listen to his great words. gary talis was targeted for his leadership within the truth alliance and was unjustly arrested. spending the evening in the cells of the new york police (a noted enemy of truth). he escaped his confines by way of having to give money (the life blood of the bush-clinton military and media horde). now, he can speak again! and he will tell the new york post and the other media organizations did the dirty work of smearing his good name. beware these enemy of americans.

    and each of us has our own story. i have my own story. we are a force for justice and truth.

  10. Your still posting from the same I.P. address. Do you get that I know you’re the same person?

    You’re also clearly high. You’re the ones deflecting attention from the real issues, like your defense of a man who hit a woman.

    You’re crap about German Talis being a freedom fighter and “only Whites prospering” in this country is typical, childish White kid nonsense. I’m half Black, I come from an all Black family and plenty of us have prospered and continue to do so. Your assumptions that we haven’t underscore your own racism and paternalism.

    I wasn’t even going to reply to the above, but I won’t have this sort of racism unchallenged here. Black people don’t need some White bitch, who hit a girl in a wheel chair, to “help” them. Black people aren’t children in need of the guidance and protection of a bunch of unemployed, semi-literate armchair revolutionaries who couldn’t be bothered to step out of their fantasy lives to at the very least apologize to he disabled woman assualted by their friend.

    If anything it is you Paul/canales/Gary (?) who could take a lesson from the 75% Black Americans worked hard and entered the middle class, who own their own homes and cars and take responsibility for their own lives. Maybe following their example German Talis could have conducted himself like a man, and not a wild animal in the streets.

    And I defy you to publish this “evidence” of me being a super secret agent. Or is the evidence th fact that I called you out on your bullshit and like spoiled children you can’t handle criticism?

  11. rob taylor has demonstrated he is an enemy of truth and justice. all the readers need to do is open their eyes to the truth he tries to obscure as an operative of bill and hillary clinton and george bush’s secret strikeforce for the heart and minds of internet savvy people.

    he continues in his false attacks on this heroic alliance.

    gary talis became an american to lead us out of the dark.

    i came to america in 1977 and have fought for over 30 years against the enemy of the people of america to show the light of the way. do not be fooled by rob taylor’s false weys. look at his racism and attacks!!!

    rob taylor is a racist. striking out at those who do not subscribe to the hegemony of historical white totalitarianism.

  12. Don’t you all understand? Today you vote for Hillary Clinton, who is a part of the same regime who created the 9/11 terror in order to goad us into the Great Oil War. And John McCain is Bush again. He is is in the employ of Bush’s father from Texas (Arizona is next to Texas). Thank you Gary Talis for exposing the truth hidden behind the fake cripple and Laura and Jenna Bush indoctrinating kids against truth.

  13. Can you at least capitalize my name moron?

    You, some crazed White guy (who I’m becoming more and more convinced is German Talis) are the racist. You’re neo-colonialist attitude that a White man will come here and lead Blacks out of the darkness is textbook racism.

    But back to the main point. Your own videos contradict your story, explain why.

    You claim I’m an agent of the government, explain how you came to this conclusion

    You claim Talis is some sort of truther messiah. Why should we think this is anything but crazy nonsense?

    You say you came here in 77. Are you Talis? And if not who are you and why should we believe you’ve done anything you claim?

    Isn’t it hypocritical for a representative of an all white group to accuse a Bi-racial man who says Blacks are equal to Whites and don’t need there “help” of standing up for White totalitarianism?

  14. Paul/Calanes/Gary and now Teresa. Knock of the sock puppet crap or I’ll ban you.

    From now on one poster per I.P. and email. It’s childish to post the smae nonsense under different names just to make it look like multiple people support you.

  15. don’t be an idiot. it is multiple people just at the same location.

    also this is not a “white group” we are against the totalitarian authority of the white masses. we have no white members and only a handful of multiracial members who are white.

    stop trying to change the subject.

    your position is inexcusable.

    gary talis is a hero of the cause of truth and justice forever.

  16. You are a “White group” because you’re all … White. I’ve seen your group picture at We Are Change. I”VE SEEN YOUR GROUP PICTURE AT YOUR SITE. What race is German Talis? What race is the woman who was at the rally with him?

    By the gods can you ever stop lying?

    How is my position that men shouldn’t beat up girls, inexcusable?

    And are you really going to claim multiple people are posting from the same computer? The Glen Greenwald defense? Really?

    You tell me what part of my position is inexcusable? The fact that the video your cohorts posted contradicts your lies or the fact that it is outrageous to hit a girl in a wheel chair?

    Or is this about me confronting you with the truth about yourself and the elaborate role-playing that constitutes your so-called life? Is that why I’m a “spy” and worse? Is it just that you can’t bear to look at your life as it is?

    Hmmm. It’s like you live in a complete fantasy world. German Talis is a hero, I’m a spy, and you’re not White etc. Is your life really so bad that you can’t accept it without the bad theater?

  17. this shows how little you know. gary talis is from egypt and is not fucking white. i came to the usa from jamaica more than 30 years ago. i’m not fucking white. i can think of people in we are change who are hispanic, black, middle eastern, and mixed racial and not many who are just fucking white (like 4). but even they aren’t typical whites lording over the spirit of the people and denying the truth of our revolution continually.

    maybe you are an apologist for some fucking white people.

    for the last time gary talis is a hero. he’s a hero. he can’t be denied being a hero.

  18. and asian. shelly an is asian. what are you? can you honestly say you are not an apologist for some fucking white people?

  19. Bullshit. Why aren’t all these people in the picture then? All the people are White in every picture and interview involving We Are Change.

    Egyptian Arabs are Indo-European, you know like all Arabs. Indo-European as in White. Where are all these Asians and Jamaicans? Why aren’t they allowed on video?

    As I said before I’m from an all Black family. And real Blacks, you know people who were dragged here as slaves in the 1700s and not some Islander who came here in the 70s. By the way if America sucks so bad why don’t you leave?

    I will publish the We Are Change photos and video tomorrow and we’ll see how multi ethnic they look. As for being an apologist your story is that you’re a proud “Black” man singing the praises of some Arab dude named German as if you have a crush on him. You’re the apologist running around telling people you’re going to sue and getting involved in sock puppetry.

    You’re the one carrying water for a some kid in the most unseemly way. You are making excuses for German Talis. Who is White. And never once answering my charge that the videos your friends produce as evidence of a conspiracy don’t support their half assery.

    And I’ll assume you’ll just be ignoring my call for you to prove I’m part of a conspiracy. The fact that I disagree with you is proof enough I guess.

    If you hate Whites so much though, why not leave a country full of them? Is it because you’re really some White guy pretending to be a minority on the Internet because you’re full of self-loathing? Is it because you yourself are so racist that you think being “Black” gives you some sort of cache?

    If you were really Jamaican you’d know Black folks, especially from my generation and back, aren’t big on comparisons between the African Americans and random Black guys from other countries. The African American culture is unique and cannot be lumped in with Afro-Carrib “culture” and more over, we’re Americans. American culture is partly a product of the Black experience. Rock music, Blues, the foods you eat and the books you read are there because of Black Americans. Not Jamaicans, not Africans but Black folk.

    Hey, it’s funny once I called you out on being a sock puppeteer your friends stopped posting. Weird. Are they still with you there? Tell them I said hi.


    Tell me how beating up a girl is heroic again?

  20. Well, you both come off sounding like racists.

    As for “fucking white people” — grow up, jackass. You just arrived here from Jamaica and like ten seconds later you’re protesting the establishment. Many of those white people you are talking about and the actual American black people made this country, for better or for worse, together. America is a black and white country and whatever their differences, they are the ones who made America. Not Hispanics, Middle Easterners, Asians, or whoever else. They enjoy freedoms and right here because of what white and black Americans created here. They built this country. Did you? No, you and your ancestors were in Jamaica. And German/Gary/whoever was in Egypt.

    Americans brought Africans here in chains. It was a legacy they inherited from their forebears. But even from the beginning, Americans –white Americans– began to unravel the centuries old custom of enslaving Africans. And America led the way in a worldwide revolution that repudiated slavery for all times sake throughout the world. Many of today’s white Americans may be the descendants of slave owners but they are also the descendants of the same white people that crafted the international end to a millennium of black slavery.

    So German/Gary/whatever Talis is Egyptian. Good for him. Maybe the best thing would be for him to be deported back to Egypt. He should for beating on some defenseless girl. And hey, then he can enjoy the truth and freedom of life in Egypt, a country where you get killed for converting to something other than Islam, speaking out against the government or its leaders, or, say, beating up a handicapped girl.

    And no, Egyptians and Arabs are not Indo-European and not white. They’re Afro-Asiatic just like all Semitic people. They are related most closely to other Middle Eastern and North African people and then to East Africans like Ethiopians, Sudanese, Somalians, Kenyans and Tanzanians.

    And yeah, your ridiculous “We Are Change” group absolutely has white people in it, liar. The funny thing is, though, that just like you, many of the ones I have seen aren’t Americans either. They speak with German and Slavic accents, many of them where pro-Israel buttons rather than pro-American ones, and, just like you “Paul” they have neither an understanding of history nor an appreciation for the fact that the people they so virulently speak against hatefully are the children and grandchildren of the people that invented the concepts of truth, justice, and liberty in government and public life.

    “Paul” …and I believe Rob 100% that “Canales” and “Teresa” are the same person — you really are a moron, as are the people in your group.

    I would love for you to give a real answer to Rob’s question: How is beating up a girl heroic?

  21. The funniest part of all of this is that “We Are Change,” German/”Gary”/whoever, and “Paul”/”Teresa”/”Canales”/whoever actually think they are important enough that anyone even gives a turd that they exist. Yeah, the Secret Service has special operations to deal with reolutionary bigwigs like German Talis and “Paul” the Blog commentator…. woooo…. watch out!

  22. The funniest part of all of this is that “We Are Change,” German/”Gary”/whoever, and “Paul”/”Teresa”/”Canales”/whoever actually think they are important enough that anyone even gives a turd that they exist. Yeah, the Secret Service has special operations to deal with revolutionary bigwigs like German Talis and “Paul” the Blog commentator…. woooo…. watch out!

  23. What a coward. Can these losers stay away from a speech with the first lady and daughter about children and reading? No, they have to upset it with thier own retoric. But that wasn’t enough, have to beat a handicapped girl then cry when dad pummels him. Lucky he didn’t do that in this state, he’d be shot here. Not a jury around to convict after you beat my daughter.

    Saw Friday on their website that they had a whole 12 contributors for 3% of their goal. Now that is off the page with all their new found publicity. Way to go lefties on getting your name out their. Another bunch of loonatics.

  24. I have two people close to me, members of my family, who work for one of the government agencies mentioned in this article. I’ve talked to them many times about how “truthers” are thought of, and dealt with. Guess what. They are neither thought of, or dealt with at all. The Secret Service, and all the other federal law enforcement agencies who supposedly have these “truthers” on some hotlist of dissidents to be sent off to a Gulag, could care less about a bunch of dipshit losers who waste away their days talking about things that are way above their paygrade. Truthers, you need not worry about the evil black helicopters full of Cheney clones who are coming to send you to Gitmo. The truth is, they don’t care one iota about you or your “movement.”. They don’t care, because YOU don’t matter. You truthers should have just kept your mouth’s shut and just be thought of as idiots. But you had to go open your mouths and remove any doubt. You are insignificant, and no threat to anyone,except maybe each other. You are the biggest bunch of self-absorbed egotistical liars, losers, and swindlers I’ve ever had the displeasure of seeing.

  25. Since he was on tape hitting a girl in a wheel chair this is a (typical for New York) miscarriage of justice. I hope when the next woman Talis hits (likely you) goes to court she’ll get better treatment.

  26. He’s been acquitted. If he was on tape hitting a girl in a wheelchair he would have been found guilty. He’s not on tape, so there is no proof. How is that a miscarriage of justice? This is how to justice system works. When there is no evidence but witness testimony, then there is not enough evidence IMO.

  27. Matt and others are a group of people trolling various blogs about this issue. They apparently don’t understand that one can commit an act of violence and then be acquitted of criminal charges brought against them due to that act, but that acquittal doesn’t mean the act never happened. They must think the NYPD officers and Secret Service agent who testified that the incident happened are all liars.

  28. Of course they do Jason. But isn’t it interesting that the government that they accuse of being part of a vast conspiracy is being used by them to “prove” Talis is “innocent?”

    More interesting. Isn’t it funny how a kid with a case against him that belongs to an anti-government group suddenly beats the case and is back in the fold? Maybe they should check them for wires.

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